Who is better for the rank up...

Chief_BladeChief_Blade Member Posts: 42
...Doctor Octopus or Sentinel? I have both as 4 stars and both are Rank 2. I only have enough for 1 of them to rank up as of now. Can you guys help me with this decision? :/


  • Reaper213Reaper213 Member Posts: 167
  • Chief_BladeChief_Blade Member Posts: 42
    Could u give me some reasons Reaper213?
  • weapon_xtreme83weapon_xtreme83 Member Posts: 110
    I don't have Sentinel so I can't really speak for that champ. But I have a 4* Doc Ock at Rank 4 and he is a beast. His power lock is fantastic and his SP2 deals some great damage. I personally would go with Doc Ock.
  • Chief_BladeChief_Blade Member Posts: 42
    Thx for the feedback!
  • Reaper213Reaper213 Member Posts: 167
    You seem newer to the game so you need utility. Sentinel is double immune. Plus as his analysis charges build he gets stronger attack. Also has incinerate and shock.
    Doc oc is not that great of an all round champ.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,105 ★★★★★
    doc oc for power control. have a 5* sentinel, and stacking his charges is way too long. he has a decent heal lock on sp1, but I believe doc also has it. but he is a little harder to play imo
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