On the new 5* crystal announcement

I'll start off by saying that I think this change is good for the community. The 5* featured hero system has been broken for a long time. So broken that you offered a featured only hero for 500$ and it sold like crazy. Mid and high level players are going to great lengths to acquire these heroes. I recognize that this will help the longevity of the game and that its part of your long term plans. Many players are very excited about this announcement.
Was nothing learned from the 12.0 rollout? Just 2 months ago, you rolled out changes that had the long term health of the game in mind. But those changes were too much too fast. You admitted it, you apologized, you tried to make it right. You told us you would seek community feedback before making another game changing announcement.
The recent announcement changes the landscape of the top tier in many ways more than the 12.0 changes. I doubt that this was tested. Quite the opposite, you capitalized on the current state of the featured system at the last possible moment. The 500$ sale was an irresponsible and nefarious way to deal with your best customers. I don't know what the average life of a mobile game is but I would venture to guess that MCoC has outlived the average. You should cherish your top players and not try to squeeze 500$ out of them at the last possible moment before changing a broken system. Also, this recent sale was obviously made with full knowledge of how today's announcement would change the landscape of the game.
To Kabam:
This change is good, but the way you capitalized in the previous system at the last moment is unconscionable. I'm asking for 3 things to compensate your best customers for this game breaking change that is coming
1. Anyone who bought the 500$ deal should be given compensated for the reduced value of their recent champions. 20000 5* shards. And 2 5* rank down tickets.
2. Anyone who completed lol 100% should receive another 5* awakening gem. Many of these gems were used on the classic ultron, and knowing that the movie ultron would soon be available. 2 5* rank down tickets should also be given should these players choose to rank down their classic ultron.
3. Anyone who recently opened a 5* featured crystal and received a basic champion should be compensated for pulling the basic hero. This could be a staggered system. For example crystals opened in May should recience 5000 shards back, April 4000, March 3000, and so on.
The players most affected by this change have been playing for 2 years or more. We have spent real life money and countless hours for the featured crystals. 15000 shards are not easy to earn, but we played by your rules and within the broken system that was in place at the time.
To the Players:
I'm not asking you to organize and I'm not going to throw out the "b" word. But if you are unhappy with this deal, then let kabam know. Post in the forums, update your review on your appropriate App Store, send in a support ticket, and vote with your wallet. Change only happens when you speak up, and there are many outlets that you can go to for your voice to be heard.
-your friendly mutamatt
Was nothing learned from the 12.0 rollout? Just 2 months ago, you rolled out changes that had the long term health of the game in mind. But those changes were too much too fast. You admitted it, you apologized, you tried to make it right. You told us you would seek community feedback before making another game changing announcement.
The recent announcement changes the landscape of the top tier in many ways more than the 12.0 changes. I doubt that this was tested. Quite the opposite, you capitalized on the current state of the featured system at the last possible moment. The 500$ sale was an irresponsible and nefarious way to deal with your best customers. I don't know what the average life of a mobile game is but I would venture to guess that MCoC has outlived the average. You should cherish your top players and not try to squeeze 500$ out of them at the last possible moment before changing a broken system. Also, this recent sale was obviously made with full knowledge of how today's announcement would change the landscape of the game.
To Kabam:
This change is good, but the way you capitalized in the previous system at the last moment is unconscionable. I'm asking for 3 things to compensate your best customers for this game breaking change that is coming
1. Anyone who bought the 500$ deal should be given compensated for the reduced value of their recent champions. 20000 5* shards. And 2 5* rank down tickets.
2. Anyone who completed lol 100% should receive another 5* awakening gem. Many of these gems were used on the classic ultron, and knowing that the movie ultron would soon be available. 2 5* rank down tickets should also be given should these players choose to rank down their classic ultron.
3. Anyone who recently opened a 5* featured crystal and received a basic champion should be compensated for pulling the basic hero. This could be a staggered system. For example crystals opened in May should recience 5000 shards back, April 4000, March 3000, and so on.
