Won't matter, wouldn't be worth it, a 6* would be garbage just like his 5* counterpart. You probably need to save a year and a half of loyalty to get one...so stupid. I bet Kabam thinks it's genius to create that demand.
I Agree with the man upstairs... UC is garbage... Surprised that people waste efforts on 2 of the same champs... As if Juggernaut and Colossus is not more than enough...
Old thread but I just came looking for the answer to the same question.
You guys don’t arena, do you? I wouldn’t call 60k points for 1 fight in the arena “garbage”. Whether it’s UC, Forbush Man, Obnoxio the Clown or the Thing’s ever lovin’ Aunt Petunia, those arena points make any 6* champ worth it. Especially at this stage.
I'd rather see something useful added to the loyalty store (maybe shards, maybe awakening gems, maybe even rank down tickets at the price of 500k each)
A 6* UC will not be worth the points, especially given that you'll have to awaken him to have any use besides grinding the arena.
I think they should replace the 4 and 5 star versions with someone new or maybe like a cycle of specific Champions. Don't wanna see a 6* colosus even his name is, how is it spelled. Who am I kidding ?
The 60k in arena points per fight is nice. I think he's a highly under rated champ. He deals solid damage & is bleed immune. I agree about him needing to be awakened. On AW defense he does well if placed property.
You guys don’t arena, do you? I wouldn’t call 60k points for 1 fight in the arena “garbage”. Whether it’s UC, Forbush Man, Obnoxio the Clown or the Thing’s ever lovin’ Aunt Petunia, those arena points make any 6* champ worth it. Especially at this stage.
A 6* UC will not be worth the points, especially given that you'll have to awaken him to have any use besides grinding the arena.
I need summat to spend my 1.2M loyalty on...