Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    My Magneto rework suggestions (based upon a 4-star 5/50, Signature level 99 Champion):

    Signature Ability: Refraction - Magneto bends a dense electromagnetic field around his body to create a personal force field, preventing him from losing more than 10% Health from a single source.

    All Attacks - Magneto's basic attacks deal energy damage. When Skill Champions block Magneto's attacks, they cannot gain any Buffs or Counters from blocking.
    Passive: Electrokinesis - Magneto is immune to Shock damage.
    Passive: Telepathic Resistance - Magneto is immune to Reversed Controls.
    Passive: Magnetic Armor - Every time Magneto blocks or takes a hit from a basic physical attack, he has a 15% chance to gain an Armor charge (max stacks: 1) for 8 seconds. While Magneto has an Armor charge, he gains +325 Armor Rating and a +12% chance to resist a Block Break.
    Magnetism - Magneto has a 100% chance to evade all bullet-based attacks. Furthermore, all basic attacks against Champions reliant upon metal have a 90% chance to place a Magnetized counter (max stacks: 3) for 12 seconds. For each Magnetized counter his opponent possesses, they suffer from a 15% Ability Accuracy reduction, and bullet-based attacks employed against Magneto deal 18% of the damage they would have inflicted as Physical Damage back upon his attacker. This damage is Mutant based, dealing increased damage to Skill Champions and reduced damage to Tech Champions.
    Special Attacks - 55% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 1400 Direct Damage over 10 seconds.

    Special 1: Bloody Shrapnel - Sharp metal fragments are pulled from the surrounding environment and propelled across the arena. When the Bleed from this attack expires, it has a 40% chance to be converted into an Open Wound. An Open Wound counts as a stack of Bleed, but is Passive and deals no damage. For each Magnetized counter an opponent has on them, Magneto gains a Precision buff for 4 seconds.
    Special 2: Bleeding Fracture - Magneto expands his magnetic grasp deep under the arena, impaling his opponent with jagged metal from below. 100% chance to inflict Heal Block, preventing the target from recovering Health for 10 seconds. For each Magnetized counter an opponent has on them, they are Power Locked for 2 seconds.
    Special 3: Cold-Blooded Fusion - Encased in a metal prison, Magneto's target implodes. Peace was never an option. 100% chance to Armor Break, removing an enemy Armor Up and applying 1300 Armor Rating reduction for 8 seconds. 100% chance to inflict Heal Block, preventing the target from recovering Health for 10 seconds. For each Magnetized counter an opponent has on them, they are stunned for 1.5 seconds.

    Love it! One question though, what good does having open wounds do magneto? Didn’t see something about that in his abilities except that it exists. What purpose does it serve?
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    After reworking OG Iron Man, I figured my next step was to buff the large metal lad, Hulkbuster!

    Signature: Compensatory Fortification
    - Gain armor up to +4000 (scales with sig) based on lost health
    - Armor Break effects have up to an 80% chance (scale with sig) to be shrugged off and transformed into an armor up, increasing armor by 700 for 20 seconds
    - Critical defense charges at the start of the fight increase to 10
    - Critical defense charges additionally grant up to +7% block proficiency per charge (scales with sig)

    Base Kit:
    - Hulkbuster’s exceptionally thick armor cannot be reasonably pierced, allowing 90% bleed damage resistance at all times
    - Hulkbuster is built to last and withstand heavy hits. At the start of the fight, he gains 3 critical defense charges. On each hit that would have been critical, one charge is expended to make the hit non-critical, even if an opponent ability would guarantee critical hits. These charges max out at 10
    - Hulkbuster gains 3 critical defense charges by landing a heavy attack, and gains 1 charge by landing a well-timed block
    - Every 15 hits in the combo meter, Hulkbuster gains passive armor, granting 150 armor and critical resistance per stack. This stacks up to 10, and lasts until Hulkbuster is hit, when it will all be lost at one
    - Upon having at least 5 charges, Hulkbuster has a 40% chance to auto-block any attacks. The chance increases by a flat 10% per additional charge. This auto-block can trigger parry
    - Hulkbuster’s armor effects also increase his critical damage and base attack by 10% each. This increase becomes 20% for special attacks
    - Upon being hit, Hulkbuster has a chance to gain a 20 second passive armor charge, granting the same armor and crit resistance as listed above
    - When Hulkbuster’s opponents are armor broken, Hulkbuster gains +15% critical hit rate

    - Special 1: Hulkbuster’s shoulder check inflicts armor break, decreasing armor by 650 for 11 seconds. If this attack is critical, 2 armor breaks are applied
    - Special 2: Hulkbuster’s repulsor beam grants no power from each hit it lands
    - Each repulsor hit inflicts armor break, reducing armor by 300 for 15 seconds
    - Special 3: Inflicts armor break and heal block for 20 seconds, breaking armor by 1000
    - Upon landing this attack, all special attacks will be critical for the remainder of the fight

    I know, parry auto-block sucks. But, a sheerly defensive hulkbuster doesn’t get it, it’s meant to be a way to keep your combo if you mess up, that’s all
  • Xyz123Xyz123 Member Posts: 61
    edited November 2018
    Sp1: additionally armor breaks 25%for 15 seconds
    Sp2: stun chance is increased to 50%
    Sp3: Inflicts all debuffs, bleed, stun, taunt, armor break, and prowess
    Unless otherwise specified, everything about the specials, stun, bleed, etc, will remain the same
    All debuffs and buffs can stack

    Taunt is more potent, yet cannot be refreshed.

    Power Gain on Sp2 is not passive

    He gains Precision every 5 hits, 5% increase in crit chance for 15 seconds

    Sig ability(no need for double regen): For every 4 debuffs on the opponent, he regens 10% health for 5 seconds. For every 4 buffs, he inflicts concussion 50% for 5 seconds.

    Everything else will remain the same.
    Please comment on whether these changes make sense, or whether things need to be changed.
    Kabam, thanks for your time.
  • Avengers320Avengers320 Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    Abomination: stack poison on attack
  • Xyz123Xyz123 Member Posts: 61
    Immune to bleed, encased in gold
    Taunt every 20 hits, 10 seconds, is more potent, but can not be refreshed.
    Precision every 5 hits, 10 seconds, increases crit rating by 5%
    15% regens 30% health over 8 seconds

    SP1: Stun for 2 seconds, cup check, armor break 5% for 10 seconds
    SP2: 50% chance to stun for 3 seconds, the first sp2 will always stun, bleed over 5.5 seconds. If goldpool completes dance, gain prowess 40 seconds, 200%. If not, gain one bar of power.
    SP3: activate all buffs and debuffs

    Sig ability: for every 4 buffs on the goldpool, inflict 70% concussion for 5 seconds. for every 4 debuffs on the opponent, regen 10% health over 5 seconds
    Please respond and tell me what I can do better/what I can change
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Whododo872 wrote: »
    Love it! One question though, what good does having open wounds do magneto? Didn’t see something about that in his abilities except that it exists. What purpose does it serve?
    It counts as a stack of Bleed, so when you inflict Bleed again, your opponent takes double Bleed damage.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,209 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    Time for a crack at this guy:

    Playing with Gambit should be a lot more fun. He's supposed to be cool, flashy, and powerful; if a little overconfident.

    His animations are great. Some of the ideas for his character design are great, too; but the overall result is unexciting. His damage can be pretty good, but stacking the Prowess buffs to get there is pretty arduous, and the benefits don't last long. Also, his Sig is just plain wrong - the flak jacket isn't really his big 'thing' in canon, whilst the critical damage boost is (a) too small, and (b) irrelevant when using his SP3.

    His Heavy attack already looks like he's throwing a card - let's make that actually happen! Why not? - Domino already does something similar.

    I also wanted to keep his kinetic charges and prowess buffs differently rewarding (Kinetic charges for precision; Prowess for raw damage); but give him more offensive power, and a bit more utility with an armour break on some specials:

    Gambit generates Kinetic charges up to 30% faster.
    - Kinetic charges now additionally increase Critical damage (this ability was previously generated by Prowess buffs)
    - Prowess buffs now each additionally increase Special Attack debuff duration by up to 5%.

    Holding block:
    Gambit gains kinetic charges as he holds block; at a rate of one charge per 0.3s (plus 0.1s per charge). When he is struck, the timer resets.
    This is largely my attempt to describe what already happens with Gambit's timer; which clearly isn't a flat 0.5s as the description states.

