What do you think about September events

Kabam has announced some amazing (I feel so) events for 80th anniversary of Marvel comics.
So, what do you guys think about new events??
So, what do you guys think about new events??
What do you think about September events 207 votes
But still its okay, depends on difficulty they set
To be honest i expected more as they are celebrating 80th anniversar
Are you really saying if someone doesn't like a monthly event they put out, they should just quit? LOL seriously? I have played for over 4 years and many many months the community haven't liked the content and shared that with Kabam. It's kind of the point of these forums too, even if it doesn't change the event itself, to share how we feel. I personally haven't liked a lot of the events this entire year, they've had some huge duds including the tie in for Endgame, which was probably the most disappointing event they've ever done tied to a movie out at the time. Should I have quit or all my alliance mates when we didn't like that event?
Should all the content creators and youtubers who didn't like certain events, even multiple events back to back, just quit the game too?
This month's in comparison is pretty bland to be honest.
I mean shouldn't we be celebrating Marvel or something?! How are we doing that exactly?!?!
Nah because it changes from month to month.. other months where u get units to buy stuff with in special stores, those are fun, ... this month there's really nothing there..
I mean you've gotta be honest with Kabam and give them feedback so they know what we like and what we don't, right?
Quests are easy to complete
As a f2p it's great rewards for me
If the prize is GMC Unifieds, which yield 5*’s only 5% of the time, it seems like there should be a lot more shards available. Sure, you can get 13.5 GMC Unifieds if you explore every single difficulty (yikes!), but even then you have only a ~51% chance at a 5* champ.
For that kind of dedication, I think there should be more.
Dr. Zola