NEW IDEAS! Please read. Worth it.
hello all I wanted to share a few ideas I had to make the game better. I would like some input.
First idea I was thinking how awesome would it be to use the alliance treasury as a bank account. Team memebers can deposit gold and other things, and team leader and member to be selected by the leader. Who can withdraw or send funds to members who request it for help or any other reasons.
Second idea I believe would be amazing for this game. To set up a way that we can trade champions with each other. All over the game. If you really want a certain champion and haven’t had any luck you can go to this market place offer your champion or even two champions plus gold or units for a certain champion you want. I’ve always wanted Hyperion I am at level 51 and I’ve never had him. I would love to trade someone who maybe is sick of that champion or would just like to try another champion.
I would appreciate feedback or any other ideas
First idea I was thinking how awesome would it be to use the alliance treasury as a bank account. Team memebers can deposit gold and other things, and team leader and member to be selected by the leader. Who can withdraw or send funds to members who request it for help or any other reasons.
Second idea I believe would be amazing for this game. To set up a way that we can trade champions with each other. All over the game. If you really want a certain champion and haven’t had any luck you can go to this market place offer your champion or even two champions plus gold or units for a certain champion you want. I’ve always wanted Hyperion I am at level 51 and I’ve never had him. I would love to trade someone who maybe is sick of that champion or would just like to try another champion.
I would appreciate feedback or any other ideas
people will buy/sell these resources, that way someone would never have to worry about bc/loyalty. especially a lot of people who are quitting would sell it off and or give them away.
I for example i myself have over 25m gold and I would gladly trade/sell it to my alliance members or anybody who wants gold in trade for abundance of loyalty/bc
again, another post about trading champs.
that is also a bad idea, lots of people get lucky and lotsa of people are also retiring.
(""people will spend money outside transaction for trading champs"")
People will abuse that trading system nomatter what, I would gladly pay $100,200 for a guarantee champ rather trying my luck in fgmc (10, crystal is 3000 units=$100) crystal and or slaving my life away in the arena.
you can spend $100,200,500 on fgmc crystal and come out with nothing.
Trading will make Arena,buying crystal obsolete.
I myself have 8 6* champions, decent and no god tiers, and all I want is a
6* corvus, I would gladly trade all these champs for him, or even pay someone $400 ,$500 (paypal,ebay etc) on top of trading 1 or 2 or all of my 6* champs.
if its just units only, ill gladly pay and search whoever will see 6* corvus in units/$ ratio
or whoever wants a god tier champions everything will be easy to get.
Because u can spend $500 right now and now "not" even be close to getting a 6* champion of your choosing. the 6* deal was only 2,000 6* shards for $100! u can pull bad 6* champion and at $100 that's not even full crystal!
where can I spend $1000 for a 6* champion right now? but I guarantee u someone will start selling champs off market for any 5/6* champion they want.
those who have a lot of money will just get all best champs via trading/buying rather them spend it all on random fgmc crystals.
a lot of MMOS have trading systems and people buy/sell out of market.
also a lot of end game players quit the game, I have a friend who is retiring and has a 6* corvus, and believe me, and believe that end game players will abuse this to get all the top champs.
plenty of people will abuse the treasury, for example whoever is in charge of treasury can manipulate it to give all treasury to themselves and it would make people buy resources via outside transaction .
plenty of allainces also fall apart and treasury is locked, if this was the case a lot of shell (unused) allainces can grab resources at will to fuel there accounts.
used to be in an alliance, one of my lv 2 accounts is holding it, and yea some people place side accounts to hold allainces,
it has ALOT...of gold,bc,loyalty and decent war rating, if it was ever to be used again theres also a lot of abandoned top war rating alliances,
if this feature was ever allowed I would pull all these resources into my main account, I am in need of loyalty/bc all the time.
for example could easily find someone who would let me join there alliance and they could donate me the funds to my main account.
also there would be ads on ebay like, 1MIL loyalty for X amount of dollars, just leave ur current alliance to join the sellers alliance, and he can give u the resources.
good way to abuse it.
Alliance treasury is used to do alliance map 4 and above