Kingnaes ★
Any time the screen acts like this, it's vs spiderham mostly. Top was in incursions the other was arena.
I'm valiant and have never needed those items and will not waste valuable tokens on those items... I sell my t4bs for t5b frags and even selling t5bs and t2qs for t6bs and t3as...
The easiest way to get points is using your 7*s to auto-fight Road to the Labrinth. Only takes a few minutes to repeat the same path 3 or 4 times
I have a R2 Sandman and do live him but I chose to R3 Titania and Hulk over him. But next R3 science will either be him or silk but kinda leaning towards silk cuz I finally got her duped and he's still unduped
The bug is you can't use shuri or venom anywhere during the path either so have to use other champs for the fights before namor/carnage then only use shuri/venom
I'm doing titan shards ciz I don't get enough tiran shards anywhere else and champ acquisition is still important ( obviously rng dependent )... and also value wise it takes fewer days to form a full titan crystal vs getting 3 full t4as for a R3. Also t4as are now in glory store. Edit: did not realize this was an old…
It's not Powerful from Afar... it's just Powerful Powerful- immune to.power modification ie. No power drain/burn/steal/lock They want Sabertooth to be able to fire specials for the 1000% atk fury
This whole list and I'll add DragonMan Sp1 applies Slow...
This happens ALL the time when such content comes. Without fail, someone always forgets or doesn't know how the tag system works.
Act 6 was THE WORST pre-nerf and it's still ridiculous post-nerf...
At 5700 now but intend to do the 3 wins objectives so that would get me to just over 6k and then in done
Rolled over Silver Sable who i already gotten twice so I'm so happy with this rollover for once.... I would have been livid if I double duped sable after all this BGs
It's 904M now ....
I still LOVE my R3 ironheart... she has been so clutch for me everywhere. Bounty I always choose the mutant target and use her. She's always on my aw atk team saga atk champ easy to get to 5 and above. BGs good 2 way champ. In most medium fights I don't bother with sp1 to pause .. I keep doing MM to apply many debuffs and…
No Raids, No BGs mins
Cuz everyone said no rewards I went and did lvl 5 of last week.... at least that's 500 7* shards and 6000 mysterium path rewards each run... ... did 3 runs
They just gonna rework the blue one right?.. the red one will still suck?
I used him for HB... easy solo
I don't mind the UI but I hate the mini pop up clip each time you claim a simple reward....
Yeah basically $300 for 1 7* champ damn.. even tho I really wanna dupe my angela .
For me it was Human Torch twice and i switched over to Spiderham to test it out for the other 2 paths... ... all 4 solos but I preferred HT better
Use Human Torch or Spiderham
Sweet thank you
Shuri for me....
No... no choice node usage. Not even for another merc
Mcocnoob... his videos got me past a lot of content..
Any version of Peter Parker spiderman ... not the other spider verse champs.... I beat cosmic spidey and it worked too.. RTTL 1.3 has an og spidey as 1st fight you can do repeatedly to get it done quick
That's so not worth nearly $800.... Valiant maybe but still no
"Half wp" that's most likely necro