Fishy base hero rating.

So I recently just brought my 6* domino to r3 max level and she just barely passed the 12k hero rating. Ik for a fact domino is a strong champ and that got me wondering why her base rating is so low since my r3 Mr.F in my old account goes all the way till 15k so what's up with that?
Separate from that, PI is affected by design modifiers related to prestige. Prestige is a subjective modifier intended to make more famous, infamous, or otherwise noteworthy Marvel characters have higher PI values than normal. There’s no rule governing this, it just is. Back when prestige was the most critical element to top tier competitive play, the idea was to make sure different champs had different prestige to add an orthogonal element to champion roster chase. Top players and top spenders would be required to chase high prestige champs whether they were the most widely used champs or not, which was a way to give players something to chase that didn’t wildly unbalance the rest of the game.
These days, I suspect PI and prestige are set more for artistic reasons than anything else.