The players most affected by this change have been playing for 2 years or more. We have spent real life money and countless hours for the featured crystals. 15000 shards are not easy to earn, but we played by your rules and within the broken system that was in place at the time.
To the Players:
I'm not asking you to organize and I'm not going to throw out the "b" word. But if you are unhappy with this deal, then let kabam know. Post in the forums, update your review on your appropriate App Store, send in a support ticket, and vote with your wallet. Change only happens when you speak up, and there are many outlets that you can go to for your voice to be heard.
-your friendly mutamatt
This discussion has been closed.
The fact that AOU Ultron will be released for general consumption shortly is no reason to give them anything for compensation.
Comic Ultron is an excellent champ and better in may ways than AOU Ultron.
Dr. Zola
Kabam, you MUST realize that this makes top players skeptical of ANY good deal to come. Why purchase if the assets are devalued the following week?
Further to this I dropped 30k shards on Gwenpool and got basics so I'm salty and would love 8k shards back
1. First off, no one forced anyone to buy the $500 deal, and additionally history should've taught people to be skeptical of deals such as that one (i.e. the Dr. Strange deal right before he was nerfed - different scenario but the value of the purchase was definitely altered after the fact). Also, If Kabam were originally to offer that deal with the whopping extra 20,000 shards many more people may have bought it that didn't; giving those shards out after the fact would be extremely unfair to those who didn't see the value in just that crystal, but may have seen value with those shards added.
2. No one forced anyone to use the awakening gem on Ultron, I know many who didn't because they didn't see his utility as game changing and worthy of awakening. Better features existed prior to this update, just as they do after. Patience and planning ahead would have fixed that issue. And to top it off, what about all the people who complete LoL post announcement? How is it fair that those who did it before would receive two awakening gems? Additionally, no one forced anyone to rank Ultron, if rank down tickets were to be sent out, they should be provided to everyone not just those people. Bringing back feature champions that everyone thought would never be available again is a game changer.
3. Anyone who recently opened a basic 5* crystal shouldn't be provided extra shards. This would be completely unfair to those who save shards. No one forced them to open a crystal and it is no secret additional 5* champions would be added at some point.
I see where you're coming from with these ideas and understand the frustration, but I think if some sort of compensation or rank down ticket is provided it should be to every single player, not a very specific group.
This is the cycle of the game though.
You must realise that when new champs are released that old ones are devalued. Either in usability or prestige.
You chose to push for LOL finish assuming Kabam would 'never'?? change their model of 5* release...thats on you not Kabam
Have to agree with this sentiment. They're going to add new Champs to the Crystals. Changes with the 5* Crystals are long-overdue. When Champs are added to the Crystals, they can't compensate everyone who worked for them when they weren't as available.
Part of your sentiment I agree with, but there is also a point where I lose support for the community for being "fooled again." This is that point.
Did people not learn from 12.0, from glitches still not being fixed, from the Doctor Strange sale just before the butchered him?
I'm not trying to insult you, or any of those who bought the 5-star featured. That is a person's decision. But at some point people have to take accountability for their actions and accept that it's buyer beware.
I had just talked with people only a few days ago, explaining that at some point they would have to start adding more 5-stars to the 5-star crystal, where they would have to go beyond those that were 4-stars before 5-stars were added. It just would be required for the life of the game to continue.
With all of the complaints by members of the community over issues and lacking effort from the company, why would that same community then give Kabam $500, or be at all surprised when later they would begin to offer featured fighters in 5-stars crystals in the coming weeks?
I just cannot support this complaint when the practices of this company have repeatedly demonstrated that people should be much more discriminating with their money, and not complain when they're fooled twice or more. I agree that it's definitely wrong that they lured some people into spending for something that was coming soon to all, but how many times must people be tricked before they get the hint to not spend or accept any outcome of their purchase?
While good for the health of the game, as an individual player I feel and know I have been strongly 'negatively' affected. If I had been informed appropriately, my choices 100% would have been different than that of 3 days ago.
