Available after AW season (Plat 3)
6.1K prestige, if everything goes according to plan, 6.6K prestige after Season 2. Looking to move up from Gold 1. Ideally 5x5, Plat 3. All these Map 6 grinding.. Urgh.
I'm all yours as long as:
1. You don't tell me who to rank (5* r4 and above)
2. No piloting. I play my own stuff.
3. You don't kick me unfairly cos I died 1 or 2 times all season.. And if you do want to kick me, you do it early on so I don't miss AW rewards.. And you tell me before you do so too!
4. You don't judge who I do rank. It is my account, I and reserve the right to rank whoever I want. Sure you can request that I rank (5* R3 or 4* R5) whomever for AW defense
Please don't try to recruit me to Gold 1. I'm already at that level as is, looking to move up.. 👆👆. Emphasis on UP.
No don't come to me with "we finished in G1, we're aiming for Plat 3".. No no no. I will shoot you down. You finished in Plat 3, and you can comfortably finish season 3 in Plat 3, that is what I want. Of course moving up to plat 2 is the target but let's not be greedy aye?
Line ID is the same as my Username here - neroa65. Add me and we'll talk there.
I'm all yours as long as:
1. You don't tell me who to rank (5* r4 and above)
2. No piloting. I play my own stuff.
3. You don't kick me unfairly cos I died 1 or 2 times all season.. And if you do want to kick me, you do it early on so I don't miss AW rewards.. And you tell me before you do so too!
4. You don't judge who I do rank. It is my account, I and reserve the right to rank whoever I want. Sure you can request that I rank (5* R3 or 4* R5) whomever for AW defense
Please don't try to recruit me to Gold 1. I'm already at that level as is, looking to move up.. 👆👆. Emphasis on UP.
No don't come to me with "we finished in G1, we're aiming for Plat 3".. No no no. I will shoot you down. You finished in Plat 3, and you can comfortably finish season 3 in Plat 3, that is what I want. Of course moving up to plat 2 is the target but let's not be greedy aye?
Line ID is the same as my Username here - neroa65. Add me and we'll talk there.
Appreciate your advice and all but I'm not really trying to come off humble in all honesty. I'm well aware that the way the post is written will be frowned upon by some, but what I'm trying to portray here in every sense of it is; Look what I want, look what I can give and look how it should be, simple as that. I have no intention of sugar-coating my words in any manner. A successful recruiting is when agreements meet no?
That being said, those offended by it, their alliance is most certainly not meant for me now would it? Certainly such person would most likely be too sensitive wouldn't they?
As far as handling me is concerned, I do what I'm told to. I give suggestions but don't act on it unless I'm given the all clear.
Thanks for your advice anyway but all things considered, I'm trying to be as Straightforward as possible and not necessarily polite.
Well we play the cards we're dealt don't we? Not entirely sure why prestige is still considered these days with AW being the new ish but oh well. Not much I can do about that anyway. Thanks tho'.
Mediocre prestige, if everything goes according to plan, slightly higher (still low) prestige after Season 2. Looking to move up from Gold 1. Ideally 5x5, Plat 3. Can't keep up with Map 6, my activity level isn't there.
I'm all yours as long as:
1. You don't tell me who to rank (5* r4 and above) because I am not interested in helping the alliance rank up better defenders that might hurt my future progress when I use your alliance as a springboard to jump to a higher ranked alliance.
2. No piloting. I play my own stuff. (Don't wanna miss out those juicy rewards that I can gain from your alliance. That won't be the case if you get a point reduction.)
3. You don't kick me unfairly cos I died 1 or 2 times all season.. And if you do want to kick me, you do it early on so I don't miss AW rewards.. And you tell me before you do so too! (If you cannot see that I have an attitude problem and am too full of myself, and still want to take the risk to take me in, tell me early when you figure it out so I can go elsewhere and get their rewards instead.)
4. You don't judge who I do rank. It is my account, I and reserve the right to rank whoever I want. Sure you can request that I rank (5* R3 or 4* R5) whomever for AW defense. (See point 1.)
Please don't try to recruit me to Gold 1. I'm already at that level as is, looking to move up.. 👆👆. Emphasis on UP. (I promise I will only die 1-2 times all Season in Tiers 1-3 because I don't die in Tier 4 and below.)
No don't come to me with "we finished in G1, we're aiming for Plat 3".. No no no. I will shoot you down. You finished in Plat 3, and you can comfortably finish season 3 in Plat 3, that is what I want. Of course moving up to plat 2 is the target but let's not be greedy aye?