    Kinetic charges
    Kinetic charges each increase offensive ability accuracy by 2.5%, and increase Gambit's Block Proficiency by 80. When he is struck by a combo-ending attack, he has a base 20% chance to fold, plus a flat 10% per hit in the combo, losing all kinetic charges.
    Gambit's growing kinetic charges help him to absorb a small fraction of the kinetic energy of attacks. Short combos will now be less effective at causing Gambit to fold; but longer ones will definitely do the trick!

    Heavy Attacks: Gambit throws a card at his opponents' feet, knocking them off balance: this attack is a short-range projectile, so it cannot be parried; and it inflicts Energy damage. This attack reduces the ability accuracy of the Stand Your Ground Mastery by 50%. Landing a heavy attack converts all of his kinetic charges into Prowess buffs.

    Prowess buffs
    Prowess buffs increase the damage from his Special Attacks and his Heavy attack projectiles, each by +15%.
    Note a slight reduction in the damage modifier to offset his new debuff abilities.

    Gambit's flak jacket provides 33% Bleed Resistance and 500 Physical Resistance. The jacket breaks after Gambit loses 25% of his max health from Physical damage.
    The flak jacket is now a bit better at reducing bleed damage and lady's slightly longer; but doesn't get tougher as part of his Sig.

    Special Attacks:
    SP1: 70% chance to Armour Break 300 for five seconds. 70% chance to Stun for 2.5s
    SP2: This thunderous attack is hard to evade, reducing Evade chance by 60%. 90% chance for Concussion (-85% Ability Accuracy for 8 seconds)
    SP3: 90% chance to Paralyze (Stun plus reduced Power Gain and Healing for three seconds), 75% chance to Armour Break 500 for six seconds

    Rogue (Unique synergy):
    Gambit's Prowess buffs last 20% longer.
    Rogue's stolen buffs last 20% longer.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Champion Redesign: Spider-Gwen (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion)

    Spider-Gwen certainly has her uses, but the thing that hurts her the most is that her Special 1 does absolutely no damage. It's not something that is compensated for in the suite of abilities that she gains, and it makes her almost useless on a Power Lock 1 node, so she is in desperate need of a redesign.

    Signature Ability - Enhanced Weave: Critical Hits: While in Hunter Spider Mode, Gwen's critical hits have a 42.51% chance to deal double damage. While in Trap Spider Mode, Gwen's critical hits have a 42.51% chance to Ensnare foes, lowering their Ability Accuracy by 20% for 7.50 seconds.

    Passive: Spider-Gwen enters the fight in either Hunter Spider or Trap Spider mode. Spider-Gwen can switch modes by dashing back and idling for 1.50 seconds.
    Passive - Wall-Crawling: When Spider-Gwen is up against the wall, she uses the wall to avoid her opponent's attacks. When near the wall, she has a +40% chance to Evade basic attacks. (The animation should include Spider-Gwen jumping up with her back to the wall, hanging there for a split second, and then jumping back down when she does this.)
    Passive - Superhuman Reflexes: Attacks that employ gunfire have up to a 100% chance to Miss. The chance is increased the further away her opponent is from her.
    Passive - Superhuman Durability: Whenever Spider-Gwen blocks a Medium or Heavy attack, she gains a Durability charge for 6.50 seconds (max stacks: 10). Durability charges increase Spider-Gwen's Critical Resistance by 100, her Armor Rating by 100, and her Block Proficiency by 275 per Durability charge.
    Sensory Weave - All Attacks: While in Hunter Spider Mode, Gwen focuses her senses to strike at enemy weak points, allowing her attacks an 16% chance to Armor Break foes, lowering their Armor by 475 for 7.50 seconds. While in Trap Spider Mode, Gwen attempts to lure her opponents into a false sense of security, ensnaring them in her web. Her attacks have a 16% chance to Ensnare her opponent for 7.50 seconds, reducing their Ability Accuracy by 30%.

    Special 1 - Spider Senses Tingling! With a graceful, acrobatic display, Spider-Gwen backflips toward her foe, smashing into them feet first, knocking them to the ground. As they rise, she drums a fierce beat on their chest!
    • If Spider-Gwen is in Hunter Spider mode: Spider-Gwen gains 633.33 increased Critical Hit Rating for 10 seconds.
    • If Spider-Gwen is in Trap Spider mode: Spider-Gwen gains 25% Evasion for 10 seconds.
    Special 2 - Whiplash Web Kick: One backflip kick, two well placed web shots, and suddenly, Spider-Gwen's foot is rocketing towards her opponent's face.
    • If Spider-Gwen is in Hunter Spider mode: Spider-Gwen has an 80% chance to Stun her opponent for 2.40 seconds.
    • If Spider-Gwen is in Trap Spider mode: Spider-Gwen has an 80% chance to Fatigue her opponent, lowing their Critical Rating by 1115.87 for 15 seconds.
    Special 3 - Web-Slinging Fun: Gwen trips up her opponent, swings them around, and introduces them to the wall at an alarming speed. Fun for everyone.
    • If Spider-Gwen is in Hunter Spider mode: Spider-Gwen's hunt finally pays off, and this attack gains +3% Base Attack Rating for each hit of her Combo Meter.
    • If Spider-Gwen is in Trap Spider mode: Spider-Gwen springs her trap, inflicting a Taunt debuff on her opponent for 6 seconds. Opponents that are Taunted have their Attack reduced by 40% and have a 70% higher chance to activate a Special Attack.

    Enemies with Rhino or Daredevil: All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    Rivals with Punisher: All Champions gain +155 Critical Damage Rating.
    Romance with Spider-Man (Classic): All Champions gain +5% Power Gain.
    Spider-Verse Champions with Spider-Man (Classic), Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man (Symbiote), Spider-Man (Miles Morales), or Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): All Heavy attacks inflict Weakness, reducing their opponents' Attack by 25% for 8.50 seconds. Spider-Verse Champions also gain 475 additional Critical Hit Rating on their Heavy Attacks.
    Symbiote Slayer with Venom, Agent Venom, Carnage, Spider-Man (Symbiote), or Venompool: Spider-Gwen: +1000 Armor Penetration versus Symbiote Champions. Symbiote Champions: Special Attacks gain a +8% chance to inflict Armor Break for 8.50 seconds.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,209 ★★★★★
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Passive - Wall-Crawling: When Spider-Gwen is up against the wall, she uses the wall to avoid her opponent's attacks. When near the wall, she has a +40% chance to Evade basic attacks. (The animation should include Spider-Gwen jumping up with her back to the wall, hanging there for a split second, and then jumping back down when she does this.)

    I really like this idea. Might need to be a bit lower than 40%, but I love the idea of Wall-Crawling.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Champion Redesign: Captain Marvel (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion)

    Captain Marvel has been a favorite of mine since she debuted on Marvel Contest of Champions, and with the upcoming Captain Marvel film, I think that an update is most certainly in order to place this Champion back into everyone's roster of favored Champions to play!

    Signature Ability - Binary Form: Captain Marvel's Attack is increased by up to 1034.81 based on stored power. Her Critical Rating is also increased by up to 966.67 based on stored power. Captain Marvel also gains a unique bonus based upon how many bars of Power she currently has:
    • With 1 Bar: Enemies lose 11% Ability Accuracy.
    • With 2 Bars: Dash and Heavy Attacks gain an 8% to be Unblockable.
    • With 3 Bars: Dodging back and idling for 1.0 seconds allows Captain Marvel to convert a Fury buff into a passive Regeneration buff that heals her for 775.4 Health at the cost of 16.67% of a Bar of Power per second. This regeneration stops once Captain Marvel drops below 2 Bars of Power or reaches 100% Health. Being hit by a Medium-Light-Medium combo from an opponent stops this Regeneration effect.

    All Attacks: 11% chance for Fury, increasing your Attack by 667.16 for 6.50 seconds. (max stacks: 5)
    Agility - When Attacked: Captain Marvel's superhuman coordination is unparalleled. Incoming attacks have a 6% chance to Miss based upon stored power. Non-Contact attacks have double this chance.
    Evolved Kree Physiology - Passive: Advanced Kree physiology provides full immunity to the Poisons of the Battlerealm. Furthermore, Captain Marvel's Advanced Kree physiology provides up to a 100% chance to immediately shrug off Exhaustion and Fatigue debuffs based on stored power. Whenever she does, Captain Marvel gains a Precision buff, boosting her Critical Rating by 450 and Critical Damage by 950for 7.50 seconds.
    Energy Absorption - Passive: Blocking partially absorbs energy-based attacks, reducing incoming damage by up to 25% and fueling Captain Marvel's Power Meter. Captain Marvel's power meter is also fueled by energy-based damage over time debuffs, such as Coldsnap and Shock.

