Abomination/Hulkbuster Brainstoming (a buff discussion)

Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
Welcome back to another Buff Brainstorming. Today we’ll be covering two of Hulk’s biggest obstacles in the mortal realm! A living Abomination and the BUSTER of HULKS!

My biggest gripe with him is the fact that he’s 50% the reason Poison was a thing asking side Scarlet Witch but HE is supposed to BE poison.

Let’s make it so!
1. When under the effects of Fury critical attacks have an 85% chance to poison.
2. Special attacks have a 90% chance to poison each hit.
4. The signature does not work when attacking skill class champions.
5. Bleed poison DEFINITELY stacks!
6. 6. The corrosiveness of his poison makes it so Armor up effects increasingly lose potency per poison placed similar to Exhaustion and Power Gain.

I was half tempted to figure out the logistics of a “toxic presence” that would work like Aura of Incineration. However I feel now that even though defender status is nonexistent for 90% of the roster Abomination could see an offensive niche as an intimidating niche quest champion with these changes.

A flying tank by no exaggeration! Let’s give Veronica a chance to shine as I’ve combed through various Hulkbuster armor lores (mostly 616 and MCU realities) to deduce a proper mix of light and heavy add-ons.

1. Sp1 is unblockable and unstoppable when dashing. A tank is flying at you! Hold your arms up and barely flinch.
2. Gamma absorption! A neat trick common among the suits is energy absorption. Being struck or blocking “energy based attacks” or any contact with a gamma-infused champion yields 40% more power and has reduced 10% damage.
3. Parrying converts 1 fury on the opponent into weakness.

This next part is where I think the difference is made

4. Sp2 overhaul. Double tap rockets like the sentinels after they remove their fists. These rockets are loaded with BLACK ISO! Each one does 70% base attack and last around 10 seconds. Resume shoulder smash with no secondary effects. Then a Cyclops speed 3hit repulser blast (speed up the current repulser blast). Each repulser blast breaks the opponent’s armor by 600 flat value with 90% accuracy for 10 seconds. If all 3 armor breaks land place armor shatter for 20 seconds with 2000 potency instead of the armor breaks

Tony isn’t one to mess around in a crisis. He can’t afford a drawn out duel with hulk or the like while Thanos and the Grandmaster try to erase them every step of the way. As soon as he found out the Kingpin had a weapon capable of corrupting a champion’s life force Tony realized he could use it as a last resort if an enemy proved too troublesome for his standard layout. The rest is simply him updating his armor as the battlerealm allows more “interesting” abilities and interactions to be used.

This has been another buff brainstorming. A little drastic but both are drastically terrible as is. Not all of these needed to be added (especially to Hulkbuster as even incinerating missiles would be welcome as he’s a rail gun shy of a naval fleet) but this is to show the Kabam that the grandmaster has yet to clean up his brother’s failed early works.

I welcome you all to share your thoughts, opinions and ideas below and suggest other champions for me to brainstorm with you all.


  • Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
    No love for rhino??
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    No love for rhino??

    Hmm I hadn’t thought of him as absolute trash so I didn’t think about him and these 2 were already planned. However if you ask I could think something up
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  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Hulkbuster and abomination are too op they need immediate nerfs

    The black iso could easily be replaced with less intense incinerate and armor shatter/break can be toned down slightly. However he needs some way to deal damage and the energy/gamma conversion is well deserved. Plus the Sp1 is still trash but at least now it at least is fun to use in arena.

    As for Abomination I stand by everything I said except maybe the toxic presence
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Hulkbuster and abomination are too op they need immediate nerfs

    Also PLEASE take this seriously or make a new troll discussion. I know it’s “funny” to joke about amazing champs being bad and trash champions being overpowered but I am trying to make an actual difference so that maybe if anyone at Kabam actually reading this take any of it to mind people won’t be so disappointed to get some “lesser quality” pulls
  • Ravenrob_33Ravenrob_33 Member Posts: 120
    I like both ideas and you are right they both need a good buff to make them worthy of war defence again just like red hulk and l cage
  • Cosmos_2002Cosmos_2002 Member Posts: 137
    I agree, both Hulkbuster and abomination need to be buffed.
    I really appreciate your effort and interest in buffing them.
    Kindly take my suggestions into consideration.


