TheSaith ★★★
I think she is toooooo basic , no special animations , no effects . just a incest fighting for life lols... Onslaught raised the Bar high , or negasonic , or Adam ... her look and animation is MEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I've all of them , and honestly i never felt low on CGR , scorpion ,and fury . I don't use AA much , but scor , cgr and Fury always go with champs all are ascended r4 , feels good
Titan shards
i use in BG and mid fight Parry heavy , Mllll , powergain , Mllllm , sp2 , again whole combo of MLLLL if he not dead relic into MLLLM , dead also u will be at 5 judgments so after sp2 if u use MLLLL again power gain before relic use if u use heavy before Powergain so Aptitude buff will help to gain more power. so when u do…
armor breaks are -100 and work as armors right?
antman wanna talk
what you got boy?
some thing like , in match of two minutes AI wont throw special 1 or 2 for 1:30 minuts , just spaming heavy or doing full combo on ur block , nd corner u till death .or AI will decide to hold block until u decide to throw heavy and then AI intercept u with special?? or AI suddenly decide to parry u mid combo ?? yeah a lot…
Finally, someone who is not a fan of spiders.
i pulled antman 6th time today lols
helmet man yesss
Mutant slayer or not , just use him against knull , or laot of armor breaks . u will enjoy
Aegon , no one else
22 , 6 duped
put sigs it will scale with sig level
no fun at all
Alright thanks for Info
he was nerfed?
awsome thanks
nope , not even 1 . so there will be two point sin exploration and 4 from objectives???
every path except the one u already claimed
Adam is high risk high rewards champ and need RNG favors too (how opponent behave) , Hulking powerhouse of utility , damage and Fun to play with many imunities
Doom Go to sp3 ,(abs man sp2 or plus) heavy stagger , use sp3 , MLM,LLLMM combo into sp1 , hold block he will come to u , hot on block + prry or let him use heavy , again MLLLL combo into relic , heavy , again sp3 Easiest for me
Pakistan 🇵🇰
I soloed him with Doom , I've overseer r2 duped , no hulk , I've she hulk but I'm not good with her , so it's just one point for me as well
bcz its unblockable
quick silver, if you put 3 maystery points in Despair, you need 7 debuffs to shut down his regen , quick silver can do that fastest , But no Objective bonus tho
i used Overseer once and Scorpion for rest , soloed everytime
i never faced any problem with CGR , ELSA, or even KINGPIN idk what i am missing on her