War Disappeared after Placement Phase [Merged Threads]

After placement phase, nothing happened. Our war went back to normal, our champs weren't locked. It just went back to normal. Was this a bug or did we not have a match with any other team.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
We have tried emailing support but no surprise we are not getting anywhere and that's not comepetely unexpected.
I mean on the one hand I have to accept that yes even though I and other officers checked that we were enlisted as normal, none of us took a screen shot... Because to be honest why would you.
Equally its not implusable to say that maybe one of the officers accidently unselected the enlistment while checking. This is unlikely but cannot be ruled out as an option since nobody actually had eyes on the enlistment tab in the few seconds before the AW matchmaking system kicked in.
But seriously is it too much to ask to get more than an automated response. We don't massively care about AW this season but some alliances still do so it would be nice to know this matter has been looked into just to make sure that it was "somehow" our fault and not an error in the match making system which could affect another alliance.
Also, curious if anyone knows whether it also shows in Alliance pane whenever an officer does a De-enlist ??? Haven't ever tried it to see what is put in the pane. But that would be an area that everyone could potentially say “hey, why did we De-enlist” (if indeed a msg gets pop'd into the ally pane when doing that).
Or, wonder if the Game Outage yesterday had somehow affected alliances Enlistment Status ? If some ally's were just then Enlisting, but Maintenance right afterwards somehow had to backtrack (or “lost”) some Transactions in game ???
Any one else not able 2 join
War disappeared after the placement phase. Help, I’m very scared of the dark.