6* Valkyrie

DRagonKNIght27DRagonKNIght27 Member Posts: 52
Is 6* sig200 Valkyrie worth taking to r5 for act 7/8/9 content?

6* Valkyrie 38 votes

ccrider474AshyKnucklesFfm1899Rayven5220ArnavDeaconAozerFiiNCHFurrymoosenStupid91Giantwalrus56Valkyrie1994Ben_15455Nogood22JackTheSnackFrostGiantLordHighlander2ManbatnCheeter_999_Honorable_BluJay 31 votes
bhuv9191UsagicassidyAshuvinuForsaken15willrun4adonutMusangApiWEAPON_H 7 votes


  • Alone13Alone13 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    She can take so many paths in these acts and good for Bahamut boss and other bosses
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,989 ★★★★★
    I love playing with her, she’s so underrated
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 719 ★★★
    So many uses for her apart from the common stuff like thing and not worrying about unstoppable.

    Fant he can't glance if you have a pierce get 10 hits wait out his armour then hit him once boom pierce.

    Shocker autoblock your sp. Fantastic I don't have to work as hard to get that fat sp2 into block.

    Hazard Shift. Can't get the debuff on you if always hitting their block.

    Tip of the iceberg this stuff she is fantastic to have on the roster as 1 champ can counter alot when Brute force of say a hulk type champ just won't cut it.
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