Auto Evade Still Broken and Causing Dropped Blocks
I believe the dropped blocks from auto evade was reported as fixed, but it is not. Fought Cable bane node in uncollected 3.1 with my Sparky, and while he auto evaded the first few parts of Cable’s L1, I got caught by the last beam, even though I held block the entire time. This happened all 3 times. This of course meant I started to suffer bane, which was just some icing on the cake.
Happened to me with sparky against bishop sp1 in monthly quest. He auto evade the first bullet and I got hit by the last one.
Also happened with sparky against cable in arena. It was against Thanos team so no special synergy and no, cable didn’t have true strike buff.
In both cases I hold block without trying to evade and I kept pressing block during the entire time.
Device iPhone X
OS: iOS 11.3.1