Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Double evade bug clarification [Closed]

LogeyBear87LogeyBear87 Posts: 41
edited May 2017 in Bugs and Known Issues
On 15th May we were told by a kabam mod that this was fixed and would be available in the next update

On 16th May a different kabam moderator told us that the team are currently testing some potential fixes for this bug and it wasn't listed as upcoming in the next update.

Whats the truth? is this going to be fixed or not with the upcoming update or not? Please clarify on this game breaking bug
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on


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    Mcord11758Mcord11758 Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    They are not done bleeding us dry yet
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    MilienM5MilienM5 Posts: 11
    The "truth" is this → "Hey everyone - I'm happy to confirm that this will be resolved in our next update! Thank you for your patience!" - AD0RA.

    In actuality, WTF knows. No date has been given and the multiple tickets into Kabam "Support" are provided back with a canned response of "...we understand your frustration..." and a link to their old forum thread. Makes me wonder if they know the new forum is working?

    The truth → AQ and AW will continue to run normally and it's on the players to use units and items to compensate for the incompetency of the Game Team.
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    LogeyBear87LogeyBear87 Posts: 41
    MilienM5 wrote: »
    The "truth" is this → "Hey everyone - I'm happy to confirm that this will be resolved in our next update! Thank you for your patience!" - AD0RA.

    In actuality, WTF knows. No date has been given and the multiple tickets into Kabam "Support" are provided back with a canned response of "...we understand your frustration..." and a link to their old forum thread. Makes me wonder if they know the new forum is working?

    The truth → AQ and AW will continue to run normally and it's on the players to use units and items to compensate for the incompetency of the Game Team.

    Yes but then the sticky post at the top of this forum says there are still testing some fixes, this is after we were told they had found a fix. It is also not mentioned on the new update.

    So is it coming or not?
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    Gg5645Gg5645 Posts: 1
    U guys are a joke kabam i dont really care if i dont get 4 stars or 5 stars gonna say my piece. U pissed apple off and they should have shut u down . i hope android doea the same and jope u go homeless keep the good work up donkeys .
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    MilienM5MilienM5 Posts: 11
    @LogeyBear87 supposedly it's coming but no one knows. It's the blind leading the blind; decide which one is the Game Team and moderators.
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    KillerDynastyKillerDynasty Posts: 74
    Gg5645 wrote: »
    U guys are a joke kabam i dont really care if i dont get 4 stars or 5 stars gonna say my piece. U pissed apple off and they should have shut u down . i hope android doea the same and jope u go homeless keep the good work up donkeys .

    Side question what did u mean u dont care if u get no 4 and 5 star champions. Because since I started complaining on the forums I have not been able to open a 4-star out of any Crystal just the other day I opened 75 premium hero crystals all two stars it's a conspiracy you complain I think they tamper with you account I'm just saying
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    MEKA5MEKA5 Posts: 344 ★★
    The low priority they're treating all these issues affecting the game is an insult to the players base.
    People keep paying for their inability to make their game work properly !

    PS. when champs could be used in Aw and Aq at the same time we got a fix in 24/48 hours !
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    420down420down Posts: 170
    This a good question. Odd there is no answer. Adora said it will be fixed. I have more faith in her then other mods/admins. Strange that someone would contradict her.
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    D_S_D_S_ Posts: 159
    It's the blind leading the blind over there. Quick to fix things that hurt their bottom line. Slow to fix things that improve it. Thank you loyal customers.
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    bmbmbm2334bmbmbm2334 Posts: 8
    edited May 2017
    All your bugs including double dash back, missing combos, and parry timing have made this game so frustrating to play nowadays. I can care less about any sort of compensation. Fix your game. I used to spend money on this game, but no more. You guys are undeserving of my hard earned money.
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    Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    edited May 2017
    Hey OP. I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this post. The Double Dash Back issue is something that the team is currently working on a fix for, and the hope is that it will be available in the coming release. It is listed on our current Known Issue thread here, so I would continue to check there for any changes or updates.
This discussion has been closed.