Repeat Quest Rewards Exploit

@Kabam Miike
For the record, I have no issue with Kabam's swift action taken against those who exploited the Quest Reward bug. My only issue here is consistency. Suffice it to say that it's understandable Kabam would take swift action regarding bugs that could affect their bottom line and integrity of the game. But the argument can be made that not only does Kabam NOT take swift action with the many bugs that adversely affect the player base, but Kabam exploits said bugs to their benefit. The exact kind of behavior Kabam condemns. One such example that comes to mind is the Spidey evade big. I will take Kabam's word that the fix was not easy and that it was absolutely necessary for players to suffer with this bug for months upon months while Kabam painstakingly tried to find a fix. But to make a bugged champ a miniboss in Map6, some of the more difficult content in the game, feels like an exploit. I'm confident any unbiased reasonable person would agree. And yet, Kabam offered no refund of resources to players who suffered with this game exploiting bug for months upon months. Yet when a bug works in the favor of the players, Kabam is not only expecting reperations, but also handing out bans. I mean this in all sincerity when I say that this is a double standard of epic proportions. Rather than dismiss this post, Miike I would very much like to hear Kabam's position on this. I acknowledge all the hard work done by moderators and the unnecessary verbal abuse they take, but at some level moderates need to answer the tough questions in a non-dismissive, intelligent, and respectful manner. In no way am I attempting to be sarcastic nor insight uproar. I simply have a valid question that deserves a thoughtful answer. Even if the answer is "Because our first priority is too look out for the best interests of the company/Kabam." I can accept that. But to not acknowledge this obvious double standard is not only a slap in the face to every player but also an insult to our intelligence. I patiently wait for your response Miike.
Respectfully Yours
For the record, I have no issue with Kabam's swift action taken against those who exploited the Quest Reward bug. My only issue here is consistency. Suffice it to say that it's understandable Kabam would take swift action regarding bugs that could affect their bottom line and integrity of the game. But the argument can be made that not only does Kabam NOT take swift action with the many bugs that adversely affect the player base, but Kabam exploits said bugs to their benefit. The exact kind of behavior Kabam condemns. One such example that comes to mind is the Spidey evade big. I will take Kabam's word that the fix was not easy and that it was absolutely necessary for players to suffer with this bug for months upon months while Kabam painstakingly tried to find a fix. But to make a bugged champ a miniboss in Map6, some of the more difficult content in the game, feels like an exploit. I'm confident any unbiased reasonable person would agree. And yet, Kabam offered no refund of resources to players who suffered with this game exploiting bug for months upon months. Yet when a bug works in the favor of the players, Kabam is not only expecting reperations, but also handing out bans. I mean this in all sincerity when I say that this is a double standard of epic proportions. Rather than dismiss this post, Miike I would very much like to hear Kabam's position on this. I acknowledge all the hard work done by moderators and the unnecessary verbal abuse they take, but at some level moderates need to answer the tough questions in a non-dismissive, intelligent, and respectful manner. In no way am I attempting to be sarcastic nor insight uproar. I simply have a valid question that deserves a thoughtful answer. Even if the answer is "Because our first priority is too look out for the best interests of the company/Kabam." I can accept that. But to not acknowledge this obvious double standard is not only a slap in the face to every player but also an insult to our intelligence. I patiently wait for your response Miike.
Respectfully Yours
Thanks for the response. Regardless, I think we can agree that Kabam doesn't hold themselves to their own standard in this regard. I'm a firm believer in leading by example. When they don't follow their own rules it speaks to a lack of integrity on their part. The "do as I say, not as I do" motto has proven to not be a good motivator.