Chatterofforums ★★★★★
Op, you've been making requests for them to nerf act 6 since July!! That's about a half of a year you've made numerous requests for them to lower the difficulty instead of using that half a year to actually get half decent to beat already severely nerfed content.
Horrible biased poll
Got two words for you op.....HA HA!!dans After I got banned . I can’t login my secondary account Commentaire de Chatterofforums décembre 2023
Although people will bash the poster as these kind of posts are not uncommon, op does have points. This game has increasingly become more of a chore over the years and fun decreased consistently over the time. For years I kept asking myself I was still playing and only real answer I had was because I already put so much…
Everyone has "worked hard" to get their account to where it is, so based on your logic everyone deserves GC rewards? In that case, why even have battlegrounds to be fine with? I guarantee there are players who have put WAY more time and effort than you in the game who are finishing far lower in BG rating and getting lower…
I have retired. I haven't played since April but still enjoy easy trigger subjects in here.
If your only TB with not a developed roster and made it to Diamond, you should write Kabam a thank you note for the training wheels matches you received and be extremely grateful for getting as high as you did and accept that you hit your ceiling.
You do know that's why there are different tiers to include gladiator circuit, correct?
Another entitled player who has spent minimal time and/or money in the game who is expecting to get the same or better rewards than much stronger and better players (who have spent many years and/or thousands of dollars) without ever things go face them. Just accept that you maxed out as your roster and your skill level…
As long as you agree to change your name to something more appropriate as well. I'm thinking an appropriate name would be "always complaining about battlegrounds as I want same rewards as those better than me without having to face them". I know that is a silly suggestion of mine as too many characters in the appropriate…
You have that roster but 2 months ago you were complaining that it was too hard to get cavalier? That pretty much proves the point that you seriously lack any skill and only know how to muscle through with champs that are 4 times stronger than content was originally designed for. Slow down and learn how to play the game.
Op, first, 2 months ago you were complaining game was too hard as you were trying to get cavalier, which shows you clearly don't have much game skill and not that developed of a roster. Maybe you should stop making posts about BG matchmaking constantly and work on getting better at the game or just accept that you just…
Did you take a minute to realize that maybe platinum is as high as you deserve based on your limited skill and roster? You don't think you deserve same rewards as those far better and stronger than you, do you?
Based on op posting history I rea lly hope he's not bluffing and really deletes as it will be a win for the community.
Technically it wouldn't be stealing as Kabam owns your account and everything in it. Maybe they just liked how their items looked in the account that you borrow from them or maybe it has something to do with the multiple other threads on this subject.
You seriously had to do another post on this after your biased poll backfired?
So you think if someone does a crime and doesn't get caught for a few months then they should get a free pass?? There is such a thing of statute of limitations that states how long someone can be held liable for the crime after committing the crime but none that I can think of that are only a few months. Based on your…
Isn't spamming forums with same nonsense over and over and over again some kind of tos violation? If not, can Kabam please add it as one?
So you have never account shared but you have also shared with 1 person?!? You know you have admitted to lying and violating TOS and admitted that the ban is VALID and not for no reason, correct? Kabam doesn't have a statute of limitations on tos violations. If you account shared months ago and not recently (which I don't…
You seriously needed to do another post like this? Any specific reason you constantly crave attention from strangers in reference to your roster?
Op, first, read tos as it is NOT your "legal account" as TOS the account belongs to Kabam. Second, nothing they can do in forums to help you. Third, your not going to get any out here as it's highly unlikely anyone here believes you did nothing. Forth, if Kabam "admitted" they might be wrong as you stated, where is that…
Several posts and threads on this subject already. Op should really take a 14 second scan through forums before posting something well documented and known.
Another week, another "slap in the face" post. The real "slap in the face" is another person unnecessarily stating how they are "f2p" and admit to not reading the event information and for some reason feel the need to blame Kabam.
10 seasons and people still have unrealistic and entitled expectations of thinking they should be able to compete and advance in competitive rank rewards game mode without having to face competition stronger than them. It's amazing how people think they should get the same or better rewards than others with stronger…
Are you saying that I'm only one who disagrees with his ridiculous post? Might want to check again. Op was one seeking validation with his post and was crushed and abandoned his post. Hopefully he's using his time instead of responding here on actually learning how to play the champs that he clearly has no clue on how to…
Well looks like op officially abandoned his own thread when called out on his unrealistic expectations and entitlement.
If your not taking the time on learning the good pulls you have and considering them bad just because you clearly don't know how to use many of them right, that's on you. Personally, I'd say your 7* luck is above average
Short answer is Never Long answer is they announced years ago of a permanent increase which eliminated this event you refer to
Great idea op and your post motivated me to demand compensation from the following for these reasons: *Demand compensation from police department for not violating any laws *Demand compensation from Wall Street for not conducting insider trading *Demand compensation from mortgage company for never being late on payment…