    Special 1 - Cosmic Blast: This attack deals True Damage, ignoring all of the opponent's Armor. Additionally, this attack deals double damage to Robot Champions.
    Special 2 - Cosmic Kick: This attack has a 60% chance to break the opponent's Armor, reducing their Armor Rating by 777.78 for 5.75 seconds. If Captain Marvel has an active Fury buff, that Fury buff is removed and her opponent suffers an Armor Shattered Debuff, reducing Armor Rating by 1580 for 10 seconds. While Armor Shattered is active, opponents cannot suffer from further Armor Breaks nor activate their Armor Buffs.
    Special 3 - Rocket Punch: This attack grants Captain Marvel an Energy Construction buff, increasing the damage of all basic attacks by 9% for 10 seconds.

    Friends with Captain America, Gamora, or Iron Man: All Champions gain +130 Armor Rating.
    Romance with Wolverine and Spider-Man: All Champions gain +5% Power Gain.
    Special Operatives with Black Widow: Captain Marvel: Incoming attacks have a +3% additional Miss chance. Black Widow: +3% chance to automatically dodge incoming attacks. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    Send In the Clones with Ms. Marvel: +9% chance for Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel to activate a Fury buff on all attacks. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    Teamwork, Kid! with Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan): Captain Marvel: Whenever a Fury buff is Nullified, Captain Marvel gains a 5% chance to gain a Power Gain buff, granting her 1 bar of power over 8.50 seconds. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan): Fury buffs are not lost as she is struck during combat. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    Shared Psyche with Rogue: Captain Marvel: Captain Marvel may charge a Heavy Attack for 1.0 seconds to drain 5% of her opponent's Max Power on a successful hit. Rogue: Rogue gains immunity to Reversed Controls. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    Avengers Leaders with Captain America, Captain America (Infinity War), Iron Man, or Iron Man (Infinity War): All Champions have the duration of all Debuffs they inflict upon their opponents increased by 1.0 seconds. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.
  • PrasannaPrasanna Member Posts: 53
    CASrini003 wrote: »
    I think Mordo needs improvement on Sig ability coz uis Sig. ability is useless.

    Actually this is true. I have a 5 star mordo too. I have seen people having 5 star awakened mordo. It's takes a lot to dupe a 5 star champion( at least in intermediate stage i.e. near 1 year of playing) . But knowing that it is completely useless is painful. So please do improve his signature ability. Make it somewhat useful. He is a great defender. So amping up his defensive ability is a better option.
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    After a while of honestly just forgetting I was writing all these reworks, I’m back!

    And for my grand return, here’s a rework for our favorite white spider girl, Spidey-Gwen!

    One of my more recent reworks, Iron Man, I feel might’ve been a bit of a mouthful. So for this one, I’ll try to keep it as tolerably short as possible

    Signature ability: Enhanced Weave
    -While in Hunter mode, Gwen’s crits have a chance (scale with sig) to deal double damage. These double damage crits will always inflict an armor break
    -While in trap spider mode, Gwen’s crits have a chance (scales with sig) to weaken the opponent for 20% if their attack for 7 seconds

    *Not a huge change to the sig ability, as I think it’s a decent ability to have as a bonus*

    Base Kit:

    - Being attacked and attacking grant a 15% chance for a precision buff, lasting 6 seconds and granting 260(ish) critical rate
    - While Gwen has a crit buff active, her critical chance cannot be modified by critical resistance

    - Gwen has 2 modes: Hunter and Trap spider. Dash back and hold block to switch between the two. The fight will always start in Hunter mode above 50% health, and Trap below 50%

    Hunter Mode
    - Passively, Gwen gains +15% attack and critical damage in Hunter mode
    - All of Gwen’s hits have a 30% chance to inflict armor break, reducing armor by (insert useful amount of armor reduction here) for 4 seconds
    - Gwen’s heavy attack will always inflict this armor break, but for 10 seconds instead
    - Additionally, her heavy attack and special attacks cannot miss or be evaded under any circumstance as long as she has one of her crit buffs active. If not, the chance is 50%

    Trap Mode
    - Passively, Gwen shuts down the opponent’s access to critical buffs (both chance and damage)
    - All of Gwen’s hits grant a 30% chance to place a stagger effect for 4 seconds, immediately nullifying the opponent’s next buff
    - Her heavy attack will always apply this stagger, but for 10 seconds
    - Additionally, when charging her heavy attack, the first attack against Gwen is guaranteed to miss as long as she has one of her precision buffs active. If not, the chance is 50%


    Special 1: This special employs 4 web shots and a beautiful triple kick to the face
    - When attacking into the opponent’s block, if at least 3 web shots connect, the opponent will be unable to dash forward or backwards until they either land a heavy or light attack or receive a hit from Gwen
    - In Hunter mode, this attack will always be critical
    - In Trap mode, this attack triggers Gwen’s spider senses, granting a passive 20% evade effect for 15 seconds

    Special 2: Gwen flip kicks her opponent, jumps high into the air, and uses her webbing to launch back down to them
    - The web shot to the ground counts as a hit, but deals no damage. If it connects, blocked or not, it will stun the opponent for 1 second so the final hit of the special may connect
    - In Hunter mode, this attack has an 85% chance to stun for 5 seconds. This chance is 100% if it is the only special Gwen has thrown this fight (meaning it works as long as you only use L2s)
    - In Trap mode, Gwen inflicts a 50% fatigue debuff for 10 seconds. As long as the opponent has this fatigue, Gwen has a 10% chance to evade their attacks

    Special 3:
    - Inflicts an 80% concussion for 15 seconds. As long as the opponent has this concussion, Gwen has a 20% chance to evade their attacks
    - In Hunter mode, this attack has +15% attack rating, and +10% more if Gwen has one of her crit buffs active
    - In Trap mode, this attack Ensnares the opponent for 20 seconds, inflicting 30% weakness and disabling their Evade effects
    - Activates the currently non-active spider mode alongside the current one for 15 seconds

    There’s another one crossed off my list. As always, let me know your thoughts. My thought process behind this design was both a decent attacker and an annoying defender. Someone who could play both sides if she needed to. Tell me what y’all would do differently, or any criticisms you’d like to give my design!
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,209 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    Cyclops (New Xavier School)
    I know this is wishful thinking, but my mental image of Cyclops is someone who can do this:

    Unfortunately in MCOC, Cyke is a bit - meh! Okay but nothing special. Underwhelming.

    This is an attempt to rework Cyclops Red into a character who can actually be a bit more interesting to play with; and achieve a bit more; in the spirit of rewarding careful gameplay. He's a bit inspired by amalgamating CAIW and Sentinel (and Aegon turned up whilst I was drafting this!), trying to design a strategic and insightful champion who gets stronger (but not unstoppably so) as the fight progresses, if played effectively. No 'persistent' effect because the concept is that Cyke is developing new strategies with each fight.

    In Cyke's case, almost all the benefits accrue to his optic blast attacks; so he remains vulnerable to power control, evasion champs, and to being beaten down with raw Damage or DoT effects; so although the benefits stack up, he will be far from unbeatable, and won't suddenly soar into the God-Tier:

    Cyclops gains and loses strategy counters during a fight:
    +4 When he makes a well-timed block
    +4 When he intercepts a dash attack
    +4 When he evades an attack using Dexterity.
    +2 Every ten hits in his combo
    +2 When he Armour Breaks an opponent

    Strategy is lost when Cyclops is stunned (-10), dazed/concussed (-5, plus gain Strategy at half rate whilst affected) or hit with a Special-3 (-10).

    Strategy grants the following bonuses. Greater bonuses replace those at lower levels:
    Beam attacks reduce the opponent's block proficiency by 40 per point of Strategy
    10: +15% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks
    20: +30% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks
    +20% Ability Accuracy and debuff duration on Specials
    Opponents suffer -25% chance to Autoblock Beam attacks
    30: +60% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks
    Opponents suffer -45% chance to Autoblock Beam attacks
    40: +90% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks
    - Opponents suffer -65% chance to Autoblock Special attacks
    50: +40% Ability Accuracy and debuff durations on Specials
    - Opponents suffer -100% chance to Autoblock Special attacks

    Signature ability:
    Cyke starts the match with up to ten* Strategy; plus he unlocks the following additional effects:
    Blocking: Cyclops gains up to +50* block proficiency per Strategy counter (max +2500 bonus).
    Strategy of 40: Beam attacks are Unblockable
    * scales with Sig. A 2500 bonus may sound high, but this will take a lot of work; at max boost will still only bring his block proficiency up on par with champions like Captain America, and only lasts during that single fight.


