Game Down: Compensation (not a lunatic witch hunt)

Everytime the game goes down there should be a standard package of stuff given. For example I am sitting here trying to run my 5*s so I can have another cycle before bedtime. I am sure somewhere, someones energy just filled up that was about to burn it up....
We should be getting simple items like those blue vials for arena refreshes and little baby 5 energy refills everytime the game goes down. It doesn't need to be something game changing, but this is the 4th time its been down in 24 hours.
3rd party yada yada yada excuse excuse. Don't care. game goes down: kabams responsibility.......... think how this impacts people and hook us up with modest goodies when this happens.
Please consider a policy to automatically implement stuff when the game goes down.....
player was logged in:
comp package 1
player was in arena
comp package 2
real simple way to keep people from getting too upset.
We should be getting simple items like those blue vials for arena refreshes and little baby 5 energy refills everytime the game goes down. It doesn't need to be something game changing, but this is the 4th time its been down in 24 hours.
3rd party yada yada yada excuse excuse. Don't care. game goes down: kabams responsibility.......... think how this impacts people and hook us up with modest goodies when this happens.
Please consider a policy to automatically implement stuff when the game goes down.....
player was logged in:
comp package 1
player was in arena
comp package 2
real simple way to keep people from getting too upset.
Whatever it is ... is fine. Just ,implement a policy should be automatic like pavlov's dog. game down, expect stuff.
Too many network disconnections, difficulties and issues...
And this in-game warning is false message. Simultaneously i hear e-radio and there are no disconnections.
And they have the audacity to message us <<check your connection>>. This is very disappointing...
Please minimize this issues!
Either you play the game or you don’t. Compensation is just an extra. Whether it’s needed is a whole other can of worms. Personally I get by just fine without it. Everyone that needs to post about it, myself included, is still going to play at the end of the day.
I pray to God you people at Kabam have THEE most insane compensation package lined up for all this **** we’ve been dealing with the last 3 months
they should.... but they wont
Like it's our blankety-blank fault!
I know at my job, when I'm dealing with someone and they keep messing up over and over and I keep dealing with them, at some point I'm to blame.
Words of who can seemingly choose to play the game whenever he wants to. A fair share of ppl work, have families and more, and being unable to log in the few times per day we can is trash. A game who can't run for 24 hrs straight without crashing 3 times is trash. A team unable to fix the servers after 2 months is trash.
-Compensation for overheating
-Compensation for july crashes
-compensation for new 19-1 overheating
-compensation for new august crashes.
-Season ongoing, yesterday's crash costed wars to loads of allies
-Season ongoing today too, ppl being disconnected in wars adding deaths which won't be "refunded" and some of those will lose for those.
If you can't grant stability, DO NOT offer hardcore competitive content. Don't forget they released seasons when 19,1 didnt exactly fix overheating, sometimes even making it worse or come back. Trash.
They posted that the game was down, but not in the general discussion where most people go. How **** up is that?