Punisher 2099 Going To Be A Playable Champion?

Pretty much the title. Did a bit of digging and couldn't find the answer for this.
Curious to know as this is the first time since I started playing since the cycle of a new Champion every 2 weeks has been broken + Civil Warrior has been added as a featured 5 Crystal for 2 weeks. Seems a bit odd.
Any clarity would be appreciated.
Curious to know as this is the first time since I started playing since the cycle of a new Champion every 2 weeks has been broken + Civil Warrior has been added as a featured 5 Crystal for 2 weeks. Seems a bit odd.
Any clarity would be appreciated.
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I remember. Actually came in handy because I played catch-up.
But there was also a gap between when they ran out of Civil War champs and when the next event started. The CW 5* crystal will be around until after the Punisher event ends.
- CW crystal/timer is a mistake
- Going to have 3 feature champ crystals
- No Punisher 2099
-CW is a rerun featured which can run for 2 weeks (look at AA's current run) new featureds run 1 week.
-There have been 3 featureds running in the past.
-Chicken Little next new champ confirmed. Seriously though the champs are in the game files, if it isn't punisher who will be the new? Maybe there will be 3 weeks without a new one? Doubt it and I don't think that fits with the FB post of "the first 120 champions" with a spot for Punisher 2099.
Is it next week? If so, will a "new" featured champ arena run right after punisher?
Because this change messed up with the arena schedule, and we need some answers about the upcoming arenas
There's no need to worry about the Basic Hero vs Featured Hero Schedule. We'll let you guys know what the plan is very soon, but we're going to make sure that it maintains the "New" Basic and Re-Run Champ cadence for the most part.
That was the main question. Without this change and knowing that the Memory lane crystal arena would be skipped, then Gwenpool would be the basic champion alongside a new featured. This was what players were expecting to see
So all the basics such as Gwen pool are still on schedual at the moment?
Oh yeh, it is!
Your last comments had all been in old threads, in outdated information. Watch out for that