    SP1 - +800 Critical Rating
    60% chance to armour break (moderate effect and 7s duration)
    SP2 - +1500 critical rating
    70% chance to armour break (strong effect, 9s duration)
    - 60% chance to Stun for 2 seconds
    SP3 - 60% chance to inflict each of two stacks of Armour break (modest effect, 10-second duration)
    - 70% chance to inflict passive effects of Exhaustion, Weakness, and Armour Break (modest effect, but 20-second duration)
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,209 ★★★★★
    Whododo872 wrote: »
    After a while of honestly just forgetting I was writing all these reworks, I’m back!

    And for my grand return, here’s a rework for our favorite white spider girl, Spidey-Gwen!

    One of my more recent reworks, Iron Man, I feel might’ve been a bit of a mouthful. So for this one, I’ll try to keep it as tolerably short as possible

    Signature ability: Enhanced Weave
    -While in Hunter mode, Gwen’s crits have a chance (scale with sig) to deal double damage. These double damage crits will always inflict an armor break
    -While in trap spider mode, Gwen’s crits have a chance (scales with sig) to weaken the opponent for 20% if their attack for 7 seconds

    *Not a huge change to the sig ability, as I think it’s a decent ability to have as a bonus*

    Base Kit:

    - Being attacked and attacking grant a 15% chance for a precision buff, lasting 6 seconds and granting 260(ish) critical rate
    - While Gwen has a crit buff active, her critical chance cannot be modified by critical resistance

    - Gwen has 2 modes: Hunter and Trap spider. Dash back and hold block to switch between the two. The fight will always start in Hunter mode above 50% health, and Trap below 50%

    Hunter Mode
    - Passively, Gwen gains +15% attack and critical damage in Hunter mode
    - All of Gwen’s hits have a 30% chance to inflict armor break, reducing armor by (insert useful amount of armor reduction here) for 4 seconds
    - Gwen’s heavy attack will always inflict this armor break, but for 10 seconds instead
    - Additionally, her heavy attack and special attacks cannot miss or be evaded under any circumstance as long as she has one of her crit buffs active. If not, the chance is 50%

    Trap Mode
    - Passively, Gwen shuts down the opponent’s access to critical buffs (both chance and damage)
    - All of Gwen’s hits grant a 30% chance to place a stagger effect for 4 seconds, immediately nullifying the opponent’s next buff
    - Her heavy attack will always apply this stagger, but for 10 seconds
    - Additionally, when charging her heavy attack, the first attack against Gwen is guaranteed to miss as long as she has one of her precision buffs active. If not, the chance is 50%


    Special 1: This special employs 4 web shots and a beautiful triple kick to the face
    - When attacking into the opponent’s block, if at least 3 web shots connect, the opponent will be unable to dash forward or backwards until they either land a heavy or light attack or receive a hit from Gwen
    - In Hunter mode, this attack will always be critical
    - In Trap mode, this attack triggers Gwen’s spider senses, granting a passive 20% evade effect for 15 seconds

    Special 2: Gwen flip kicks her opponent, jumps high into the air, and uses her webbing to launch back down to them
    - The web shot to the ground counts as a hit, but deals no damage. If it connects, blocked or not, it will stun the opponent for 1 second so the final hit of the special may connect
    - In Hunter mode, this attack has an 85% chance to stun for 5 seconds. This chance is 100% if it is the only special Gwen has thrown this fight (meaning it works as long as you only use L2s)
    - In Trap mode, Gwen inflicts a 50% fatigue debuff for 10 seconds. As long as the opponent has this fatigue, Gwen has a 10% chance to evade their attacks

    Special 3:
    - Inflicts an 80% concussion for 15 seconds. As long as the opponent has this concussion, Gwen has a 20% chance to evade their attacks
    - In Hunter mode, this attack has +15% attack rating, and +10% more if Gwen has one of her crit buffs active
    - In Trap mode, this attack Ensnares the opponent for 20 seconds, inflicting 30% weakness and disabling their Evade effects
    - Activates the currently non-active spider mode alongside the current one for 15 seconds

    There’s another one crossed off my list. As always, let me know your thoughts. My thought process behind this design was both a decent attacker and an annoying defender. Someone who could play both sides if she needed to. Tell me what y’all would do differently, or any criticisms you’d like to give my design!

    Sounds fairly powerful.

    Just thinking, as a spider-verse champ; maybe Hunter mode should grant Precision/cruelty rather than a base attack boost? The defensive Trap mode could give a corresponding Block boost.

    I like the adjustment to the Heavy attack in Trap mode. A miss (or an evade) would seem to be more in keeping with her Spider-abilities than the current Unstoppable/Heavy-handed effect; and fit with 'Trap' mode as a defensive mode.

    Overall, nice re-work, though.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Champion Redesign: Hulkbuster (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Hulkbuster is a completely underwhelming Champion in the contest, and he was never really a match for the Hulk at all. Given the fact that both the Hulk and Red Hulk have gotten updates in the Contest, Hulkbuster is left even further behind. This redesign is intended to make him a lot more exciting to play, and an unholy terror against Hulk-type Champions such as The Hulk, Red Hulk, She-Hulk, Hulk (Ragnarok), Abomination, and Joe Fixit.

    Signature Ability - Iron Rage: (Passive) Hulkbuster's Armor Rating is reinforced upon receiving damage, increasing up to 4223.75 based on lost Health. If any Hulk-type opponent (Hulk, Red Hulk, She-Hulk, Hulk [Ragnarok], Abomination, and Joe Fixit) is below 25% Health, they suffer from 33% Ability Accuracy reduction. The perfect counter to Hulk's Rage!

    When Attacked: 11% chance to Armor Up, increasing Armor Rating by 2112.5 for 6 seconds. Dodging back and holding block for 1.50 seconds converts 1 Armor Up Buff into a permanent Passive Armor Up buff that increases Armor Rating by 1500 (max stacks: 3).
    Stark Tech AI:
    • Any time the opponent triggers Fury, gain an Armor Up buff, increasing Armor Rating by 518.35 for 6 seconds and gain a Precision Buff, increasing Hulkbuster's Critical Rating by 190.8 for 6 seconds.
    • Against Hulk-type Champions (Hulk, Red Hulk, She-Hulk, Hulk [Ragnarok], Abomination, and Joe Fixit), the Stark AI increases Hulkbuster's Block Proficiency by 18% and grants him a 50% chance to shrug off any Debuff. Additionally, Special Attacks gain an 85% chance to remove any Fury Buffs, inflicting a Stun Debuff that lasts for 0.5 seconds per Fury Buff removed.
    • Heavy Attacks have a 35% chance to inflict a Concussion Debuff on the opponent for 10 seconds, reducing their Ability Accuracy by 60%. This chance is increased by 10% for every passive and active Armor Up Buff you possess.
    • If Hulkbuster is struck by a Cosmic Champion or is struck by a Heavy Attack, the Stark AI shuts down for 10 seconds while it Reboots and is completely inactive during that time.
    Special 1 - Hulk-Smasher: A rocket-aided shoulder tackle smashes the armored suit through whatever, or whoever, happens to be in front of it. This attack has a 70% chance to Armor Break, removing an enemy Armor Up and applying 2198.94 Armor Rating reduction for 8 seconds.
    Special 2 - Hulk-Blaster: An uppercut stuns the enemy, setting them up for a powerful Repulsor Ray blast. This attack has a 100% chance to Armor Break, removing an enemy Armor Up and applying 2992.12 Armor Rating reduction for 9 seconds.
    Special 3 - Hulk-Buster: The Hulkbuster armor grabs his opponent's fist, locking on while Hulkbuster's other fist pummels his opponent like a piston. He then smashes his opponent backward, plowing them into the ground with a powerful Repulsor Ray blast from his chest. This attack has a 100% chance to Armor Break, removing an enemy Armor Up and applying 3785.29 Armor Rating reduction for 10 seconds.

    Enemies with Ultron:
    All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    Family with Iron Man, Iron Man (Infinity War) or Superior Iron Man:
    All Champions gain +6% Health.
    Rivals with Hulk or Yellowjacket:
    All Champions gain +155 Critical Damage Rating.
    Increased Artillery with War Machine:
    Hulkbuster: Hulkbuster's basic attacks deal +5% Energy Damage to the opponent.
    War Machine: Special Attacks gain a 65% chance to inflict Incinerate, dealing 555 Direct Damage over 6 seconds. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    Armor Enhancements with Civil Warrior: Hulkbuster:
    Hulkbuster gains Bleed Immunity.
    Civil Warrior: Civil Warrior gains an additional +20% Special Damage Resistance while Blocking. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.

