URGENT: Mystic Dispersion Changes Compensation

Greetings to all the MCOC community, I will adress a situation no one seems to be considering and I think it's urgent.
I'm a big mystic dispersion fan, I have it maxed out 5/5 and it's one of the reasons I have a 5* rank 5 Magik in which I spent all my mystic and generic signature stones and a 5* rank 4 Dormammu which I only ranked up for alliance war defense porpouses.
So if you consider that I use my Magik mainly for attack you can say that she is not so heavily affected by the changes in mystic dispersion but what about my Dormammu? I already mentioned that I ranked him up only for defense and even in the Blade era of the game he is a pretty good defender but now he will pass from being the BG Boss to a diversity node in the corner of the map because he was only good for defense thanks of his interaction between his signature ability and mystic dispersion
And like me there are thousand of other players who are in the same situation, a friend of mine for example, you can look up for him as "Altoevolucionad", ranked up his 5* Dormammu to rank 5 and took him to signature level 200 only for alliance war defense and like him I know many other players who ranked up Juggernaught, Mordo and many other characters only for alliance war defense because like my Dormmamu they are not good for attack.
So, my suggestion is that Kabam, as a company that cares about it's customers, should give at least one "5* mystic rank down ticket" so summoners have the option to rank up a different character instead of the mystic champion they have.
Think about it seriously please, Tier 2 Alfa Catalysts are one of the most scarce resources in the game and you need 4 to rank up a 5* champion to rank 4, for me with this mystic dispersion changes means 4 Tier 2 Alfas and many other valuable resources spent for nothing, can you imagine my friend spending 10 Tier 2 Alfas in his own Dormammu and all the other players I mentioned befored in the same situation.
In my case, I will surely rank down my Dormammu and I'm sure that every Jugger, Mordo and any other mystic champ ranked up only to be used in alliance war defense will have the same fate.
Thanks in advanced for your time and I'll be expecting your response.
I'm a big mystic dispersion fan, I have it maxed out 5/5 and it's one of the reasons I have a 5* rank 5 Magik in which I spent all my mystic and generic signature stones and a 5* rank 4 Dormammu which I only ranked up for alliance war defense porpouses.
So if you consider that I use my Magik mainly for attack you can say that she is not so heavily affected by the changes in mystic dispersion but what about my Dormammu? I already mentioned that I ranked him up only for defense and even in the Blade era of the game he is a pretty good defender but now he will pass from being the BG Boss to a diversity node in the corner of the map because he was only good for defense thanks of his interaction between his signature ability and mystic dispersion
And like me there are thousand of other players who are in the same situation, a friend of mine for example, you can look up for him as "Altoevolucionad", ranked up his 5* Dormammu to rank 5 and took him to signature level 200 only for alliance war defense and like him I know many other players who ranked up Juggernaught, Mordo and many other characters only for alliance war defense because like my Dormmamu they are not good for attack.
So, my suggestion is that Kabam, as a company that cares about it's customers, should give at least one "5* mystic rank down ticket" so summoners have the option to rank up a different character instead of the mystic champion they have.
Think about it seriously please, Tier 2 Alfa Catalysts are one of the most scarce resources in the game and you need 4 to rank up a 5* champion to rank 4, for me with this mystic dispersion changes means 4 Tier 2 Alfas and many other valuable resources spent for nothing, can you imagine my friend spending 10 Tier 2 Alfas in his own Dormammu and all the other players I mentioned befored in the same situation.
In my case, I will surely rank down my Dormammu and I'm sure that every Jugger, Mordo and any other mystic champ ranked up only to be used in alliance war defense will have the same fate.
Thanks in advanced for your time and I'll be expecting your response.
This discussion has been closed.
Think that alpha 2 catalysts are really hard to get, and for the people that has r4 champs is really dissapointing that now with this change they’re going to be not that good as before. We think a lot in who we use our alpha 2, so it will be fair for us to have rank down tickets, and that tickets should be with a return of gold al least, because is harder to get, class catalyst’s we have a lot.
The question with relation to rank down tickets has been addressed in the main discussion thread here. If you have any more feedback about these changes, please contribute to that thread. Thanks!