
  • Name: TwentyBlood Device: Samsung Galaxy S7 (SM-G930F) OS: Android 8.0.0 Cellular or WiFi: Both (Cellular Orange) Game version: 24.2.0 Game mode: Alliance Quest and Alliance War Description: - Dropped/Missed inputs : * Block doesn't work every time * Evade doesn't work every time - Sometimes, long loading times and slow…
  • Name: TwentyBlood Device: Samsung Galaxy S7 (SM-G930F) OS: Android 8.0.0 Cellular or WiFi: Both (Cellular Orange) Game version: 23.0.1 Game mode: Story Quests, Event Quests and Alliance Quest Description: - Combat lag : notice big lag often between third et fourth hit in a five combo. - Extreme lag when upgrading champion…