Help button

Right now we can only help four request when we press that HELP button. Kabam can you please change it to more like 10 or HELP ALL because many time there are lots of request like 300 and keep pressing doesn't make sense. I want to help everyone but i don't like spending time just pressing the same thing again and again.
Nevermind that sometimes it doesn't even "help" 4 requests at a time. It almost always goes down to 1 at a time while still pressing the button. I'd like a help all or at least help 10 would be nice!
Same...It happenes many times and it gets boring.
IMO they should automate it so when You finish round of arena with 3 champs it automatically asks for help for those 3 champs.
I think I heard somewhere that they can't do "Help all" since it could cause a server overload but I don't want to start a rumor...
The "Help 10" would be nice + fixing the "Help 4" helping 1 as well.
for asking and help others
Fortunately, I think it'll be good to have a number higher than 4 that can be managed by the servers.
That's what I'm saying. It was mentioned before that requesting multiple would overload the server. Perhaps someone could offer more information. From what I understand, it's not possible because of the server.
So, as has been stated in here, we haven't implemented a Help All button because it would be too server intensive. The team has had some minor conversations on how we can improve the system, but we haven't made any decisions yet. When we have some more information, I'll let you guys know!
It's like you're telling us that a bus can carry 12 people, but a dozen people is just too heavy.
You didn't get the point. If many people press HELP ALL at the same time then server definitely can't process that much.
There is not only one bus. There are millions, and they have to take care of everyone.
That's not how computers work.
There are millions of users now. There will be millions of users if they change it. The number of requests isn't going to change.
In fact, there should be *less* work for the servers. If you take 10 different requests and bundle them together, then you have 9 less headers on the routing packets. That's less information for the servers to have to parse through.
And when asking for help, make it that we can ask for 3 at least.
Would us save a lot of time, please
I agree with you. I always hear them reason it would be server intensive. If they can't do anything about that they need to find a better dev. They can send one server request (via one Help All button) which will send let's say 40 champs at once instead of sending 10 server requests with 4 champs each which makes it more server intensive. I think they really designed it that way so if you're help requests are not cleared by your team mates and you're impatient w/ your champs to cooldown you can just refresh your champs with units. Business as always.
Don't really care HOW it gets done, the end user just wants to see all of the help requests go away. It certainly CAN be done.
Anyone with even basic web programming skills will know that the "server load" explanation doesn't make any sense.
To get to the bottom of this, you have to understand that if properly implemented, a "HELP" message for 1 champion or a Help message for 100 champions would take roughly the same amount of time to compute on the servers (that translates into a single SQL order for the Database server anyway).
As of now, a player will press the "HELP" button mutiple times in a few seconds (for instance 15 times in 20 secs) and will generate just as many messages for the networks and servers.
Multiply this by the number of player around the world and that's a LOT of messages to compute.
On the other hand, with a "HELP ALL" button, you would have a single message for each player, which would obviously put a lesser load on networks and servers.
So I'm afraid the "server load" explanation is a very poor justification to explain the current implementation of the HELP fonction.
So the real explanation must be either very bad programming, or a lack of will to improve the situation.
Or both.