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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Ghost Rider bug??

Ok so need some help here guys. I have played GR and blade for the last year. Recently I was in AQ and was fighting Gambit with GR. I did a S2 with GR and he did not power drain. So my question is this a bug or known issue? A guy in my ally says GR power drain should be 100 percent. Through my experience the GR power drain in more like 80-90 percent even with blade. Any info would be appreciated, bc if it is supposed to be 100 percent I have specific examples of where GR did not power drain. Thanks


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    DtyttfthgDtyttfthg Posts: 74
    If a mod or kabam mike is out there....please respond. Thanks
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    Swe_wolfisSwe_wolfis Posts: 390 ★★
    Check your in-game info, states clearly 80% chance to place the mark
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    CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    It’ll be >100% with Blade on the team, however if Gambit tagged you with his S2 he places a concussion on you reducing your ability accuracy which can cause the judgement to fail.
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    DtyttfthgDtyttfthg Posts: 74
    Lol, well seems like I’m getting different answers from different people...just like my ally where we are going back and forth depending upon who you ask.
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    DtyttfthgDtyttfthg Posts: 74
    edited December 2018
    Well I just took video of GR against winter soldier in ROL. I think I did 3 or 4 S2s, and then the next one did not work, ie no power drain. So I know it’s not 100 percent of the time, and yes I did have blade synergy. I also have video of the failed S2.
    So I know there is a correct answer out there, but doesn’t seem like anyone knows for sure since I have gotten different answers from different players. Very seasoned players too.
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    Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Posts: 13,862 ★★★★★
    This might be a stupid question ... But do you know that judgements are only applied once, and that you need to launch a sp3 in order to reset them and use them again?
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    DtyttfthgDtyttfthg Posts: 74
    Well the first response I got said 80, and the next one said 100 percent with blade. I guess I only proved it isn’t 100 percent with blade bc now I have video proof. But again, what is the RIGHT answer?? Each Player has told me something different. So again, Question is still unanswered.

    So is this a bug? Is it really 80%, is it 90? 95? Is it 100% with blade synergy? Who knows the truth???
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    It actually shows to be 130% with danger sense

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    You can only place a judgment once though. It must be refreshed by a sp3 if you wish to do it again
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    Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Posts: 13,862 ★★★★★
    Can you post the video so that it becomes easier to explain you what's happening?
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    Primmer79Primmer79 Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    if you have proof, please post, maybe we can see something you're missing. mods will ask for the video anyway
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