Blade crystal drop rate not 20%

Time for kabam to be honest and admit that the drop rate for blade crystal is not 20%. I'm sure some may argue and say that he dropped alot but that's anecdotal. I have statistical proof that its not. When the crystal initially came out my alliance opened 22 crystals and no blade. I personally opened 2, then started tracking what was opened since there were so many misses. Now someone might say that is too small a pool of data to come to that conclusion. However, with just that small sample size, the probability of not pulling a blade out of 22 crystals is statistically impossible, if the drop rate was indeed 20%. Now, maybe they eventually fixed it, which may be reason to explain if it indeed dropped alot later. It happened with the sentry feature crystal. But at least back then they admitted he wasn't in there and compensated thusly. Personally, I think the drop rate was more around 5%, which used to be the drop rate for the initial blade crystal or there's some secondary factor to determine who that "20%" is, though that would be fraud since the message specifically said "you" have a 20% chance, not just a general statement that would cover everyone. Kabam, please be honest and admit that the drop rate was not 20% and compensate individuals properly. I will also be submitting a complaint to apple/ google regarding this as a violation of your "probability standards" but I'd like to give you time to correct the matter before submitting. Thanks in advance.
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0-25 (last time blade was featureed and this time)
and i got blade 2/2
rng, rng
It was 20.8ish percent. This is because there was a 20% chance to get Blade as the Featured Champion, but he's also in the Basic Pool.
You tell ‘im, Miike!