    Instead of making the signature ability apply to all his attacks,
    I think it would be better if we stick to just your 'poison on critical hits' idea.
    Special attacks, instead of poisoning, can grant a fury instead.(increase viability against poison immunes)

    When the opponent has 3 poison stacks or more, their ability potency is decreased by 60%.
    This could give him a little utility.



    Well timed blocks: 50% to armour up.

    Intercepting a dashing opponent armour breaks the opponent.

    Increase critical damage by 60% per armour up on hulkbuster.

    3 or more armour breaks :
    reduce the opponents offensive ability accuracy by 80%.

    Dashing back and holding block for 2 seconds.
    Consume 33% max power along with all armour up buffs to regenerate 4% max health per buff consumed.

    Grants 2 armour ups.

    SP2: Places 2 armour breaks.

    SP3: Once per fight, this grants a permanent armour up and places a permanent armour break on the opponent.
    Grants unstoppability for 8 seconds.

    Remaining abilities can remain the same.

  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    I agree, both Hulkbuster and abomination need to be buffed.
    I really appreciate your effort and interest in buffing them.
    Kindly take my suggestions into consideration.


    Instead of making the signature ability apply to all his attacks,
    I think it would be better if we stick to just your 'poison on critical hits' idea.
    Special attacks, instead of poisoning, can grant a fury instead.(increase viability against poison immunes)

    When the opponent has 3 poison stacks or more, their ability potency is decreased by 60%.
    This could give him a little utility.



    Well timed blocks: 50% to armour up.

    Intercepting a dashing opponent armour breaks the opponent.

    Increase critical damage by 60% per armour up on hulkbuster.

    3 or more armour breaks :
    reduce the opponents offensive ability accuracy by 80%.

    Dashing back and holding block for 2 seconds.
    Consume 33% max power along with all armour up buffs to regenerate 4% max health per buff consumed.

    Grants 2 armour ups.

    SP2: Places 2 armour breaks.

    SP3: Once per fight, this grants a permanent armour up and places a permanent armour break on the opponent.
    Grants unstoppability for 8 seconds.

    Remaining abilities can remain the same.

    I’ll see the abomination changes as long as my other additions are added. Bit of fury here, Poison there, AAR, and armor up destroying. Plus really punishing bleed reliant champions.

    As for the hulkbuster I don’t think I can really agree with such a passive play style for such an important and powerful armor. Parry armor does seem like something Tony would add though.

    Parrying had 50% chance to convert a fury into weakness. If there is no fury on the opponent 50% chance to armor up.

    I’ll still hold by the absorption, Sp1 RUSH, and significant improvements to the Sp2 to add DoT to better represent what the comics can only describe as “shock and awe tactics”. I mainly said Black ISO Missiles as it seemed like the Hail Mary that is just crazy enough to be possible
  • CockatealCockateal Member Posts: 42
    I also think every time abomination gets bleed he poisons the opponent
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Cockateal wrote: »
    I also think every time abomination gets bleed he poisons the opponent

    @Cockateal I did touch on that and as you can see I am siding with increasing the limit on the “if Bleed then poison” ability as 1 stack is kinda pitiful.
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    Abomination could improve by allowing his basic attacks to poison.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    There is something that indicates was hulkbuster will be buffed in the future, and that his new abilities are already planned.
    Is a rumor still, but someone posted it and said that it was found on the game files
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    My biggest gripe with him is the fact that he’s 50% the reason Poison was a thing asking side Scarlet Witch but HE is supposed to BE poison.

    Let’s make it so!
    1. When under the effects of Fury critical attacks have an 85% chance to poison.
    2. Special attacks have a 90% chance to poison each hit.
    4. The signature does not work when attacking skill class champions.
    5. Bleed poison DEFINITELY stacks!
    6. 6. The corrosiveness of his poison makes it so Armor up effects increasingly lose potency per poison placed similar to Exhaustion and Power Gain.