Line ID is the same as my Username here - neroa65. Add me and we'll talk there. (Don't bother searching for my ign. I don't want you to see my profile and judge me that I ranked all god tier attackers but can only contribute 4* 5/50s and 5* R3s on defence.)
455,326 Hero Rating
Top 4 Champs are
R4 Sentry
R4 Hawkeye
R4 X23
R4 Starlord
4 Alliance War MVPs
Current Alliance in Gold 1. 1,997 War Rating as of now.
This guy has no idea how things work in higher end plat and above ranks lol
Above all u need to have a great skills and 2ndly, a r5 5* to show your competence. Also the advice from plat1 leader is what i would have given to you as well gl anyway
To the question why prestige is an issue
U said it yourself u need 5x5 right?
So the top alliance need high prestige so that they could do map 5 and match with other players prestige and therefore at least crack top 300 for t4cc without doing map 6
Why would you deliberately ruin someone's chances if anything in public?
@Mods apparently the forum is no longer a safe space for doing anything it would seem.
@xNig it's cool. I hope you've achieved whatever it is you're trying to achieve.
Not sure when I even bothered asking for your help but it's cool. Goodluck butting into other people's businesses.
This post is meant for recruiting purposes in which case interested recruiters are meant to contact me, hence why the Line ID is even there but no. There had to be people like you who just stupidly butt into other people's business for absolutely no reason other than to scorn them. People like you who go around forums aimlessly with nothing to do but comment senselessly on something that has absolutely nothing to do with them. Who knows, in game you're probably even worst off than you make believe.
@Lovingkid for the record, there are Plat 3 alliances that take 6K+ prestige and aiming for Plat in AW doesn't always mean aiming to rank top 300 in AQ. My current "mediocre" gold 1 alliance as @xNig so kindly put my Prestige as, is top 200 with 1 map 6 and yet we're gold 1. But I'm sure you know how "things work at the top" it's not like I was trying to get into Plat 1 or 2 or even Master.
I thank you both and may your kind "gestures" of destroying other people's attempt at a better place in the game be rewarded very fairly.
Also wat is considered right prestige by today's standards to get into Platinum allies....
I will have an r5 soon (waiting on t4cc) but still my prestige is around 6.7k only....
And yet, he’s missed several minimums, can sometimes go a full week without communicating and often dies in AW more than the players he’s supposedly better than. And the best part is he’s requesting a move upto our platinum sister alliance lol.
The advice the others gave is sound, reword the ad so you sound like you’re actually a team player then you may get a few more offers
@Mr_Platypus If you read my reply to the first comment, I said I appreciate the advice and noted that I'm fully aware that it may not come off as very polite but I'm trying to be as direct as possible. See I've been in an alli before where people sweet talked their way in only to end up not being up to par to what they said initially, team play or otherwise. I'm trying to not be that person. That aside, one more time, it's not a bad advice and I appreciate it.
Now please tell me, how does going and searching up my profile and calling my Prestige mediocre help the situation or if anything how is it an advice? I don't even know who they are nor do they have any recruiting intention so how is my Prestige or anything their business? And yet he went thru all the trouble of taking a look at my former posts in this forum (because I clearly did not post my specific details in this thread), finding out my IGN and my profile details, all for the sake of throwing some scorn my way and divulge that I've been looking to get into Plat since late last year.
Where's the advice in that?
Also I'd like to point out that I'm neither ignorant nor a one man army. I simply stated what I'm looking for. The whole teamwork thing is when the individual agrees with what said Alli stands for is it not? I'm sure if my post was super rude or specifically pointing someone out, a mod would act.
Once again thanks for the advice.
You are “requesting” to join a “higher ranked” alliance. We don’t really care what you want because at the end of the day, it’s what we, as alliance leaders, want, since we have no lack of suitable candidates requesting in, wanting to move “up”.
Oh, and searching your profile? Took 2 clicks. Not too hard.
(Btw, I’m serious about this.. your profile really looks like it needs a lot of work and that will take time.)
And that was your point of view. Couldn't you just have moved on since clearly as a leader you'd have no interest in me (or my profile that needs a lot of work?)
That's your viewpoint, did it not occur to you that people would have other view point? And how was searching and posting my profile necessary, what on Earth could you possibly have gained from that? Oh and what about the "mediocre" prestige part? That was as a leader too was it not?
This last post of yours on my thread (and I'm serious too) sounds like nothing but a flimsy excuse to failed troll attempt.
Oh btw jokes on you and the guy who said "He doesn't know how things work at the top". I did find a plat 3 alliance.
Thank you.
Yup. Good job! I'm sure that warranted you changing your ign.
Not even sure what you're talking about at this point. Lost it perhaps? Well that's your cup of tea not mine.
Lol nice one. I think I found it.