Prowler thoughts....

smy168smy168 Member Posts: 242 ★★
So I've been back and forth on R3ing Prowler, Unduped. I have a couple Techs at R3, OmegSen (unduped) and Shuri(duped), they have different kits so they work well, but I wanted to add another tech to the fold.

I have the basics...IronmanOG, LadyDeath, RSkull (all duped) and the unduped iDoom, Arcade, Ironheart...

But lately I've been using Prowler, probably not the way I should be using him, but he's a ton of fun and his kit is unique from other techs.

Curious about "thoughts", anyone very pro or very con, I have a tech gem now from Odin and he's in basic pool soon enough to dupe.

Comments well appreciated, enjoy your CyberWk all.


  • Honorable_BluJayHonorable_BluJay Member Posts: 11

    I recently came to the same crossroads and frankly I've been enjoying playing him enough that I decided to r3 him with a gem as well. I have absolutely 0 ragrets. His damage improved immensely from r2 and I really enjoy his utility. His falter mechanic is fun to use and you can get some solid damage out of his rupture passives when you pair it with his Incinerate from heavy. All in all, he's not the best tech champ out there, but he covers a lot of interesting matchups and I find myself using him more and more because like you said, he's just fun to use.
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    I r3d mine unduped, have since awakened him, probably my favorite champ to play so far this year (don't have anyone newer then Bill and Enchantress). His synergy with Punk is really good, and he has some pretty funny call outs. Great Domino counter, decent Bullseye counter.
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,319 ★★★★
    In my experience he's still solid unduped, you just lose out on some flexibility in his rotation and more damage on the sp2
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,198 ★★★★★
    He's definitely useful, and good enough for r3; as long as you've got a Sentinel relic for him. The Incinerate Pause makes an incredible difference to his damage.
  • smy168smy168 Member Posts: 242 ★★
    Thanks all, I'm r3ing him now.
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