Should some masteries (like unphased) be regulated to only attack in BGs?

Dr. CrabDr. Crab Member Posts: 674 ★★★
I ask because as you go higher in BG it’s pretty brutal to loose over completely random rng rolls outside of what a character can naturally do.

Should some masteries (like unphased) be regulated to only attack in BGs? 11 votes

Nope, adds a good layer of stress.
GrytcheVernDose_Responsiveqm44willrun4adonutDeadTedpoolSuper_Cretu90Kingering_KingAttish 9 votes
Yes, it makes the matches more skill based.
Dr. CrabN0_name 2 votes


  • victor158victor158 Member Posts: 171 ★★
    "should DEFENSIVE masteries people specifically put in their deck to trip people up on DEFENSE be removed because they tripped me up on DEFENSE" no they shouldnt
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