Looking for new members!

Anyone welcome, we are a new alliance. We have a generally relaxed attitude as we still have players who are still developing. Anyone is welcome add me on line chat if you are interested 'thebigd22'


  • PrincessROPrincessRO Member Posts: 1
    I just started playing and I love it. I was asked to join an alliance from a friend; however, they were rude lol. While I love playing, I don't do mean. I requested to chat w you on the game. Let's chat if you're interested
  • ThebigDThebigD Member Posts: 17
    If think you have added the wrong person, My in game name is The Big D 21
  • ThebigDThebigD Member Posts: 17
    We do all our game chat on the line messenger app so if interested add me on that as it's easier to talk
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