Sentinel Nerf 1.0

Ok so you're rebuffing sentinels because we are all soft and afraid of change... However. I posted this in another thread but it was buried
Sentinels don't necessarily need to be lowered, but I have a problem with the whole damnnnn sentinel build.
Sentinels were specifically created to smoke mutants, Why is it then that they smoke humans?
Even if you realllly stretch it, inhumans, mutated science, aliens, and techs like rocket or possibly stark Spidey (because of the spider bite) and starlord (because of his father) . Daredevil and iron fist would be a super duper reach, as would dormammu etc
Certain champs shouldn't be affected with all these debuffs, learning combos and specials, and other bs and may make them useable, you want diversity? You had an opportunity and BLEW IT!
Champs such as Ironman, iron patriot, black widow, Hawkeye, antman, black panther, civil warrior, crossbones, docock, vulture, falcon, Dr strange, Elektra, guillotine, hulkbuster, kingpin, Mordo, nebula, ultron, punisher, war machine, vision, winter soldier, yellowjacket etc. A suit nor skill, nor magic does make one mutated
Sidenote: black panther/killmonger not affected by magnetos skillset. Is Vibranium no longer considered a metal?
Does this not make sense?
Sentinels don't necessarily need to be lowered, but I have a problem with the whole damnnnn sentinel build.
Sentinels were specifically created to smoke mutants, Why is it then that they smoke humans?
Even if you realllly stretch it, inhumans, mutated science, aliens, and techs like rocket or possibly stark Spidey (because of the spider bite) and starlord (because of his father) . Daredevil and iron fist would be a super duper reach, as would dormammu etc
Certain champs shouldn't be affected with all these debuffs, learning combos and specials, and other bs and may make them useable, you want diversity? You had an opportunity and BLEW IT!
Champs such as Ironman, iron patriot, black widow, Hawkeye, antman, black panther, civil warrior, crossbones, docock, vulture, falcon, Dr strange, Elektra, guillotine, hulkbuster, kingpin, Mordo, nebula, ultron, punisher, war machine, vision, winter soldier, yellowjacket etc. A suit nor skill, nor magic does make one mutated
Sidenote: black panther/killmonger not affected by magnetos skillset. Is Vibranium no longer considered a metal?
Does this not make sense?
This discussion has been closed.
As to the question of whether Magneto can affect Vibranium. It depends. I believe he has been depicted as being able to do so in the past, but more recently he's been shown to be unable to do so:
We should be asking why the need for any repetitive opponent throughout AW, such as Symbiods and Sentinels. Are there not enough regular champs now? Is it a side admission that the mainstream characters do not have enough defensive capacity to stand on their own in the AQ build? Can their nodes not be buffed beyond reason like is done in so many other events and other areas of the game?
Probably the same reason why we face so many empty nodes throughout the game. It makes no sense. Give certain amount of energy, yet require people to waste it on empty nodes - why not just give less energy and build fewer nodes?
And yes I agree it's repetative bs day in and day out