Vox dupe. Really hapoy with it. He might be now useful for 10 year challenge
I tried using mine for the Carina Challenge on the Omega Sentinel, but the sad truth is that the undermine still triggers the incinerate on the autoblock (she doesn't actually autoblock, but the incinerate still gets applied when you hit her). Even true strike cannot bypass this (had taken my Gamora as well).
Vox dupe. Really hapoy with it. He might be now useful for 10 year challenge
I tried using mine for the Carina Challenge on the Omega Sentinel, but the sad truth is that the undermine still triggers the incinerate on the autoblock (she doesn't actually autoblock, but the incinerate still gets applied when you hit her). Even true strike cannot bypass this (had taken my Gamora as well).
Yes Ik but the incenerates themselves don't deal much damage tbh, and willpower will heal some of the damage back. And the fight is about managing her armors.
Although I'm going to use vox mainly for psychoguy and sam.
After that I got g99 dupe and ihulk dupe
Pulled Idoom from a titan, and 20 more sigs on OG Iron man from my basic.
2025 is cooked
Sunspot won between spunk + some random champ sigs
Pulled him during the banquet and now awakened
There are a lot of 7* that I haven’t got. But 3 dupes in a 7* nexus basic, that’s hard to swallow.
Although I'm going to use vox mainly for psychoguy and sam.
Little bit of carina’s on New Year’s Day, why not.