    Since @Whododo872 has been proposing Champion redesigns as well, I'd really appreciate feedback! Best wishes, all!
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Champion Redesign: Iron Fist (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Iron Fist could be such a great Champion, and even in the early days, he quickly got left behind. He's a glass pea-shooter now, not even a glass cannon, and he has almost zero utility whatsoever. His special attacks are easy to avoid, his armor break requires him to be awakened to even be worth using him, and he has none of the other mystical powers that a variety of mystic Champions exhibit. All-in-all, if he wasn't terrible before, he's absolutely god-awful now. This redesign is intended to grant him greater utility and to bring his powers more in line with the abilities he has in his comic-book version.

    Signature Ability - Chi Augmentation: Through concentration, Danny Rand can harness his mystical chi to augment his physical and mental capabilities to increased levels.
    • Critical Rating is increased by up to 25% based upon stored Power. In addition, blocking reduces the damage of energy-based attacks by 15%, taking that damage and transferring it into his Power Meter.
    • When below 55% Health, Iron Fist can focus his Chi into healing energy, recovering 805.8 Health for the cost of 38.35% of a Bar of Power per second.

    Nervous System Control: Danny Rand's ability to control his nervous system makes him resistant to Poison effects, decreasing their Potency and Duration by 65%.
    Master Martial Artist (Passive):
    • All Attacks: 8% chance to boost Critical Rating by 1050 for 6 seconds.
    • All Attacks: The Iron Fist's repeated strikes to pressure points wreak cumulative havoc on the target's Armor Rating, with a 21% chance to reduce it by 450 for each activation.
    • Critical Hits: The sheer force of a Critical Hit has a 55% chance to break the target's Armor and apply 450 Armor Rating reduction for 5 seconds.
    • When Struck or by Blocking an Opponent's Attack: Iron Fist gains Passive Block Proficiency Charges. Upon Reaching 100 charges, they convert into a Durability Buff for 12 seconds, increasing his Block Proficiency by 71.42 and Physical Resistance by 114.29.
    Martial Artist (Passive):
    • Heavy Attacks: The Iron Fist delivers a powerful Chi strike, disrupting the flow of energy and Nullifying 1 Cruelty, Fury, and Precision Buff.
    • Danny Rand makes use of a variety of Martial Arts Forms to aid him in battle. Each time he launches a Special attack, he automatically switches to the next Martial Arts Form. Iron Fist can also Dash back and hold Block for 1.50 seconds to manually switch Martial Arts Forms.
    Martial Arts Forms
    • Zuiquan Form - Iron Fist reduces his opponent's Evade chance by 80%.
    • Luohanquan Form - Iron Fist's Special Attacks gain a 48% chance to inflict a Shock Debuff, dealing 484.4 Shock damage over 4 seconds.
    • Hongquan Form - Iron Fists's Special Attacks gain a 60% chance to Stun the opponent for 2.50 seconds.

    Special 1 - Good Fortune Thunder Kick: A powerful kick mastered from the teaching of Lei-Kung the Thunderer. This attack grants Iron Fist a True Strike Buff that lasts for 9.50 seconds, allowing this Champion to ignore Armor, Resistance, Auto-Block, and all Evade effects.
    Special 2 - Concentrated Chi Blast: Using a technique learned technique while training with the Immortal Weapons of the Seven Cities, Danny fires off a trio of fiery blasts of disruptive Chi energy. The first blast inflicts a Weakness Debuff, reducing the opponent's Attack Rating by 285.71for 8.50 seconds. The second blast Nullifies one random enemy Buff. The third blast inflicts Power Lock for 8.50 seconds. These Debuffs have a 40% chance to penetrate an enemy Block.
    Special 3 - Shou-Lao the Undying: By focusing his Chi, Danny Rand unleashes the full power of the Iron Fist in a flurry of punches. If Iron Fist has a greater percentage of his Health than his opponent, he has a 100% chance of dealing Energy Damage equal to 8% of their max Health. This damage cannot exceed 100,000 damage.

    • Friends with Doctor Strange, Black Panther, or Wolverine: All Champions gain +130 Armor Rating.
    • Heroes for Hire with Luke Cage or She-Hulk: All Champions gain +85 Block Proficiency & Physical Resistance.
    • At Odds with Cable, Deadpool, Deadpool (X-Force), or Goldpool: Iron Fist: Iron Fist gains a Passive Cruelty Buff. Cable: Cable's chance to Regenerate increases by 5% each time a Power threshold is reached. Deadpool, Deadpool (X-Force), or Goldpool: Landing a hit with Special Attack 1 refreshes the duration of any active Bleed effects. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Ambush with Iron Patriot or Ghost: Iron Fist: Iron Fist's Special 1 gains the Unblockable quality. Iron Patriot: Special Attacks gain a 15% chance to inflict an Incinerate Debuff, dealing 80% of Iron Patriot's Attack Rating as Direct Damage over 6 seconds. Ghost: Ghost gains +12% Critical Damage Rating. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Reluctant Opponents with War Machine Iron Fist: Heavy Attacks also Nullify all active Power Gain Buffs. War Machine: War Machine's Special Attacks deal an additional 10% damage. This damage is Energy based. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.

    Since @Whododo872 has been proposing Champion redesigns as well, I'd really appreciate feedback! Best wishes, all!
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Champion Redesign: Hulkbuster (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Hulkbuster is a completely underwhelming Champion in the contest, and he was never really a match for the Hulk at all. Given the fact that both the Hulk and Red Hulk have gotten updates in the Contest, Hulkbuster is left even further behind. This redesign is intended to make him a lot more exciting to play, and an unholy terror against Hulk-type Champions such as The Hulk, Red Hulk, She-Hulk, Hulk (Ragnarok), Abomination, and Joe Fixit.

    Signature Ability - Iron Rage: (Passive) Hulkbuster's Armor Rating is reinforced upon receiving damage, increasing up to 4223.75 based on lost Health. If any Hulk-type opponent (Hulk, Red Hulk, She-Hulk, Hulk [Ragnarok], Abomination, and Joe Fixit) is below 25% Health, they suffer from 33% Ability Accuracy reduction. The perfect counter to Hulk's Rage!

    When Attacked: 11% chance to Armor Up, increasing Armor Rating by 2112.5 for 6 seconds. Dodging back and holding block for 1.50 seconds converts 1 Armor Up Buff into a permanent Passive Armor Up buff that increases Armor Rating by 1500 (max stacks: 3).
    Stark Tech AI:
    • Any time the opponent triggers Fury, gain an Armor Up buff, increasing Armor Rating by 518.35 for 6 seconds and gain a Precision Buff, increasing Hulkbuster's Critical Rating by 190.8 for 6 seconds.
    • Against Hulk-type Champions (Hulk, Red Hulk, She-Hulk, Hulk [Ragnarok], Abomination, and Joe Fixit), the Stark AI increases Hulkbuster's Block Proficiency by 18% and grants him a 50% chance to shrug off any Debuff. Additionally, Special Attacks gain an 85% chance to remove any Fury Buffs, inflicting a Stun Debuff that lasts for 0.5 seconds per Fury Buff removed.
    • Heavy Attacks have a 35% chance to inflict a Concussion Debuff on the opponent for 10 seconds, reducing their Ability Accuracy by 60%. This chance is increased by 10% for every passive and active Armor Up Buff you possess.
    • If Hulkbuster is struck by a Cosmic Champion or is struck by a Heavy Attack, the Stark AI shuts down for 10 seconds while it Reboots and is completely inactive during that time.
    Special 1 - Hulk-Smasher: A rocket-aided shoulder tackle smashes the armored suit through whatever, or whoever, happens to be in front of it. This attack has a 70% chance to Armor Break, removing an enemy Armor Up and applying 2198.94 Armor Rating reduction for 8 seconds.
    Special 2 - Hulk-Blaster: An uppercut stuns the enemy, setting them up for a powerful Repulsor Ray blast. This attack has a 100% chance to Armor Break, removing an enemy Armor Up and applying 2992.12 Armor Rating reduction for 9 seconds.
    Special 3 - Hulk-Buster: The Hulkbuster armor grabs his opponent's fist, locking on while Hulkbuster's other fist pummels his opponent like a piston. He then smashes his opponent backward, plowing them into the ground with a powerful Repulsor Ray blast from his chest. This attack has a 100% chance to Armor Break, removing an enemy Armor Up and applying 3785.29 Armor Rating reduction for 10 seconds.