    I was half tempted to figure out the logistics of a “toxic presence” that would work like Aura of Incineration. However I feel now that even though defender status is nonexistent for 90% of the roster Abomination could see an offensive niche as an intimidating niche quest champion with these changes.
    I think the comment I stated in my buff discussion: putting all your eggs in one basket (in this case poison), makes Abomination complete trash when facing a poison immune (Hulk!). Your suggestions lack balance. Abomination is supposed to be the strongest of both in the beginning, but the Hulk can overpower him when getting angry. I'm checking their stats and a 4* rank 3 level 1 Hulk has roughly 7357 health and 573 attack while a 4* rank 3 level 1 Abomination has roughly 7357 health and 607 attack. Maybe he should also have more health and higher crit chance/damage. I think he should definitely have more control over his Fury effects, so you're more reliabely boosting his damage. Maybe add some Cruelty flavour to him (Blonsky is a villain after all).

    That aside, your suggestions are positive.
    1. I think he should poison when crit, regardless the effect of Fury. As your suggestion is now, you need to be quite lucky to poison this way.
    2. Yeah, but I wouldn't do that for Sp1. That would be OP.
    3. I know right?
    4. Fair enough.
    5. Captain Obvious (except for Kabam...)!
    6. Currently, the signature poison reduces regenerative abilities and I like that more than the Armor Up corrosiveness. That makes him unique. I think his sig poison should stack but have a flat 10% chance per hit but its damage and effectiveness should increase with each level.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    A flying tank by no exaggeration! Let’s give Veronica a chance to shine as I’ve combed through various Hulkbuster armor lores (mostly 616 and MCU realities) to deduce a proper mix of light and heavy add-ons.

    1. Sp1 is unblockable and unstoppable when dashing. A tank is flying at you! Hold your arms up and barely flinch.
    2. Gamma absorption! A neat trick common among the suits is energy absorption. Being struck or blocking “energy based attacks” or any contact with a gamma-infused champion yields 40% more power and has reduced 10% damage.
    3. Parrying converts 1 fury on the opponent into weakness.

    This next part is where I think the difference is made

    4. Sp2 overhaul. Double tap rockets like the sentinels after they remove their fists. These rockets are loaded with BLACK ISO! Each one does 70% base attack and last around 10 seconds. Resume shoulder smash with no secondary effects. Then a Cyclops speed 3hit repulser blast (speed up the current repulser blast). Each repulser blast breaks the opponent’s armor by 600 flat value with 90% accuracy for 10 seconds. If all 3 armor breaks land place armor shatter for 20 seconds with 2000 potency instead of the armor breaks

    Tony isn’t one to mess around in a crisis. He can’t afford a drawn out duel with hulk or the like while Thanos and the Grandmaster try to erase them every step of the way. As soon as he found out the Kingpin had a weapon capable of corrupting a champion’s life force Tony realized he could use it as a last resort if an enemy proved too troublesome for his standard layout. The rest is simply him updating his armor as the battlerealm allows more “interesting” abilities and interactions to be used.
    I think you're going all over the place with your suggestions. It lacks consistency. What do you want to achieve when Hulkbuster can be Unstoppable, aborb energy and weaken the opponent? So sorry, I don't agree with any of your suggestions.

    So back to basics: what is Hulkbuster in the MCU (lore-wise I would stick to the MCU-Hulkbuster)? Iron Man inside an Iron Man armour. What is the purpose of Hulkbuster? Busting Hulk! What is Hulkbuster more? A flying tank that combines offence and defence. What is Hulkbuster in MCOC? Only good defence.

    So Hulkbuster needs more offence, more damage. The traditional answer would be Fury, but that is Hulk and out-of-character. But he has an armour and armour can hit hard. So he should somehow convert armor score into extra damage. I also think his special attacks should armour pierce.

