Looking ahead, champions that won't return

What are some champions you think will be 7 stars towards the tail end of the 7 star life cycle or won't return as 7 stars at all?
I'm thinking Galan, but I haven't played with him THAT much to be certain. And obvio He who shall not be named (Hercules)
Doing this to help decide who to rank/ascend
I'm thinking Galan, but I haven't played with him THAT much to be certain. And obvio He who shall not be named (Hercules)
Doing this to help decide who to rank/ascend
Kate Bishop
Just basically take any 6 star that can still nuke things and that’s your list.
He's already borderline unusable in bgs
Kate (we cud have had her tho...)
Prolly Doom
Obv quake and magik
Maybe nick? but he cud get a 7*.
Isn't both champions very similar?
Need unblockable sp2 with healing in battlegrounds LOL
With power gain meta, it would be so fun