The game experienced a brief connectivity issue this morning. The team promptly fixed the issue and things are back to normal, thank you to everyone who passed along reports!

5 &6* SHARDS

BaddOne67BaddOne67 Member Posts: 116
Ok I'm pretty new to the game but I'm level 41 with 108 champs with only eight 4* and the rest 3 and 2s.. I'm on act 3 at Thanos and ive finished all the Quest that are there and really grind the arena with the 3 and 2s seeing I only have eight 4*s ....My question is how can I get more 4 5 and 6 shards or Crystals without selling anything or can you? The Leader and officers of my Alliance has pretty much stopped playing so there are no rewards there . In need of help PLEASE!!!!


  • JackdreadJackdread Member Posts: 10
    You want to start by playing the event quest each month higher the difficulty the better rewards the same with grinding the arena also if your alliance had stopped might be a good idea to look for a new active alliance
  • VinvickVinvick Member Posts: 117
    The special event quests are right place to find 5* shards. At present, bounty quests help you find some 4* & 5* shards. And also above suggestions.
  • BaddOne67BaddOne67 Member Posts: 116
    I Think I've done thise quest all the way up to Heroic on some just finished the Ultron those the ones you guys are talking about?? So your saying do the month to month new things that come up it just takes longer than I expected?? I've got 4,176 4* shards and no 6* ...I really dont remember where I got the 5* shards from a quest or story event cant rember!! But thanks guys for the input!!! P S ...DONT SELL ANYTHING??????
  • BaddOne67BaddOne67 Member Posts: 116
    SORRY I MEANT 4,176 5* shards!!!
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