    Ok, what should he be next? He should be bleed and poison immune as the two layers of armour makes him impregnable. He should also be anti-stun, either be completely stun immune, or lowering the durability of stun effects depending on the amount of Armor Ups. Yeah, not even the Hulk can stun him!

    What is also in the movies is that Stark has spare parts ready, so a Self-Repair ability would be nice.
  • AW_ShinamoreAW_Shinamore Member Posts: 3
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    A flying tank by no exaggeration! Let’s give Veronica a chance to shine as I’ve combed through various Hulkbuster armor lores (mostly 616 and MCU realities) to deduce a proper mix of light and heavy add-ons.

    1. Sp1 is unblockable and unstoppable when dashing. A tank is flying at you! Hold your arms up and barely flinch.
    2. Gamma absorption! A neat trick common among the suits is energy absorption. Being struck or blocking “energy based attacks” or any contact with a gamma-infused champion yields 40% more power and has reduced 10% damage.
    3. Parrying converts 1 fury on the opponent into weakness.

    This next part is where I think the difference is made

    4. Sp2 overhaul. Double tap rockets like the sentinels after they remove their fists. These rockets are loaded with BLACK ISO! Each one does 70% base attack and last around 10 seconds. Resume shoulder smash with no secondary effects. Then a Cyclops speed 3hit repulser blast (speed up the current repulser blast). Each repulser blast breaks the opponent’s armor by 600 flat value with 90% accuracy for 10 seconds. If all 3 armor breaks land place armor shatter for 20 seconds with 2000 potency instead of the armor breaks

    Tony isn’t one to mess around in a crisis. He can’t afford a drawn out duel with hulk or the like while Thanos and the Grandmaster try to erase them every step of the way. As soon as he found out the Kingpin had a weapon capable of corrupting a champion’s life force Tony realized he could use it as a last resort if an enemy proved too troublesome for his standard layout. The rest is simply him updating his armor as the battlerealm allows more “interesting” abilities and interactions to be used.
    I think you're going all over the place with your suggestions. It lacks consistency. What do you want to achieve when Hulkbuster can be Unstoppable, aborb energy and weaken the opponent? So sorry, I don't agree with any of your suggestions.

    So back to basics: what is Hulkbuster in the MCU (lore-wise I would stick to the MCU-Hulkbuster)? Iron Man inside an Iron Man armour. What is the purpose of Hulkbuster? Busting Hulk! What is Hulkbuster more? A flying tank that combines offence and defence. What is Hulkbuster in MCOC? Only good defence.

    So Hulkbuster needs more offence, more damage. The traditional answer would be Fury, but that is Hulk and out-of-character. But he has an armour and armour can hit hard. So he should somehow convert armor score into extra damage. I also think his special attacks should armour pierce.

    Ok, what should he be next? He should be bleed and poison immune as the two layers of armour makes him impregnable. He should also be anti-stun, either be completely stun immune, or lowering the durability of stun effects depending on the amount of Armor Ups. Yeah, not even the Hulk can stun him!

    What is also in the movies is that Stark has spare parts ready, so a Self-Repair ability would be nice.

    I feel we should be totally based on Hulkbuster's attribute of armor up.

    Each armor up should reduce potency and durations of debuffs (ie. bleed, incinerate, poison, stun and all others except armor break).

    And blocking should have a 50% chance to generate armor up.

    Sp3 should have an effect like armor shattered.

    Additionally he should be heavy-handed making each armor up increase his critical damage rating and not critical rating.

    I also feel that each stack of armor up should reduce chance of bleed debuffs being placed on him but he shouldn't be bleed immune.

    I totally agree to the self repair @50% and 20% health, self repair should also purify armor break and grant him armor up.

    Sp1 and 2 can still remain armor break.
    Maybe 6 armor breaks can be converted to armor shattered for 10 secs

    I thought armor up should reduce chance of a crit hit against him but that would make him too hard to beat (like awakened ant man), except if you have a armor break champion.

    He should also take more damage when armor break is inflicted on him.

