Glorious Guardian Reworks… who do you think is next?

Personal preference would’ve been Surfer and OG Ghostrider, but these are cool. Figure it’s 1 per class, so my predictions:
Skill: BPCW (the prince that was promised lol)
Science: Sentry (wishful thinking)
Tech: Green Goblin
Mutant: Psylocke
Sentry needs a full overhaul imo, If Tech is not sentinel I'll be very mad.
Hela to be actually doing ungodly amount of damage and being flashy
With Loki having 10+ spells but also good on attack from start.
Why Asgardians are discarded so much
Captain America is so forgotten that he gave up.
Just a joke, cyke fans don't come after me.
I know others need it but this thread low-key turned into a "WHO DO YOU WANT TO GET BUFFED" instead of a "WHO DO YOU THINK IS GETTING BUFFED" so I'm just complying
Skill: Gwenpool
Science: SpiderGwen
Tech: Mysterio
Mutant: Rogue
Rogue buff would be amazing tho.
• Science: MODOK. One of my favorite Marvel characters, I’d like to see him meta again given he does jack currently. I’ll gladly take the sentry buff we were teased so long ago though instead.
• Mutant: Jubilee would be cool. She’s in that same category as Purgatory where she’s usable I guess and technically even has unique niches but is just completely forgettable regardless. You could make her good without a full overhaul.
• Skill: Night Thrasher. I tried so hard to like that guy when he released but he’s just mid, and continues to be so. He’s in that same category of having an interesting framework they can work on rather than having to rebuild everything from scratch. Cmon let me whack a guy with a skateboard for 40k crits, it would be funny.