7* skill class could use a boost. What skill champ do you want to see in 2025?

Mostly because I love the movie version, I want M’Baku in game. I know they have done the celebrity challenge thing in a while, but would be cool to get Winston Duke to participate. Dude is hilarious in-character. Wish the MCU would use him more like Wong and put him in other movies.
M'Baku would be nice
Blind Al (she aimlessly walks around while she has a 100% chance to evade, miss, autoblock all attacks) (when she fires her pistol it blatantly misses but somehow ricochets and instantly KOs the opponent)
US Agent
Stick (Daredevil)
Jigsaw (Billy Russo)
Or maybe a new version to coincide with the new series, but I think either the Classic or HK versions need sorting out first.
Failing that, a buffed Moon Knight.
Bros damage is falling off due to HP pool of r3 defenders just keep rising every single day.
A breath of fresh air it would be to once again belly bump fools and beat up Thing, Hulkling and Nick Fury without caring about their Goofy charges thing just by one single degen of sp1.
Just like to point out, here are the information provided during the time of voting.
Shang Chi - Was consider as the 3rd best Skill champ in the Skill class, there have been many video of him taken (cheesing) main End Game content boss.
Kate Bishop - a new champ, only 3 months in, who, yes, was rising in her popularity but with many players still have got her yet and was still in her window for rebalancing.
Here is the Rebalance up post in July.
Here is an imagine of Vega Tier in April 2023 (many consider as the most effective Tier list, including Kabam Crashed).
Here is a video of Vega in June (during the voting window) on the top 10 Skill champs.
So while the end result might not be what people want with hindsight, I actually believed that the community voted with sense and reasoning in the Skill.
Personal I voted for Quicksilver and Toad (even though I really like Colossus), and Blob (for the Community Champion). But I just come to accept the results as it is what it is.
You can continue commenting about Kate voting very chance you get, like those "has-been" Sport Jockey or move on, up to you.
You're only looking at this at face value. If the community did not vote for Shang chi, we'd get him as a 7* eventually.
Since the community did not vote for Kate, we never will
What you seem to conveniently ignore is my full post including all of the reasoning and understanding of WHY the community voted that way, people can only make decisions based on the information they have at the moment in time not hindsight. But of course it js because they are are not one of those thar have the amazing life skill (and luck to have a new champs early on) that can tell how amazing a digital mobile game characters will be right away right. They are just stupid, idiots, loser, right?
Yes, we wont get Kate as a 7* and yes that is a really shame, but to call the community "insane" because somehow they didn't vote for a champ that they have very little experience of or info for, does make you sound very high and mighty.
Anyway I get the feeling that it is pointless trying have any kind of mature, factual discusssion with you, so I will just move on and let you continue living with that lovely "run home" memory once upon a time.
One day you can sit down next to your love one and tell them
"Did I ever tell you that one time when I was so amazingly right, and this whole gaming community was wrong."
And everyone around will say, "yes you did like a million times."
Anywat hope you have a good day.
In a long fight the 6* would still out damage for that reason alone
And We will definitely get her one day, It may be the last batch or something, But she is not going to stay on the pool forever.