    These are my thoughts on him...
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    So nice to have you here

    Regarding Abomination:
    There are so many bleed champions reliant on Bleed for DPS that get shut down including Archangel and Gwenpool (although she’s got a nice Crit rate). Having Abomination as a poison variant wouldn’t be bad. In fact he’d still be up there.

    1. We could easily drop the fury reliance and make it 85% chance on crits

    2. Sp1 is a single hit attack same as Sp2 as only 1 hit is contact. I fail to see how 80% DoT is OP when Sentinels have 100% shock on heavy attack (that’s a thing!) that they can wall chain on

    3. Ragnarok Thor REALLY made me mad

    4/5. Agreed

    6. Currently all poisons reduce regenerative abilities. Adding an extra “anti-armor” quality almost like passive armor break wouldn’t be the end of the world. But I’m willing to drop it in negotiations with kabam
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★

    Regarding HULKBUSTER:
    The sentinels SCREWED HIM! Even getting additional armor and resistance/immunity to bleed/poison still doesn’t give him an edge.

    The Sp1 change is nothing more than having some fun and insurance against the janky AI if they wanna completely stone wall you

    The removing fury and adding weakness is another play tool. The idea is that it is ARMOR and hitting that suped up armor is gonna hurt.

    The gamma/energy absorption. That’s a main comic universe STAPLE! It’s been attributed as a main reason the HB armor can even stand a chance.

    The Sp2 is an attempt at asking “hey if Iron Man can remotely use other suits why not just have a bunch of more agile ones all blast hulk at the same time?” 11 arc reactors are in that armor! Why not just remotely use 10 and pilot the 11th and BLAST him. More agile so less damage taken even if hulk does leap at them. What HAIL MARRY does the HB armor hold that makes it so powerful?! Currently NOTHING!

    Even if he gets double immunities… so what?!

    Dormammu, Iceman, Sentinels, Nebula, Ultron… they can all do damage too.

    Dormammu has his sig locked up specifically for being OP damage-wise in AQ and power control

    Ice is unavoidable damage at start plus a third immunity AND a damage cap and stun immune/resist

    Sentinels have 100% shock in heavy plus L2 incinerate and near immunity to crits after a little back and forth

    Ultron has that pesky evade, stellar regen, and his causterize which makes his L2 a decently scary attack

    HB would STILL have to be second to all of them. And considering Stark Spiders are everywhere and can put down even sentinels (who at least have damage) why HB?! Why?!

    He needs more favorable matchups, counter utility, damage, AND to be fun!

    PLUS: I have another champion in mind with a much greater focus on armor that could use your suggestions more
  • RicemanRiceman Member Posts: 216
    Had the same idea with Abomination being able to poison when attacking with an 80-90 % chance when under fury, with a maximum of 5 stacks. This can help him with is already strong damage output.

    Hopefully Kabam can make it happen
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  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    So nice to have you here

    Regarding Abomination:
    There are so many bleed champions reliant on Bleed for DPS that get shut down including Archangel and Gwenpool (although she’s got a nice Crit rate). Having Abomination as a poison variant wouldn’t be bad. In fact he’d still be up there.

    1. We could easily drop the fury reliance and make it 85% chance on crits

    2. Sp1 is a single hit attack same as Sp2 as only 1 hit is contact. I fail to see how 80% DoT is OP when Sentinels have 100% shock on heavy attack (that’s a thing!) that they can wall chain on

    3. Ragnarok Thor REALLY made me mad

    4/5. Agreed

    6. Currently all poisons reduce regenerative abilities. Adding an extra “anti-armor” quality almost like passive armor break wouldn’t be the end of the world. But I’m willing to drop it in negotiations with kabam
    1. Yeah, that would be good.

    2. You know, this is what I dislike about this game. Every time Kabam releases a new champion, it is more powerful than the previous. People start fixating on it, trying to come up with buffs to counter or outclass it. I don't like how this is causing an arms race. There is nothing wrong with being lesser. Anyway, you know I prefer that Abomination mimics Drax more (and thus his first Sp1 should give him a Fury buff), but this is your suggestion so if you want to have a 80% chance to poison, that is your right. I'll leave it to that.

