
Hi, i want to ask u champions, what champs should i bring for 6.1.6 Havoc and Sentinel? if u asking yourself why i am not cavalier yet, i was kinda lazy on story content hah.
thanks for any advice:)

thanks for any advice:)

For sentinal you want a champion with immunities or a champion that bypasses DOT, ghost works really well. Seeing as you don’t have her I recommend gully2099, as she is poison and bleed immune.
Lastly I recommend ranking up kitty pride, she’s a strong mutant champion and it looks like you are lacking in the mutant class, watch Mcoc noob for path and boss guides
definitely looking to level her up but i am kinda low on Gold right now. I am planing to rank up my CGR and Warlock to R3, then her.
Any good gold farming tactics?
I’m not sure if these would work for you. The only other way is story.