
  • Id be fine with it if it was like gold and 3* shards but 5* shards, t1a to sell for t2a and t2a shards make this a HUGE issue. No way some people should be able to exploit a glitch and add t2a to their account. That's a massive unbalancing. T2a are the most important item in the game and a glitch should not be giving them…
  • Umm hasn't ISO8A beat you guys the last few times you've been matched up? There are a bunch of screens that have circulated around showing that MMX boots members who die more than once in war and don't let someone pilot for them. Don't pretend MMX is special when they bend the rules more than anyone else. Sorry, wasn't…
  • It works fine as it is. War rating takes a little time to average out but it happens. You are at 0 rating so yea you'll be matched with any newly created alliance as you have the same rating for now. PI should never have anything to do with matchups. its too easily worked around by selling champs and lowering PI. Prestige…
  • This has been brought up before, googleplexian specifically comes to mind, but most of the community isn't in the position yet to care about it. They will get it soon enough, though their shortsightedness will hurt many in the meantime. It's awful that there aren't 5* shards, t2a shards etc for these situations. It's…
  • And yet you spend your time on a forum talking about people who do that grind. Which one is crazier? Anyway, for a lot of people it's just about getting a new champ regardless of usefulness. It's a collection thing. For me it's mainly about the 800 5* shards.
  • Good synergy with Stark Spidey too. Vulture isn't a particularly good champ but he has a few decent features and I find him at least somewhat fun to use
  • No no and no. Everyone would have two accounts and just trade among them to make one super account.
    dans Trading Commentaire de Spartacus29 août 2017
  • 2000 5* shards, 18k t2a shards and 5 t1a Or maybe like 5K shards and a specialty crystal that gives out full t4b, t4c, t2a shards or full crystal, and a rare chance at an exclusive 5* like Wolverine or SW or something. That would seem fair to me anyway
    dans & another 1! Commentaire de Spartacus29 août 2017
  • Happened to me twice today with OG Vision
  • So because you aren't affected by it then it's not important? The world doesn't revolve around you. Since you have no idea what you're talking about let me tell you that 15k shards is a big deal even if you're the top account in the game. The selfishness of your response is appalling.
    dans & another 1! Commentaire de Spartacus29 août 2017
  • No question spin again, hope for the dupe and awaken rogue
  • He wants to be treated special and better than everyone else. Get in line.
  • This is such a great idea even if it's from code. As long as the rewards are really good then it will actually encourage the top alliances to fight each other and create much more of a competitive aspect to something that has become really dull. War should be the best part of the game. It gives 5* shards but is boring and…
  • GP, BP, AA, Wolvie/X23.
  • This. Also the fact that the mystic class has become so OP overall with their own individual abilities PLUS the effectiveness of MD it has made the desire for good science champs to help counter them more of a necessity. So much change in the game over the last 10 months and not a single science feature. Explain how that…
  • It's a problem that's becoming more common everyday. 15k shards for nothing is a slap in the face. To lower tier players that have no sympathy just remember that you'll be in the same position soon enough. Be thankful those before you got the 4* changed or you'd be dealing with that now.
  • Will not include Green Goblin...words are hard to even come by to explain just how stupid a decision that is. Kabam hates science is the only possible conclusion. Your thoughts?
  • When a new science champ comes out...so 2019 maybe
  • Green Goblin is tech because of his glider but Falcon is skill because...we make up the rules as we go
  • The leaks are almost certainly part of their strategy to drum up interest. Everyone from actors to politicians to businesses leak their own information all the time. As for him being tech that would be idiotic if true. He should obviously be science.
  • It wouldn't be a risk/gamble if that was the case. No one would ever open a basic crystal again.
  • I would much rather use IP, SG or LC than Carnage. He has prestige and that is it. Make bleeds last 3 seconds BEFORE deep wounds and make every attack a bleed chance ala BP and I think he'd be fine. At least then he would have some use. His buff conversion is beyond useless as is. No one is going to use him in a fight…
  • None of this is intended as a slight to you specifically but as more of a psa in general so please understand I'm not attacking you personally. Ok, here's the reality, top 200 is nowhere near high end. Those of us in top 5 or even top 10 alliances are not competing against the likes of you but rather each other. We've put…
  • Not only does AV reduce evade chances naturally but his sp1 reduces it even further. That plus the fact you only have a sig 41 DD means you're likely to hit by one of the multiple bullets. This isn't rocket science.
  • You already have another thread where you're complaining about wanting more three and four star champs in PHC crystals. What is the point of adding another thread an hour later? This is why you keep getting flagged
  • You have an entitlement problem and this game isn't for you if that's your attitude. DWCB has spent over 100k in this game and is like 1/26 on feature 5* pulls. There is no favoritism for anyone. Put in the time or don't...it's your choice.
  • No, you don't need a boost, head start or any other special treatment. You build your champions up like everyone else in the game has. Either with money or time.
  • 3.5
    dans Cable Cutoff Commentaire de Spartacus29 juillet 2017
  • Agreed. I know a ton of people are annoyed at carnage posts but it's just because he sucks so much. He's a loved character that's been thrown out with no redeeming qualities at all.
  • It really needs to give more 5* shards. It's awful to pull a max 5* and get nothing