    Enemies with Ultron:
    All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    Family with Iron Man, Iron Man (Infinity War) or Superior Iron Man:
    All Champions gain +6% Health.
    Rivals with Hulk or Yellowjacket:
    All Champions gain +155 Critical Damage Rating.
    Increased Artillery with War Machine:
    Hulkbuster: Hulkbuster's basic attacks deal +5% Energy Damage to the opponent.
    War Machine: Special Attacks gain a 65% chance to inflict Incinerate, dealing 555 Direct Damage over 6 seconds. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    Armor Enhancements with Civil Warrior: Hulkbuster:
    Hulkbuster gains Bleed Immunity.
    Civil Warrior: Civil Warrior gains an additional +20% Special Damage Resistance while Blocking. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.

    Since @Whododo872 has been proposing Champion redesigns as well, I'd really appreciate feedback! Best wishes, all!

    I really like the idea with the Hulk-champion counter system. Brilliant work on that concept. But I do have a couple of critiques.

    The AI, while it is a fun idea to incorporate that, has seriously no incentive to shut it off if you’re fighting hulkbuster. It’s purely offensive, whereas in sparky’s case, there’s a reason to shut it down, because of his special evasion.

    So, I’d say do one of two things. Either get rid of the A.I, or give it defensive bonuses, so you’d want to shut it down when fighting hulkbuster. Maybe shut down his ability to have armor ups, or add critical resistance to them and link that to the A.I.

    Also, I would, like I just said and put into my post as well, add critical resistance to his kit, as he is definitelt geared to be a defender, and crits are a huge source of damage from basically every champion in the game (with only a few exceptions)

    But that last thing’s just my take. You’re on a great track with that one! And thank you, I’m honored that my revamps are noticed enough to get a shoutout!
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Whododo872 wrote: »
    I really like the idea with the Hulk-champion counter system. Brilliant work on that concept. But I do have a couple of critiques.

    The AI, while it is a fun idea to incorporate that, has seriously no incentive to shut it off if you’re fighting hulkbuster. It’s purely offensive, whereas in sparky’s case, there’s a reason to shut it down, because of his special evasion.

    So, I’d say do one of two things. Either get rid of the A.I, or give it defensive bonuses, so you’d want to shut it down when fighting hulkbuster. Maybe shut down his ability to have armor ups, or add critical resistance to them and link that to the A.I.

    Also, I would, like I just said and put into my post as well, add critical resistance to his kit, as he is definitelt geared to be a defender, and crits are a huge source of damage from basically every champion in the game (with only a few exceptions)

    But that last thing’s just my take. You’re on a great track with that one! And thank you, I’m honored that my revamps are noticed enough to get a shoutout!
    There's plenty of incentive to shut down the A.I. while fighting Hulkbuster. It removes some of Hulkbuster's Armor Up, Precision, and Concussion triggers, and it drops some protections against Hulk-type Champions. I'd say it's a good enough reason to hit him with a heavy attack every now and again.

    Also, very few Champions get any Critical Resistance. I think I've only seen it naturally occurring on The Collector, and Sentinel is the only Champion in mind that can boost his. Since critical hits also damage the Hulkbuster Armor in other media (notably the Avengers: Age of Ultron film where Hulk savages that suit, or in Avengers: Infinity War where practically everyone else does while Banner is wearing it), I didn't feel it was thematically or mechanically appropriate to throw in.

    But I appreciate the feedback and the ideas!

    Best wishes!
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Whododo872 wrote: »
    I really like the idea with the Hulk-champion counter system. Brilliant work on that concept. But I do have a couple of critiques.

    The AI, while it is a fun idea to incorporate that, has seriously no incentive to shut it off if you’re fighting hulkbuster. It’s purely offensive, whereas in sparky’s case, there’s a reason to shut it down, because of his special evasion.

    So, I’d say do one of two things. Either get rid of the A.I, or give it defensive bonuses, so you’d want to shut it down when fighting hulkbuster. Maybe shut down his ability to have armor ups, or add critical resistance to them and link that to the A.I.

    Also, I would, like I just said and put into my post as well, add critical resistance to his kit, as he is definitelt geared to be a defender, and crits are a huge source of damage from basically every champion in the game (with only a few exceptions)

    But that last thing’s just my take. You’re on a great track with that one! And thank you, I’m honored that my revamps are noticed enough to get a shoutout!
    There's plenty of incentive to shut down the A.I. while fighting Hulkbuster. It removes some of Hulkbuster's Armor Up, Precision, and Concussion triggers, and it drops some protections against Hulk-type Champions. I'd say it's a good enough reason to hit him with a heavy attack every now and again.

    Also, very few Champions get any Critical Resistance. I think I've only seen it naturally occurring on The Collector, and Sentinel is the only Champion in mind that can boost his. Since critical hits also damage the Hulkbuster Armor in other media (notably the Avengers: Age of Ultron film where Hulk savages that suit, or in Avengers: Infinity War where practically everyone else does while Banner is wearing it), I didn't feel it was thematically or mechanically appropriate to throw in.

    But I appreciate the feedback and the ideas!

    Best wishes!

    I suppose that’s true on the fury-based armor ups for the A.I, but I would link everything armor-based to the A.I if that’s the idea

    And Red Skull’s armor up gives him critical resistance as well. So the mechanic’s there in at least one new design, it just isn’t a very good design haha

    Best wishes to you as well. I look forward to reading more of your revamps. You have some awesome ideas
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Champion Redesign: Iron Fist (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Iron Fist could be such a great Champion, and even in the early days, he quickly got left behind. He's a glass pea-shooter now, not even a glass cannon, and he has almost zero utility whatsoever. His special attacks are easy to avoid, his armor break requires him to be awakened to even be worth using him, and he has none of the other mystical powers that a variety of mystic Champions exhibit. All-in-all, if he wasn't terrible before, he's absolutely god-awful now. This redesign is intended to grant him greater utility and to bring his powers more in line with the abilities he has in his comic-book version.

    Signature Ability - Chi Augmentation: Through concentration, Danny Rand can harness his mystical chi to augment his physical and mental capabilities to increased levels.
    • Critical Rating is increased by up to 25% based upon stored Power. In addition, blocking reduces the damage of energy-based attacks by 15%, taking that damage and transferring it into his Power Meter.
    • When below 55% Health, Iron Fist can focus his Chi into healing energy, recovering 805.8 Health for the cost of 38.35% of a Bar of Power per second.

    Nervous System Control: Danny Rand's ability to control his nervous system makes him resistant to Poison effects, decreasing their Potency and Duration by 65%.
    Master Martial Artist (Passive):
    • All Attacks: 8% chance to boost Critical Rating by 1050 for 6 seconds.
    • All Attacks: The Iron Fist's repeated strikes to pressure points wreak cumulative havoc on the target's Armor Rating, with a 21% chance to reduce it by 450 for each activation.
    • Critical Hits: The sheer force of a Critical Hit has a 55% chance to break the target's Armor and apply 450 Armor Rating reduction for 5 seconds.
    • When Struck or by Blocking an Opponent's Attack: Iron Fist gains Passive Block Proficiency Charges. Upon Reaching 100 charges, they convert into a Durability Buff for 12 seconds, increasing his Block Proficiency by 71.42 and Physical Resistance by 114.29.
    Martial Artist (Passive):
    • Heavy Attacks: The Iron Fist delivers a powerful Chi strike, disrupting the flow of energy and Nullifying 1 Cruelty, Fury, and Precision Buff.
    • Danny Rand makes use of a variety of Martial Arts Forms to aid him in battle. Each time he launches a Special attack, he automatically switches to the next Martial Arts Form. Iron Fist can also Dash back and hold Block for 1.50 seconds to manually switch Martial Arts Forms.
    Martial Arts Forms
    • Zuiquan Form - Iron Fist reduces his opponent's Evade chance by 80%.
    • Luohanquan Form - Iron Fist's Special Attacks gain a 48% chance to inflict a Shock Debuff, dealing 484.4 Shock damage over 4 seconds.
    • Hongquan Form - Iron Fists's Special Attacks gain a 60% chance to Stun the opponent for 2.50 seconds.

