Need help deciding which Champion to upgrade
Hi, I am a new player. I have been playing for a week or 2. I currently dont have a built mystic champion. I have a 5* Spiderman Supreme, a 4* Wiccan and a 4*Tigra. So I would like to know who I should build first. I am currently in Act 4. Any help is deeply apppreciated. Thanksπ
If you really really really need a mystic champ.
Go Wiccan, tigra is not easy to play, spider supreme is also not new player friendly.
I was thinking Spiderman since he is the only 5 star I have, and I am a long way from getting another.
Also I have tried all three of them and to me both wiccan and spidey are relative similar in ease of use. Tigra is too complicated for me. Thanks for the suggestion tho.
I appreciate all you guys' help.
I need to complete act 4 within 2 days as I will bw getting a champion whose tier is based on my story progression in daily login.
My opinion of Wiccan is pretty bad.
I was early tigra user and still use her at r5a. If a BG meta allows it, she will be in my deck.
I was a spider supreme user and took him R5a for that one nuke bg meta.
And I still told OP to upgrade Wiccan because he is the only one out of these three who can actually put in work in story and help with the target fights.
4* tigra is squishy
5* spider supreme is squishy too.
That's what I think though... Without knowing a players skill, that's all I can suggest.
Top suggestion is to not upgrade any of the three at those star tiers. But in emergency case, Wiccan is the only one who can help.
Until you have a strong 4* foundation dont rush towards 5* unless you are getting the right champions. In this case, you are missing a mystic and having a neutralize champ is one of the best options in a limited mystic roster becayse nullify and stagger immunity is getting much too common.
Wiccan is a great champ for utility and damage but his healthpool is atrocious. In act 4, you should be ok and will get a stronger champs for act 5.
Also to answer your question, Tigra hss one of the largest investment times to master in the entire game. I would put it at 6 months to understand the various animations of othet champs and to get timing right. She is worth the investment but not as a 5*. Wait for the 6 or 7 star to invest resources. You can start practicing from now though to see if you want to stick with it