Medium intercepts are extremely unreliable in latest update

From this month’s patch notes: “Fixed an issue where attackers were sometimes ‘losing’ intercepts between their Medium Attacks and the Defender’s on 60fps”.
Apparently the fix was to make sure that medium intercepts always lose instead of sometimes because I have been losing a lot of intercepts that would have been clean hits in any other version of the game. Medium intercepts have always been a bit dodgy since 60 FPS dropped, but for me it was sort of a “I’ll still go for it in competitive modes, it’ll probably work”. With this update I’ve lost so many intercepts already that I’m feeling like I simply cannot risk it at all anymore. Haven’t been too plugged in to the forums since the new update dropped but surely I’m not the only one experiencing this and I just missed the threads talking about this right?
Apparently the fix was to make sure that medium intercepts always lose instead of sometimes because I have been losing a lot of intercepts that would have been clean hits in any other version of the game. Medium intercepts have always been a bit dodgy since 60 FPS dropped, but for me it was sort of a “I’ll still go for it in competitive modes, it’ll probably work”. With this update I’ve lost so many intercepts already that I’m feeling like I simply cannot risk it at all anymore. Haven’t been too plugged in to the forums since the new update dropped but surely I’m not the only one experiencing this and I just missed the threads talking about this right?
Even my scrolling around the game lags…like game store, or heroes…it just doesn’t register my finger swipes anymore.
Glad to know I’m not imagining the problem though, I haven’t been feeling great the last few days so I was genuinely kinda wondering if I was just out of it and playing poorly.
And as the only Doctor Octopus profile i know here, see if you can post some tips here
Diablo has no problems with parry but archangel has plenty of problems with parry
Hercules has problems with intercepting
Not every champion experience the same buggy outcome
Some champions seem totally fine, perhaps their combat animations has a part to do with the buggy outcome