Any updates on when the next update will hit and what will be addressed?

KM, I see you lurking around. Any updates on the pending update? Maybe a sneak peak at what will most likely be addressed? Maybe a "hey, still on track," or a "can't commit to anything but looking like things will be rolling out as planned addressing most of the issues or only a few of the issues as the others are taking longer."
I thought you guys hired two more forum people? Are they still going through extensive forum moderation training? Echo echo echo echo
I thought you guys hired two more forum people? Are they still going through extensive forum moderation training? Echo echo echo echo
Also, while we have brought on more team members to help with the forums, it doesn't change the fact that we cannot, and will not, be able to get to every thread in the forums. Remember, these forums are not just for you guys to talk to us, but to actually have discussions with each other. If you have something that requires personal attention, reach out to our support team. They can investigate and get you information.
Oh my, stuff like this is all people are looking for. Just an update here and there would go a long ways into letting the player base know these matters are being addressed at some level. Thanks for the high level update.
Generally, this is true but with the game so bug ridden, we can't be discussing with each other which bug is the best, let's rank the most awesome bug etc.
And not to be spiteful, but I really hope there is not a big emphasis on correcting "text errors" when there's so much more important things that need fixing. Please don't pad the patch notes with "text error" corrections that make it look like you guys have done more than you really have. Thanks.
I don't want to get on anyone's nerves, but I would like to talk about some form of Compensation for the bugs that have lasted over the last several months. I heard something on Seatin's channel that sounds very accurate and it makes sense, but I don't want to start any conspiracies and risk getting an infraction.
In that case, could you please separate the text issues from actual bugs? In other words, could we have all the specific items that are fixed grouped together under specific headings? For example:
You get the idea. Just group the different types of fixes and whatnot to make it easier to read instead of having one long list of things all mixed together. It's when you do that and pad it with the text issues that I get irritated. Thanks.
Or instead of champion-specific patch notes, where say multiple champions suffer from the same "whiff" attack bug, you could list the specific mechanic that gets fixed (such as the whiff bug) and then list all of the characters that the fix applies to (in order to avoid being redundant and listing all X number of champions and then under each champion having the same bullet).
I mean, let's just make the patch notes nice and organized is all I'm asking. Sorry to keep posting, but I just keep thinking of little things like this.
Yeah man?
AW not fun without it.
I was just suggesting that when they DO fix Mordo and fix whatever other bugs, that they ORGANIZE the Patch Notes by, say category, champion, or type of fix.
In the past, they just basically made one long list of Patch Notes and didn't structure or organize or group it in any real useful way. Worst of all in this list they would sporadically include "text issues" in order to pad (or fluff up) the notes. If there are "text issues" I'm asking that they separate them from the "real" fixes. I could care less if they misspell a word and fix that and then list it in the patch notes. That's what I'm hoping to not see.
Don't forget in your next update to give us again the option to check if we want to the progress and the kills that a defender takes in AW Defence! It s a very important thing that is not working since weeks! Please fit it...
It does cost them in a sense. Think of everyone's spending on a timeline. Every time they give out items, it delays or prolongs the customer from buying on this timeline.
That just states the beam still does FULL damage when blocked. Pay attention to the damage done, you also have to remember defender ratings fluctuate too.
My 4* 4/40 awakened cyclops (yellow & blue) get unblockable specials at 20 hit combo! Never had an issue with champs blocking it, but the damage isn't as high as the computer operatored cyclops. [/quote]
My cyclops does not do high damage after 15 hits combo. Did you try with 5 star version? Because damage is blocked from cyclops beam by any enemy.
Probably it will be, since they need to add the files so that we can access to the new quests