Progression after act 5 completion

Hello there,
I have just completed act 5 and I'm not sure what should be my focus now as this my account has like 2 months in total(with one year break after act 3).
With what I have read act 6 is much stronger than 5 and requires specific counter's for each boss and I have limited numbers of 6*

Should I try to fight my way through 6.1 or gather some champs first by exploring act 5 and/or doing event quests?

Nefaria, enchantress, absorbing man are just hatched


  • LivingAfroLivingAfro Member Posts: 108
    I would say, don’t focus on exploring act 5 until you’ve done an initial completion of act 6, only then should you consider exploring it. However I would make sure you’ve fully explored act 1-3 and possibly even 4, as you get loads of units from the early acts which help significantly in act 6. Personally, after I completed act 5, I made sure I did the event quest every month on the highest possibly difficulty as a minimum, as well as participating in all the side quests, as you often get some helpful progression rewards. I pushed for cav pretty much as soon as I completed act 5, and I would say if you didn’t find act 5.4 too tricky, you should do at least 6.1.1 and see how it goes :D
  • LivingAfroLivingAfro Member Posts: 108
    Also, shocker is an absolute game changer, and CARRIED me through act 6, so I would definitely rank him up. Two sp1s and then throw your sp2 and heavy charge, and the majority of defenders, AND bosses are usually down. I’d definitely get him ranked up
  • WattoWatson97WattoWatson97 Member Posts: 11
    I dont have them but people love ABS and Serp, they seem to be highly rated so maybe practice with those and see if you like them as well as Kraven.

    I literally just finished and explored Act 5 today after 2 weeks of being uncollected, 6.1.1 was giving me grief but I feel it was mainly a skill issue. Exploring act 5 helped me practice but drained lots of energy refills today lol.

    I'm doing as above completeting event quests and as high incursions as I can to practice my skills and champs to see what and who I like.

    Ive got CMM as you do and I rate her, she's come in clutch a stack and she can delete health bars.
    Basically starting health pool is that of Ultron in Act 5.4.6 for opponents, generally 6s are the enemies.
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