    6. Is it? The poison of Ant-Man does not reduce regeneration, only Archangel and Abomination does. But then again, Archangel has a guaranteed chance to poison just by blocking so... I even can't help myself compare champions to like (Demi-)God Tier champions and try to outclass them.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Mr_Otter wrote: »

    Regarding HULKBUSTER:
    The sentinels SCREWED HIM! Even getting additional armor and resistance/immunity to bleed/poison still doesn’t give him an edge.

    The Sp1 change is nothing more than having some fun and insurance against the janky AI if they wanna completely stone wall you

    The removing fury and adding weakness is another play tool. The idea is that it is ARMOR and hitting that suped up armor is gonna hurt.

    The gamma/energy absorption. That’s a main comic universe STAPLE! It’s been attributed as a main reason the HB armor can even stand a chance.

    The Sp2 is an attempt at asking “hey if Iron Man can remotely use other suits why not just have a bunch of more agile ones all blast hulk at the same time?” 11 arc reactors are in that armor! Why not just remotely use 10 and pilot the 11th and BLAST him. More agile so less damage taken even if hulk does leap at them. What HAIL MARRY does the HB armor hold that makes it so powerful?! Currently NOTHING!

    Even if he gets double immunities… so what?!

    Dormammu, Iceman, Sentinels, Nebula, Ultron… they can all do damage too.

    Dormammu has his sig locked up specifically for being OP damage-wise in AQ and power control

    Ice is unavoidable damage at start plus a third immunity AND a damage cap and stun immune/resist

    Sentinels have 100% shock in heavy plus L2 incinerate and near immunity to crits after a little back and forth

    Ultron has that pesky evade, stellar regen, and his causterize which makes his L2 a decently scary attack

    HB would STILL have to be second to all of them. And considering Stark Spiders are everywhere and can put down even sentinels (who at least have damage) why HB?! Why?!

    He needs more favorable matchups, counter utility, damage, AND to be fun!

    PLUS: I have another champion in mind with a much greater focus on armor that could use your suggestions more
    Yeah, Kabam is doing a zero-sum game. But anyway, it is not fair to rant about other broken champions (I'll do that here).

    But anyway, you got to ask yourself: is Hulkbuster the right champion to counter Sentinel? Should we design its rework all around a plain OP champion? Does it fit the character history in the comics or the MCU?

    Hulkbuster is to me a champion that should focus on busting Hulks and simultaneously be effective against mutant champions, its class advantage. All of the Iron Man champions have no bleed immunity nor heal block, making them disadvantaged towards mutants with bleed (Wolverine and Archangel being the most notable). At least there is a rationale for Hulkbuster to have it.

    I actually agree with your thinking. Yes, a punch of an armoured fist should be more damaging. I've been playing with the idea of a buff that converts armour score into damage boost.

    Alright, let's say energy-based attacks should charge Hulkbuster. Should it boost armour or damage? Or maybe change shock-damage into heal?
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★

    Yes ALL poisons reduce healing…
    Also Poisonous Drax…I’ll concede to fury on specials but he NEEDS more poison to attack with

    As for Buster:
    Sp1 is only to help deal with annoying AI in arena. It’s fun, fits and would be priceless to use!

    Blocked energy attacks and attacks from Gamma champions are absorbed. This allows Hulkbuster to increase attack and armor ratings by storing “energy store buffs”

    These buffs can also be obtained by using dexterity or parry on special attacks and are used when performing special attacks or taking direct attacks

    In theory we could treat him as Sword/Shield with him being Sword&Shield against certain champs like the hulks, Magneto, and Dormammu.

    And all bleed abilitiy accuracy are reduced by 50% and AAR is granted as part of his signature inverse to health. That way at the start he can rush the enemy ignoring abilities but as he takes damage his systems switch to survival over assault
  • Xenar3Xenar3 Member Posts: 5
    Yo good theorycrafting here might edit my post on champion rebalancing, check it out :Dhttp://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/61911/suggested-champion-touch-ups/p1?new=1
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Mr_Otter wrote: »

    Yes ALL poisons reduce healing…
    Also Poisonous Drax…I’ll concede to fury on specials but he NEEDS more poison to attack with

    As for Buster:
    Sp1 is only to help deal with annoying AI in arena. It’s fun, fits and would be priceless to use!

