Kabam turning to the whales and turning their backs on free-to-play players

I have been playing this game for about 3 years now, enjoying the free to play experience for the most part because I cannot afford spending much money at all on this game or any game for that matter. And now, especially since the release of cavalier crystals and the absolute hellspawn of champion requirements (which were supposed to be a fun thing)...all players who want to be free to play really cannot enjoy a lot of parts of this game. I never reccomend any people to start playing this game now because it's a trap, when you begin it is easy and smooth but eventually you will have wasted your time and now are stuck in the land of "must pay money to gain the advantage" and it's not some small advantage either. Especially with champion requirements, spending money on Crystals until you get the champs you need is the only way.
I have not seen enough support from Kabam to provide more content for mid-tier summoners to get up to the higher ranks, and if they were to add more content to help mid-tier summoners it is a lot of the time really, really **** rewards for super hard (free to play) content. Like the maze when the champion was released, 2000 5* shards for exploration!? You are joking!! And these Nick fury intel missions, some were trying to compare it to a gwenpool event. NOT EVEN CLOSE! It's way more difficult and the rewards are **** and the Intel store is trash pricing. 5* gem for 95% of your intel?? This game is too old for that. And I cant even do the MASTER mode of the spider-verse chapter because I havent spent money and so my luck just hasn't rewarded me with the champs good enough for that..BUT you can spend MONEY to attempt a SMALL chance at getting a champ for that chapter. 300 units is too much risk to a free to play. Kabam, there are so many of us that treat every unit with care cause we arent used to having 6000+ of them all the time like the whales. And dont even get me started on shard Crystals, why are they even in the game at this point with that 44 4* shard ****? And no one is talking about the grandmaster crystal price change, yeah they lowered it to 200 units like the cavalier but they dropped the 5* rate from 5% to 3%...REALLY!? Like seriously they are asking me to not spend any money when they make switcheroo changes like that.
Now a 4 month uncollected player I still have a TON of trouble exploring the uncollected difficulty despite the tutorials out there for the bosses, they arent the problem. But the nodes and paths such as biohazard and Invade, seriously, you are asking for money there. Not everyone has double and triple immunities champs.
All in all, there really needs to be more crystal buffing and content released that helps the mid-tier player get up to the high level areas of content to catch up because we are falling behind. I'd really like to see changes like this happen before I decide to quit the game. Cause that's where I'm at right now.
I have not seen enough support from Kabam to provide more content for mid-tier summoners to get up to the higher ranks, and if they were to add more content to help mid-tier summoners it is a lot of the time really, really **** rewards for super hard (free to play) content. Like the maze when the champion was released, 2000 5* shards for exploration!? You are joking!! And these Nick fury intel missions, some were trying to compare it to a gwenpool event. NOT EVEN CLOSE! It's way more difficult and the rewards are **** and the Intel store is trash pricing. 5* gem for 95% of your intel?? This game is too old for that. And I cant even do the MASTER mode of the spider-verse chapter because I havent spent money and so my luck just hasn't rewarded me with the champs good enough for that..BUT you can spend MONEY to attempt a SMALL chance at getting a champ for that chapter. 300 units is too much risk to a free to play. Kabam, there are so many of us that treat every unit with care cause we arent used to having 6000+ of them all the time like the whales. And dont even get me started on shard Crystals, why are they even in the game at this point with that 44 4* shard ****? And no one is talking about the grandmaster crystal price change, yeah they lowered it to 200 units like the cavalier but they dropped the 5* rate from 5% to 3%...REALLY!? Like seriously they are asking me to not spend any money when they make switcheroo changes like that.
Now a 4 month uncollected player I still have a TON of trouble exploring the uncollected difficulty despite the tutorials out there for the bosses, they arent the problem. But the nodes and paths such as biohazard and Invade, seriously, you are asking for money there. Not everyone has double and triple immunities champs.
All in all, there really needs to be more crystal buffing and content released that helps the mid-tier player get up to the high level areas of content to catch up because we are falling behind. I'd really like to see changes like this happen before I decide to quit the game. Cause that's where I'm at right now.
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Variant is about the only end game player content out there right now but seatin has started it on his F2P and is getting it done. If you aren't willing to be patient, then start spending money. It sounds like you need to work on your roster more in order to complete UC events.
Thats never gonna happen. Never unless you litterally are grinding nonstop 24/7.
Also there are many f2p players who have no problems with units since once again they grind arena and have said you can get a good amount of units there.
As for mid tier player content.
Have you 100% act 5? Master difficulty of EQ.
Thats mid level player stuff. Grind arena's.
Also you complain about how expensive the 5* AG is and that the game is past it. Really how many 5* AGs can you get outside of intel and since you don't spend you can't include the black Friday or July 4th deals.
Now lastly. What player base do you think keeps this game going?
The f2p accounts - contribute 0 profit
Or the whales - prolly gives about 85-95% of their revenue.
You still have plenty of content to beat so thats how you catch up. Whales/Endgame players are constantly stuck waiting for the next event to come out so they can enjoy the game a little bit more.
So stop sounding like an entitled brat and play the game that you get to enjoy free at the pace you can. If you can't beat something practice and remember an energy refill costs less than a revive
All of this games content can be done without spending on champs & units. Just at a slower rate, f2p will always be at a disadvantage because spenders choose to pay to get ahead and build more quickly.
Quite simply, if uncollected EQ is too difficult for you to do right now, or any other content, then focus on maximizing your rewards from the content that you can do with your roster & skills
Am I in disadvantage compared to paying players? Of course. But I don't care, I am not racing them. In fact, I am thankful there are paying players, it's them who keep the game alive, not me.
I have played many games in the past and this one doesn't stop F2P progression. That's why I like it a lot. You go try Game of War and then you will see...
All good bro! This game can get frustrating
Matter of fact is, every end game player has been through whatever issues the OP or whoever complains is currently going through. Only difference is we find solutions and try to work things out ourselves instead of saying the game is rigged and Kabam should make things easier for players to progress.
So what you’re saying in your post is, when people act like spoilt kids because things are not made easier for them to help them succeed, other people don’t have the right to call them out?
I would say they definitely target whales. There must be enough of them to warrant such pricey packages. A company should never forget the F2P player though because they add to the population of the game and from time time, some do eventually spend. I think this game is fun and will spend $ on it, but I stopped being a whale when I left an MMO I played for 9 years. The packages need to be more worthwhile.