Buff Sentry!

So,sentry. The guy that has the power of 1,000,000 one million exploding suns,yet the same guy that can hold his own against world war hulk... is one of the trash champions. Are you kidding us kabam?How come a spider guy with a tech suit is more powerful than this guy!? Alright,i think we need to buff him. Or just completely rework him
Idea:Sentry should work like void. Void inflicts debuffs over time and with SP1.Sentry should be the same. Over time you get buffs(regen,fury,power gain...etc).When the maximum buffs are hit,all of them turn into an fear of the void type passive buff,but instead it turns into an passive buff effect,that includes all effects of the buffs that you used up to make this passive buff.
Damage over time debuffs applied to you get shrugged off,instead giving you half a special bar.
SP1:Like void,sp1 gives you an buff.
SP2:Armor break.
SP3:Applies the fear of void type passive buff to you.
Reality warps:After getting knocked out,you will get resurrected and regain 30%of your max health back
Signature should stay same.
When an passive debuff is applied to sentry,he reduces taken damage up to 80% based on stored power.
Synergy:Old Friends(Hulk(Ragnarok))
Sentry:All effects of buffs are doubled.
Hulk(Ragnarok):Hulk can choose his own buff that he may want.(Hulk can swipe back and block,a timer appears.After the timer is over,a grey fury (No effects) turns into an grey regen,After hulk or the opponent hits 20%,the chosen gray buff,either regen or fury,turns into an passive buff. E.G if hulk had his gray buff on gray regen,after the opponent hits 20% a passive regen buff on hulk will appear) (Hulk has to be duped for this synergy to activate)(In an starting fight with this synergy,the starting gray buff is fury)
When passive debuffs with no effect go on sentry,Sentry will pass the effect.(E.G,if sentry hits an passive heal block and he gets an regen buff on himself,the regen will still heal. Other debuffs that aren’t passive may be shrugged of sentry.)
Basically,im trying to get sentry past god tier. Because that is what he should be in the first place.
By the way,Any name ideas for the fear of the void type passive buff? Hope of the sentry?
Idea:Sentry should work like void. Void inflicts debuffs over time and with SP1.Sentry should be the same. Over time you get buffs(regen,fury,power gain...etc).When the maximum buffs are hit,all of them turn into an fear of the void type passive buff,but instead it turns into an passive buff effect,that includes all effects of the buffs that you used up to make this passive buff.
Damage over time debuffs applied to you get shrugged off,instead giving you half a special bar.
SP1:Like void,sp1 gives you an buff.
SP2:Armor break.
SP3:Applies the fear of void type passive buff to you.
Reality warps:After getting knocked out,you will get resurrected and regain 30%of your max health back
Signature should stay same.
When an passive debuff is applied to sentry,he reduces taken damage up to 80% based on stored power.
Synergy:Old Friends(Hulk(Ragnarok))
Sentry:All effects of buffs are doubled.
Hulk(Ragnarok):Hulk can choose his own buff that he may want.(Hulk can swipe back and block,a timer appears.After the timer is over,a grey fury (No effects) turns into an grey regen,After hulk or the opponent hits 20%,the chosen gray buff,either regen or fury,turns into an passive buff. E.G if hulk had his gray buff on gray regen,after the opponent hits 20% a passive regen buff on hulk will appear) (Hulk has to be duped for this synergy to activate)(In an starting fight with this synergy,the starting gray buff is fury)
When passive debuffs with no effect go on sentry,Sentry will pass the effect.(E.G,if sentry hits an passive heal block and he gets an regen buff on himself,the regen will still heal. Other debuffs that aren’t passive may be shrugged of sentry.)
Basically,im trying to get sentry past god tier. Because that is what he should be in the first place.
By the way,Any name ideas for the fear of the void type passive buff? Hope of the sentry?
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