Battleground Objectives Pop-ups...

HassamaMamaHassamaMama Member Posts: 340 ★★★
They gotta stop lol. Having to click Confirm 8 times is ridiculous. Please just remove the code that makes them pop up - leave it on the Objectives tab please.


  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 6,012 ★★★★★
    I thought it was just me.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,147 ★★★★★

    It's annoying. Bonus points for doing it while you are actually claiming them.

    After is even better
  • HassamaMamaHassamaMama Member Posts: 340 ★★★
    Like honestly the SoS objectives pop up once and are done - why is it specifically the BGs ones that continue to pop up repeatedly? QoL improvements include this too lol, either take away the pop up for all Objectives or fix the BGs ones
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 12,078 ★★★★★
    Please remove the notification in milestones tab which won't go until we click it.
  • HassamaMamaHassamaMama Member Posts: 340 ★★★
    Bringing this back up because it still is incredibly annoying. Just remove the pop ups please, we’ll get the notification of completing the objective and just claim the rewards from the Objectives tab. No need for the pop ups whatsoever, especially not after we’ve claimed the rewards in the Objectives tab already.
  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,307 ★★★★★
    I’ll say this gets addressed in 2026 lol… they’re not the fastest company to act on much
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