Mojo Boss Counter - Thronebreaker Event Quest Nov 2024

So, I may not understand the interaction but this feels like another **** move by KABAM. I've quit out several times because I refuse to use resources.I don't seem to have the required counter(s)........ Suggestions please?
You can parry his special 2 beams as well, I just found special 1 easier.
Going to try Bishop, Sunspot and Storm next
This was pure button mashing and I played him stun immune (parry stuns seem wonky in 60fps), and ate an sp3 here and there, but Dust (7r3 sig 40 anyways) covers up quite a bit of skill issue.
I suspect if I played by the node rules this would be prettier.
Add to this a really bad side quest and far this November is probably the least fun the game has ever been for me.