Account Sharing [Merged Threads]

In response to the most recent thing about account Sharing and saying you will be taking stricter actions, I've been talking to some of the top alliances. You do realize you will have to ban about half the people that play the game right? @Kabam Miike
I personally don't account share but I don't see anything wrong with it. Lots of people have a life and don't have time to sit in the game constantly or at the last minute in AW
I personally don't account share but I don't see anything wrong with it. Lots of people have a life and don't have time to sit in the game constantly or at the last minute in AW
Post edited by Kabam Vydious on
egregious = extraordinary in some bad way; glaring; flagrant
Hope this time this gets somehow fixed. This means ban a lot of alliances and players that are sharing accounts alkost every day, or even those players that are payed to complete ingame content
Obviously they can, it's their TOS. You can argue they shouldn't, but you can also argue that 5 star AGs should cost less than 6.8 million dust nonsense and get just as far with changing anyone's minds about the subject.
Multiple devices and multiple accounts are allowed. You just can't play on an account that doesn't belong to you
Alliance War is a competition. If you can't log in at the right time to make the best move in AW, then you might lose. Like it or not, that is part of the competition. When you decide to make up your own rules to suit your own situation in order to better compete, that's called "cheating" and the people who bear the cost of that cheating the most are the opponents willing to play by the rules and lose to the players that don't.
If you assume, as many do, that everyone pilots or account shares, then it is not unfair to do so because everyone is doing it. But everyone isn't doing it, and allowing it is unfair to those that don't. That's what's ultimately wrong with it.
Its all well and good, but if they start banning people that “pilot” and punish them, thats pretty much your entire player base, especially the high end alliances.
It will get to the stage where people can’t get online because they are at work or some kind of a family occasion and their officers can’t log in on their behalf. Then people will get get kicked from the alliances.
I have 2 accounts to my name under different email addresses, will this trigger them to ban me? I spend on both accounts, but if this is the case I will stick with the main.
This not good for the player base, it will crumble alliances. MCOC will loses players on a daily basis as it is. If they put as much effort into fixing the game as they do fighting piloting, maybe things would get better.
Risk/reward. You get a ticket for jaywalking too, but there you are.
You realize most of the f2p folk are entrenched deeply into the idea that you won’t touch your cashcows with a heavy hand, but will banhammer everyone else for the smallest offense.
Just a bit more transparency on the matter would be nice is all that’s meant to be understood as
Account Sharing is against our terms of service, and always has been. We understand that this might come as a shock to some players, but this is something that many players have been discussing since the beginning of Alliance Wars Season 1, if not long before. It is not fair to allow some players to break the Terms of Service, while others that are playing legitimately are at a disadvantage.
You are allowed to have more than one account, and as long as you are playing your own accounts, you do not have to worry. If you're not breaking the Terms of Service here, you shouldn't be worried.
Yes, but what I'm saying is how can they tell the difference between having multiple devices and account sharing?
This is a very important part here. Kabam says egregiously “pilot” and in alliance wars. This could mean that in the occasional emergency situation account sharing wont have too harsh a punishment, if any at all, but that over doing in AW will result in harsher punishments (point removal, bans, etc.).
I hope they will also take into account those who account share for other areas as well such as: arena, legends titles, legends runs that reward large ticket items such as Thankos (act 5), etc. This is a huge victory for the integrity of AW, and I hope it will translate to the rest of the game
Kabam, honestly, thank you.
"Wait, your gunna ban who?!? NOOOOOoooo!"
We do not discuss ongoing investigations or actions taken on others accounts.