Glykhan help

HibblyHibbly Member Posts: 9
Going for 8.4 exploration and was wondering which champs I have are good for glykhan.
Also if I have a good counter to 8.4.1 Howard the duck.


  • AadhyVanAadhyVan Member Posts: 80
    Best counters for HTD are Shuri or Scorp
    For HTD counters:

    As for Glykhan, Mutant champs that have prowess (Storm, Storm X or Emma Frost etc.,)
    For Glykhan:
  • HibblyHibbly Member Posts: 9
    I don’t have any of them, I think for completion against glykhan I used kitty, apoc, hit monkey, herc and maybe cable synergy for apoc.
  • AadhyVanAadhyVan Member Posts: 80
    Hibbly said:

    I don’t have any of them, I think for completion against glykhan I used kitty, apoc, hit monkey, herc and maybe cable synergy for apoc.

    HTD can be cheesed with Ronan. Herc will not work for Glykhan. As for Kitty and Apoc, they'll be helpful in taking him down.
  • HibblyHibbly Member Posts: 9
    How will red guardian do on glykhan as he has big special damage?
  • Alex_Jr_JrAlex_Jr_Jr Member Posts: 10
    storm all the way with glykhan
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