    Special 1 - Good Fortune Thunder Kick: A powerful kick mastered from the teaching of Lei-Kung the Thunderer. This attack grants Iron Fist a True Strike Buff that lasts for 9.50 seconds, allowing this Champion to ignore Armor, Resistance, Auto-Block, and all Evade effects.
    Special 2 - Concentrated Chi Blast: Using a technique learned technique while training with the Immortal Weapons of the Seven Cities, Danny fires off a trio of fiery blasts of disruptive Chi energy. The first blast inflicts a Weakness Debuff, reducing the opponent's Attack Rating by 285.71for 8.50 seconds. The second blast Nullifies one random enemy Buff. The third blast inflicts Power Lock for 8.50 seconds. These Debuffs have a 40% chance to penetrate an enemy Block.
    Special 3 - Shou-Lao the Undying: By focusing his Chi, Danny Rand unleashes the full power of the Iron Fist in a flurry of punches. If Iron Fist has a greater percentage of his Health than his opponent, he has a 100% chance of dealing Energy Damage equal to 8% of their max Health. This damage cannot exceed 100,000 damage.

    • Friends with Doctor Strange, Black Panther, or Wolverine: All Champions gain +130 Armor Rating.
    • Heroes for Hire with Luke Cage or She-Hulk: All Champions gain +85 Block Proficiency & Physical Resistance.
    • At Odds with Cable, Deadpool, Deadpool (X-Force), or Goldpool: Iron Fist: Iron Fist gains a Passive Cruelty Buff. Cable: Cable's chance to Regenerate increases by 5% each time a Power threshold is reached. Deadpool, Deadpool (X-Force), or Goldpool: Landing a hit with Special Attack 1 refreshes the duration of any active Bleed effects. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Ambush with Iron Patriot or Ghost: Iron Fist: Iron Fist's Special 1 gains the Unblockable quality. Iron Patriot: Special Attacks gain a 15% chance to inflict an Incinerate Debuff, dealing 80% of Iron Patriot's Attack Rating as Direct Damage over 6 seconds. Ghost: Ghost gains +12% Critical Damage Rating. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Reluctant Opponents with War Machine Iron Fist: Heavy Attacks also Nullify all active Power Gain Buffs. War Machine: War Machine's Special Attacks deal an additional 10% damage. This damage is Energy based. This is a Unique Synergy which does not stack with duplicate synergies.

    Since @Whododo872 has been proposing Champion redesigns as well, I'd really appreciate feedback! Best wishes, all!

    I really like this one. Bit of blade and captain marvel on the sig, bit of nullify utility (especially with the WM synergy) and some decent usefulness with DoT in the shock and also a stun chance on specials (which I always thought made sense for IF)

    Just 2 things. The durability buff is a neat idea, but 100 blocked hits/hits taken is a bit high of a threshold. Either reduce the hits needed, or make durability last a lot longer/indefinitely

    Also, with enough buildup, that cable synergy would basically give cable infinite regen. And an awakened cable would basically have almost 100% uptime on regeneration, making him mostly impossible to kill without the right counter. It’s a great idea, don’t get me wrong, but the values should definitely have a cap so it doesn’t get too crazy.

    This was a really good one! Regen, damage, utility
    Sounds like a really useful mystic blade that doesn’t need bleed damage, and I’m all in for that!
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Whododo872 wrote: »
    I really like this one. Bit of blade and captain marvel on the sig, bit of nullify utility (especially with the WM synergy) and some decent usefulness with DoT in the shock and also a stun chance on specials (which I always thought made sense for IF)

    Just 2 things. The durability buff is a neat idea, but 100 blocked hits/hits taken is a bit high of a threshold. Either reduce the hits needed, or make durability last a lot longer/indefinitely

    Also, with enough buildup, that cable synergy would basically give cable infinite regen. And an awakened cable would basically have almost 100% uptime on regeneration, making him mostly impossible to kill without the right counter. It’s a great idea, don’t get me wrong, but the values should definitely have a cap so it doesn’t get too crazy.

    This was a really good one! Regen, damage, utility
    Sounds like a really useful mystic blade that doesn’t need bleed damage, and I’m all in for that!
    The durability buff won't take a hundred hits to activate. It works akin to Heimdall's buffs where you gain multiple charges at once (probably 8-12). Also, Cable's synergy only increases his chance from 15% to 20%. The synergy uses the same language that's Cable's reverberation ability uses; it doesn't gain +5% every time. That's probably something that requires language cleanup in the description. Also, Cable's regeneration only allows him to regenerate about 20% of his health over 10 seconds, which can be Heal Blocked, and it fails to work when he's below 25% health. It's a minor boost, really.

    Thanks for the feedback! This is more fun!

    Want to take a crack at some of my earlier contributions?
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Whododo872 wrote: »
    I really like this one. Bit of blade and captain marvel on the sig, bit of nullify utility (especially with the WM synergy) and some decent usefulness with DoT in the shock and also a stun chance on specials (which I always thought made sense for IF)

    Just 2 things. The durability buff is a neat idea, but 100 blocked hits/hits taken is a bit high of a threshold. Either reduce the hits needed, or make durability last a lot longer/indefinitely

    Also, with enough buildup, that cable synergy would basically give cable infinite regen. And an awakened cable would basically have almost 100% uptime on regeneration, making him mostly impossible to kill without the right counter. It’s a great idea, don’t get me wrong, but the values should definitely have a cap so it doesn’t get too crazy.

    This was a really good one! Regen, damage, utility
    Sounds like a really useful mystic blade that doesn’t need bleed damage, and I’m all in for that!
    The durability buff won't take a hundred hits to activate. It works akin to Heimdall's buffs where you gain multiple charges at once (probably 8-12). Also, Cable's synergy only increases his chance from 15% to 20%. The synergy uses the same language that's Cable's reverberation ability uses; it doesn't gain +5% every time. That's probably something that requires language cleanup in the description. Also, Cable's regeneration only allows him to regenerate about 20% of his health over 10 seconds, which can be Heal Blocked, and it fails to work when he's below 25% health. It's a minor boost, really.

    Thanks for the feedback! This is more fun!

    Want to take a crack at some of my earlier contributions?

    Yeah, I must have just not interpreted the cable thing right. What I was reading, with enough skill, it’d just be infinite regen lol. And that durability thing makes much more sense now, if it’s like how heimdall gets his buffs

    And yes, I’d love to take a look at your other buffs. Definitely way more fun to redesign when you get critiques, innit?
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    Here’s one that not many people talk about in terms of characters that need a buff. Our favorite star-spangled man with a plan, Captain America! (WWII variant)

    Signature Ability: Star-Spangled Man

    - Cap’s always got a plan, and he prepares for battle, starting the fight with up to 33% power (scales with sig)
    - Cap’s shield blocks attacks to great effect, increasing perfect block chance by up to 55% (scales with sig) if the opponent is under a Buff effect. Otherwise, this perfect block bonus is up to 30% (scales with sig)
    - When below 5% health, every block will reduce damage to 0

    Base Kit:

    Super Soldier:
    - Cap’s enhanced immune system grants him 70% poison damage immunity
    - Cap’s enhanced body mends far faster than the average man, granting him a permanent health gain of 20 per second indefinitely
    - Every 20 hits Cap lands, whether they be consecutive or not, purify 1 debuff, prioritizing those that cause damage over time

    Intercepting an opponent’s dash
    - Grants Cap’s next special attack Unblockable. If this special is the Special 3, the stun caused by it will have a 100% chance to trigger
    - If this intercept occurs with a medium, inflict a 30% weakness for 4 seconds
    - If this intercept occurs with a light, every hit in the combo will be critical

    *Light attack intercepts are difficult. This mechanic is intended to award skilled gameplay

    Old Fashioned:
    - Cap’s been around for a while, and he really appreciates a fight he can wrap his head around. Increase Block Proficiency by 30% when fighting champions from 2015
    - Villain champions are the bad guy. That’s just how it is. And they must be stopped at all costs. All Cap’s stun effects gain 1 second duration when fighting villains

    Adamantium Shield:
    - 30% chance to perfectly block attacks
    - 75% chance to perfectly block projectile attacks
    - Cap’s shield strikes tried and true. Any attack using the shield (dash-in, L2) gains (whatever the flat value of this is) 40% block penetration, and has a 100% chance to trigger abilities through block

    Quick Thinker:
    - If the opponent blocks for more than 1.5 seconds straight, Cap sees his opportunity, and his next dash-in will be both unblockable and unstoppable
    - If Cap dashes back and blocks for 1 second, he takes a moment to plan out his next strike. If successful, his next special attack will strike with critical hits

    Special 1:
    - 55% chance to stun for 2.5 seconds
    - If the stun does not trigger, inflict a 40% AAR concussion for 6 seconds

    Special 2:
    - No change on this one. I see it as good how it is

    Special 3:
    - 65% chance to inflict stun for 4.5 seconds
    - Damage dealt increases by up to 45% based on how many intercepts Cap has landed in the fight (would be something like 1.5% per intercept)

    Synergies: (This is my first time designing synergies, so gimme a break if they suck, eh?)