    Blocked energy attacks and attacks from Gamma champions are absorbed. This allows Hulkbuster to increase attack and armor ratings by storing “energy store buffs”

    These buffs can also be obtained by using dexterity or parry on special attacks and are used when performing special attacks or taking direct attacks

    In theory we could treat him as Sword/Shield with him being Sword&Shield against certain champs like the hulks, Magneto, and Dormammu.

    And all bleed abilitiy accuracy are reduced by 50% and AAR is granted as part of his signature inverse to health. That way at the start he can rush the enemy ignoring abilities but as he takes damage his systems switch to survival over assault
    I believe your word.

    I totally agree with you on the poison, I just think having a poison at Sp2, when crit hitting and as sig ability is quite enough. As I said before: don't put all your eggs in one basket, it is okay to balance things out. It doesn't even have to be Fury (I just think it is the most logical due to Sp1 resemblance of Drax' Sp1), if you can come up with something better.

    Fine to me, it is your suggestion. Maybe Kabam will like it to.
  • Mr_OtterMr_Otter Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★
    Mr_Otter wrote: »

    Yes ALL poisons reduce healing…
    Also Poisonous Drax…I’ll concede to fury on specials but he NEEDS more poison to attack with

    As for Buster:
    Sp1 is only to help deal with annoying AI in arena. It’s fun, fits and would be priceless to use!

    Blocked energy attacks and attacks from Gamma champions are absorbed. This allows Hulkbuster to increase attack and armor ratings by storing “energy store buffs”

    These buffs can also be obtained by using dexterity or parry on special attacks and are used when performing special attacks or taking direct attacks

    In theory we could treat him as Sword/Shield with him being Sword&Shield against certain champs like the hulks, Magneto, and Dormammu.

    And all bleed abilitiy accuracy are reduced by 50% and AAR is granted as part of his signature inverse to health. That way at the start he can rush the enemy ignoring abilities but as he takes damage his systems switch to survival over assault
    I believe your word.

    I totally agree with you on the poison, I just think having a poison at Sp2, when crit hitting and as sig ability is quite enough. As I said before: don't put all your eggs in one basket, it is okay to balance things out. It doesn't even have to be Fury (I just think it is the most logical due to Sp1 resemblance of Drax' Sp1), if you can come up with something better.

    Fine to me, it is your suggestion. Maybe Kabam will like it to.

    Honestly just making him a cross between almost GP levels of DoT chance
    About 50% on crits
    All non-blocked attacks when duped

    and Drax with a little fury/cruelty (little bit of both actually) and I don’t see why he couldn’t make Demi-tier with a simple ability list and a range of counters that are hard for him to damage (even the buffed attacks wouldn’t let do too much to tanky poison resist champs unfortunately)
  • EthanGamerEthanGamer Member Posts: 357
    For abominations first ability concussion reducing ability accuracy by 100% for 6 seconds and all specials poison. Hulk buster sp1 unblockable and all specials armor break and special 3 armor shatters
  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    I always liked the idea of an "aura of poison" for abom, similar to mephisto.
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    Buff groot, buff groot, buff groot, and Loki too
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    Abom and hulkbuster need buffs to though. My idea is to increse poison damage and also after bieng struck or using a special attack, abomination has a x% chance to gain a permanent fury( permanent fury cap at 4). As for hulkbuster, give him better armor, better damage, incineration, and ability reduction
  • TranminhbaoTranminhbao Member Posts: 127
    Marvel2289 wrote: »
    Buff groot, buff groot, buff groot, and Loki too

    Loki sucks in MU, MCU, so it's ok if he sucks in MCOC.
    I love your idea Mr.Otter. At least Abom's poison should be stack.
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