Delayed start time for AQ?

This may have been posted earlier. I perused the first page of posts and didn’t see it. Has there been any consideration concerning moving the start time of AQ to later in the day? I fully recognize that this is a global game with players all over the world, but US players seem at a disadvantage with AQ starting at 3pm Eastern, noon Pacific. I would assume that most people work until around 5pm. If start times were pushed back even 3-4 hrs, it may allow more players to finish their moves before the timer runs out. Of course, each alliance is free to delay the start for as long as they like, but this results in a short timer on day 5.
Once again, this is probably not the first time anyone has asked the question, but I am curious about what Kabam has to say about the idea.
Thanks for your consideration.
Once again, this is probably not the first time anyone has asked the question, but I am curious about what Kabam has to say about the idea.
Thanks for your consideration.
I think it would create issues since maintenance if generally 8 hours after start on Tuesdays.