LF Alliance Members. Starting from Scratch
Hello, I'm starting a new Alliance with this new account I started.
Look for people that are active and with ratings that are 50k and over. I'm Aq/Aw heavy. And you cannot be absent than 5 days. That's quite lenient if you ask me, so try not to slack. I have no current goal but I just want get the Alliance on the and running at least before i set goals.
That's about it, just stay active, communicate, and have fun. And my ign @ SwankGod96 for request. Thanks for reading and you guys join.
Look for people that are active and with ratings that are 50k and over. I'm Aq/Aw heavy. And you cannot be absent than 5 days. That's quite lenient if you ask me, so try not to slack. I have no current goal but I just want get the Alliance on the and running at least before i set goals.
That's about it, just stay active, communicate, and have fun. And my ign @ SwankGod96 for request. Thanks for reading and you guys join.