I hope Kabam will consider mutamatt's and my posts.
Thank you
Case 04334563
Kabam promised to be more transparent with things like this!! This would have been known months ago and yet they give us such a short notice and milk us for 5* champions that we thought would never be available again.
I was a sucker and bought the deal. I wouldn't have if I knew =(
2) LoL 100% completion I do believe there is room for improvements. One person in my alliance started his easiest path last week and completed it and was about to start his second run when he found out that the top 300 slots has been filled up and hence there wasn't anymore incentive for him to play for 100% so he decided against it. As far as LoL is concern, I believe that for each run completed regardless of what path you took, you should be given a set of 1 T4CC random crystal, a fixed amount of T2A shards and maybe 3-4 T4Bs. That is for each run. Then for the 100% completion from now on everyone will get the existing rewards plus either a Grandmaster or a Collector 4*. Those who have completed LoL prior to this new changes would be compensated with the resources they would otherwise have received plus the new 4* character. This would ensure end game players continue striving for LoL 100% completion and the event do not die a natural death. Other than this, I do not believe that anyone deserve any other forms of compensation.
3) Pardon me for being straightforward but you chose to spend your 15,000 shards knowing full well your odds and what kind of heroes could be pulled. I still have 8 4* crystals and nearly enough shards for 2 5* featured unopened. I chose to keep them and opened them when there are new heroes added to the existing pool. I watch in agony as my friends pulled Hyperions, Mordo, 5* Nebula, 5* Hood, etc but still its my choice to wait. Now just because I waited and got my lucky break you guys want to be compensated because you chose to open your crystals earlier and got nothing good? I'm sorry OP. If you guys get compensation I am gonna round up people in the same predicament also to demand Kabam to compensate us also. Makes sense to you?
Bottomline is there are always gonna be new changes to the heroes roster and since you've claim to have played the game for more than 2 years, you should be well aware of this. Back at the old forums I see threads after threads of people demanding for new heroes to be added to the 5* hero crystals. Now that that has been done and Kabam has actually revamp the featured crystals to make them better, you cry foul and demand compensation.
Sorry bro. I have nothing against you but you won't have my support on this. The good news is that I am just one guy and I wish you good luck in pursuing your case.
$500 american for one deal? That is a LOT of food in my fridge.
What have we NOT learned in this game? Pretty much everything if we still open our wallets. You have played how long? And still don't know that these scammy "deals" come immediately before a) a nerf b) a big release. Noone is forced to spend, I do however recommend any of you still blindly suckered into these outrageous "deals" to give your heads a shake. Every single time you spend anything, you are telling kabam/netmarble that it is completely acceptable to continue these actions, and as more content enters the game, trust me.. You think you have gameplay issues now? It's not going to get worse before it gets better, it's just going to continue to get worse. Blame yourselves for being stupid, don't blame kabam for taking advantage of it.
I bet all this spending makes you all relevant in the real world. "Hey baby I can't afford to take you out but check this out, my new sweet 5* kamala khan I paid $500 for. You don't care? What? Where are you going? Wanna exchange numbb.. Oh ok nevermind"
Nothing has to be ethical if you keep buying into the product, just point all fingers at yourselves when it's time to blame
Informed appropriately? The update goes live in 13 days. Did you want them to make this announcement 2 months ago? Doesn't work that way bud.
Thanks for you concern but you are mistaken. I'm not associated with that in any way at all. You should get your facts straight before running your mouth.
Isn't it offered through your service?
Not sure what you are talking about. I don't run any services. Other than the completely free prestige calculator that I support and update with countless hours of my personal time.
Usually they have given 2 months notice for new 5*s actually
I knew that. I got them confused. Sorry. I was just adding that whoever is responsible for the IB is still party to it by advertising it. Good work on the calculator. Thank you.
Nope, like I told the other guy, inform yourself before running your mouth.
You are misinformed. Not me at all