What’s the ideal sig level for Prowler?

Or at least when does it start to make a real difference? I have 58 tech sig stones and 100 generic sig stones. My prowler is sig 20 at the moment. What sig level should I take him up to?
Sig 20: +677 Crit Rating when opponent Faltered
Sig 100: +900 Crit Rating
Sig 150: +1572 Crit Rating
Sig 200: +4050 Crit Rating
Realistically, Sig 20 is definitely better than Unawakened. But you'll see very little actual difference in the number of critical hits until you get over Sig 120-ish; and only a big difference once you're over Sig175.
The above assumes that you have a 7*r3 Prowler, running the Greater Precision Mastery at max; and you use the Crit Rating stat focus.
Good notes for sure. I would still argue banking 50 sigs into Prowler puts you on the road toward 200.
I still don’t track with why people want Guardian at sig 200. Bleed and energy resistance? Are they planning to get hit? Happy to learn more.
With Prowler, if you're definitely going for Sig 200, then sure: invest and build it up. Although if you don't have a good prospective source of 7* Sigs (like outstanding Carina's) then they might sit there not doing anything for you, for a while.
As for Guardian: Guardian's Sig is great for offensive purposes: boosting both his Block Proficiency and Energy Resistance makes an enormous difference when blocking Energy-based Special attacks.
It also means that (with Willpower), he becomes an effective option for a load of nodes that place Energy DoTs or Bleed on you (Hazard Shift, Rain of Fire, Biohazard) - as long as you play a bit slow and don't pick up multiple debuffs, Awakened Guardian can take on a multitude of those DoT-nodes or opponents.