    ‘Til the End of the Line (with Winter Soldier):
    Cap WWII: Add +20 health gain to his passive regeneration effect
    Winter Soldier: Retain 15% of the power used for a special attack

    Adamantium Offense (With X-23, Wolverine, Old Man Logan):
    Cap WWII: Dash attack has a 20% chance to grant fury, increasing attack by 15% for 7 seconds
    Wolverine, Old Man Logan, X-23: +15% Bleed and Regeneration ability accuracy

    I Don’t Like Bullies (With Red Skull):
    Cap WWII: Villain bonus also grants stun effects a flat +10% chance to trigger
    Red Skull: Upon crossing a power threshold, also gain +5% of max power instantly

    Natural-born Leaders (With Captain America (Classic), and Captain America (Infinity War)):
    Cap WWII, Cap Classic, Cap IW: As long as at least one version of Cap is currently not KO’d on the team, the whole team gains +10% ability accuracy

    The intent with this redesign was to keep his core idea of sustainability via his ability to block, but also add some utility and damage into the mix. This definitely isn’t wild damage or utility, but that wasn’t the goal.

    I’d love some feedback on this one! Really hoping I didn’t overdo the synergies!
  • HULK_BREAKHULK_BREAK Member Posts: 374
    I think it should prevent a champion from being "useless" if not awakened, like SL, SW, DW, and have more like IMIW, IceM, KM that are valid even without being awakened
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,209 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    Some really nice ideas there, @Whododo872. CAWW2 would rocket into the stratosphere if he got all of those abilities; but I'd love to see Kabam implement some of them.

    Favourites -
    Poison resistance
    Bonuses Vs Villains
    Synergies - actually these are really quite well balanced; aside from OML not getting much out of his (only bleeds on special; no benefit to his regeneration)

    Kind of OTT -
    Anything that gives him Unblockable. Quick Thinker will give him this repeatedly throughout the fight.
    Regeneration - too many other heroes have just as much right as Cap to this ability. Spiderman, Hulk, Sentry... Everyone will be regenerating soon!
    Too much resistance to projectiles. Base 70% Perfect Block against maybe 1/3 of the Special Attacks in the game? Don't forget, you might want to fight against him some time, too!

    Nice effort, though. Good to see this thread staying alive!
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,209 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    I did my rework for Red Cyclops above. Here's the Blue Cyclops version:


    When he was introduced, it was explained that he had spent a long time imprisoned in crystal which asked his powers slightly; hence effects like his passive power gain. I've built on this to give him a slightly different power set to Red Cyclops; with some Power effects to make him slightly more utilitarian and less raw offense:

    Due to prolonged exposure to the energies of Iso-8 in the Battlerealm whilst in his crystal prison, Cyclops gains power faster at lower power levels.

    Cyclops gains and loses strategy counters during a fight:
    +4 When he makes a well-timed block
    +4 When he intercepts a dash attack
    +4 When he evades an attack using Dexterity.
    +2 Every ten hits in his combo
    +2 When he Armour Breaks an opponent

    Strategy is lost when Cyclops is stunned (-10), dazed/concussed (-5, plus gain Strategy at half rate whilst affected) or hit with a Special-3 (-10).

    Strategy grants Blue Team Cyclops the following bonuses. Greater bonuses replace those at lower levels:
    Beam attacks reduce the opponent's block proficiency by 40 per point of Strategy
    10: +10% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks
    20: +20% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks
    +20% Ability Accuracy and debuff duration on Specials
    - Cyclops' passive power gain increases in effect by 20%
    30: +40% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks
    - Opponents gain 30% less Power from Beam attacks
    - Cyclops' passive power gain increases in effect by 40%
    40: +60% Bonus critical damage on Beam attacks
    Opponents gain 50% less Power from Beam attacks
    50: +40% Ability Accuracy and debuff durations on Specials
    - Cyclops' passive power gain increases in effect by 60%
    Note - Blue Cyclops deals less critical damage than Red Cyke; but his power Gain allows him to use Specials more often; as well as to reduce the number of specials his opponent gets to use.

    Signature ability:
    Cyke starts the match with up to ten* Strategy; plus he unlocks the following additional effects:
    - Blocking: Cyclops gains up to +50* block proficiency per Strategy counter (max +2500 bonus).
    - Strategy of 40: Beam attacks are Unblockable

    * scales with Sig. A 2500 bonus may sound high, but this will take a lot of work; at max boost will still only bring his block proficiency up on par with champions like Captain America, and only lasts during that single fight.

    Special Attacks
    S1 - +800 Critical Rating
    60% chance to armour break (moderate effect and 7s duration)
    S2 - +1500 Critical Rating
    70% chance to armour break strong effect, 9s duration)
    - 60% chance to inflict Petrify debuff (25% reduced Power Gain and Regeneration) for 6 seconds
    S3 - 60% chance to inflict each of two stacks of Armour break (modest effect, 10-second duration)
    - 60% chance to inflict a Power Leak debuff (opponent loses 25% power over four seconds)

    Thoughts on either version of Cyclops appreciated. Really pleased to see I'm not the only person who likes doing these redesigns!
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Whododo872 wrote: »
    Yeah, I must have just not interpreted the cable thing right. What I was reading, with enough skill, it’d just be infinite regen lol. And that durability thing makes much more sense now, if it’s like how heimdall gets his buffs

    And yes, I’d love to take a look at your other buffs. Definitely way more fun to redesign when you get critiques, innit?
    My other redesigns are further up thread. You gave me a bit of feedback on my Magneto rework, but I don't think I got any on my Unstoppable Colossus revision, or Spider-Gwen.

    Revisions so far:
    1. Unstoppable Colossus
    2. Magneto
    3. Spider-Gwen
    4. Captain Marvel
    5. Hulkbuster
    6. Iron Fist

    Thank you, and best wishes!
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Some really nice ideas there, @Whododo872. CAWW2 would rocket into the stratosphere if he got all of those abilities; but I'd love to see Kabam implement some of them.

    Favourites -
    Poison resistance
    Bonuses Vs Villains
    Synergies - actually these are really quite well balanced; aside from OML not getting much out of his (only bleeds on special; no benefit to his regeneration)

    Kind of OTT -
    Anything that gives him Unblockable. Quick Thinker will give him this repeatedly throughout the fight.
    Regeneration - too many other heroes have just as much right as Cap to this ability. Spiderman, Hulk, Sentry... Everyone will be regenerating soon!
    Too much resistance to projectiles. Base 70% Perfect Block against maybe 1/3 of the Special Attacks in the game? Don't forget, you might want to fight against him some time, too!

    Nice effort, though. Good to see this thread staying alive!
    I agree. I think some of this is over the top, especially the perfect block stack between his shield and his Signature Ability. He'd perfectly block all projectile attacks all the time at max level. Then he gets a bar of power to start each fight with on top of that? I think this is probably all a bit much on a Champion that isn't so bad off right now.

    Best wishes!
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Some really nice ideas there, @Whododo872. CAWW2 would rocket into the stratosphere if he got all of those abilities; but I'd love to see Kabam implement some of them.

    Favourites -
    Poison resistance
    Bonuses Vs Villains
    Synergies - actually these are really quite well balanced; aside from OML not getting much out of his (only bleeds on special; no benefit to his regeneration)

    Kind of OTT -
    Anything that gives him Unblockable. Quick Thinker will give him this repeatedly throughout the fight.
    Regeneration - too many other heroes have just as much right as Cap to this ability. Spiderman, Hulk, Sentry... Everyone will be regenerating soon!
    Too much resistance to projectiles. Base 70% Perfect Block against maybe 1/3 of the Special Attacks in the game? Don't forget, you might want to fight against him some time, too!

    Nice effort, though. Good to see this thread staying alive!
    I agree. I think some of this is over the top, especially the perfect block stack between his shield and his Signature Ability. He'd perfectly block all projectile attacks all the time at max level. Then he gets a bar of power to start each fight with on top of that? I think this is probably all a bit much on a Champion that isn't so bad off right now.

    Best wishes!

    Looking at the values, I understand that I might’ve gone overboard with the perfect block. But ey, values are my weak spot. The aim is to give him great perfect block chance, and even better chance against projectiles.

    As for the unblockable, the aim with that is to make it easier to land specials against defensive enemies. Sure, he might get unblockable when fighting him, but how honestly difficult are those specials to dodge anyways? But, if that’s a bit much, maybe just make it unstoppable instead of also unblockable

    Loving this feedback! Way more fun now that we got people commenting on this thread and giving criticisms!
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