Mansion and Mutants or time taken in Terrigen Mists? What team would you join?



  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    GoTG for me bc I want to travel to space. Finding out technology from any races that could be helpful to human race is exciting.
    Plus hanging out with a bunch of weird, funny and badass team ain't a bad idea (sounds fun too).
    I remember there is one time where even Tony is surprised to see a tech that Rocket has - the same tech Rocket uses in GoTG 2 to fix their broken ship (look like a spray or something).

    If I want a power, I would love teleportation like NC and the movie Jumper. Being able to go anywhere in the world without a passport and flight is a time saver. It can also be used to help those in need like in war zone, or saving victims of natural disaster.
    Touching BG's shiny head and bail out ASAP HAHAHA
    And Pizza delivery will be so fast LOL
    A power that's definitely will always be useful
  • Cranmer00Cranmer00 Member Posts: 527 ★★
    X-men hands down, but not the ones on kabam.

    Colossus can stay how is he is because some champions have to be the weakest link.

    But Magneto..... cmon ... SG, Shehulk and gamora buffed before Magneto... dang

    Cyclops needs, but Magneto 100% needs..

  • Atharva111Atharva111 Member Posts: 52
    I am a very big fan of Avengers. So, i would go with them.
    And now Spider-man is also a part of Avengers
  • Kade7175Kade7175 Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Fantastic four for sure. I'd take johnny or Reed powers all day plus sue was Jessica alba!! Hell I'd be dr doom too.
    Or as guardian but odin bloodline. Thors brother or something. With my own uru weapon. So dope.

    Mutants have real struggles. None of their powers ever look comfortable and are always hard to control. Cable has been my dude since I was 5. Time travel a bad ass disease that turns you into a robot psy abilities that are on par with gray. But like i said mad struggles

    Avengers would be pretty cool too. Some freak accident that gives me a super power, or brains.
    I pick all. Lol
  • Dark_King888Dark_King888 Member Posts: 227
    I would be GhostRider. He would be a part of Shield or Avengers
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,344 ★★★★★
    I would probably apprentice to Sinister. So, Marauders.

    Someone has to do the dirty work...
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    edited March 2019
    Sorry for the no response on here, folks! Been away a couple of days, but I'm back to say thank you to everyone who has contributed! It's been awesome going through and reading everyone's responses. :)
  • EvisceratorEviscerator Member Posts: 350 ★★
    I'd go solo. With gravity control powers
  • ChewybuccaChewybucca Member Posts: 95
    Guardian of the galaxy Member .. Powers Stargazer forever
  • LordBeaverbrokeLordBeaverbroke Member Posts: 285 ★★

    I will be dressing up for my students on National Super Hero Day (April 26) as Captain America!

    Which One? Put a Beard on him/them and you have Cap IW!!!
    Give him scaly chainmail and he's Endgame Cap!
    Give him Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet and He's Infinity-God-Cap!!! (I'm Guessing!!)
    Could give him StormBreaker and he'd be Steve Rogers God of Thunder!

    and what if you gave him this?

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  • Rooney_NationRooney_Nation Member Posts: 65
    I’m more of the loner type. I’d be mutant, but along the lines of old man Logan. Sure, his healing isn’t what it used to be and kinda broken down, but he’s gruff, curses, and kills the bad guys. Non of the “justice will prevail” lock them up nonsense. Has that old guy mentality of I’m gonna drink, smoke, kick ass, and have no apologies for it.
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