Revamping Abomination, Rhino and Juggernaut

The Hulk, Abomination, Rhino and Juggernaut are arguably the smashing four of this game, but the Hulk stands like ten feet tall above the other three. According to Seatin’s most recent list, the Hulk is in the “Demi-God Tier” while Rhino and Juggernaut are only in the second to last “Okay Tier”. Juggernaut and Rhino got an overhaul in 2016, but newly more powerful champions made that already outdated. Don’t get me started on Abomination. Archenemy Abomination is even worse and is considered to be “Meh Tier”. All three are strong enough to battle the Hulk in the comics but neither one would even stand in the MCOC game. So all three need changes.
Abomination has good stats and a good awakened ability, but without it pretty much sucks. Its special attacks have no secondary effects whatsoever, and he only poisons when bleed. That’s highly specific and only applies to a limited amount of champions, the majority being its class weakness so unwise to fight against.
I think Abomination should be the Drax of the Science champions. This means he should Poison when he critically hits, and Poison at his second and third special attack. All of his special attacks should have a 100% chance to Fury, albeit a longer but lower version.
I would keep his awakened ability as it is now but add a critical hit boost to it. I also would add a Cruelty effect once there are three cumulative Poison effects. This way, Abomination relies more on poison effects rather than Fury and that distinguishes him from Drax. This way Abomination can combat the Hulk with a mixture of Fury and Cruelty.
For me, these two are brother champions. They both use their head, literally, to fight. Both have a temper and are known to charge at their opponents. But both have their peculiarities.
Rhino has good stats: armour and a good awakened ability. Rhino has an ability called Rhino Charge. When dashing to an enemy, Rhino has the ability to become Unstoppable and Unblockable, depending on the size of the opponent. I think Juggernaut should also do that. The ability should just be called Charge.
Rhino has the ability to trigger his Fury effect by using a Medium Attack to end a five Attack Combo while his opponent is pinned against the wall. That’s just a stupid effect that dwarfs the instant Fury effects of Drax, Crossbones and the Hulk. I suggest that Rhino has a 100% chance to Fury when his opponent Evades. As you know, in the comics Rhino’s archenemy Spider-Man is quite agile and takes great pleasure in dodging Rhino’s charges, and he becomes furious because of that. This could also be reflected in MCOC. The Fury effect should be of the same kind Drax can trigger.
Juggernaut on the other hand should also have a 100% chance to trigger Fury, but not when the opponent Evades but when the opponent Armors Up. This is a reference to his archenemy Colossus. This could however become troublesome when Juggernaut fights Hulkbuster, which has a 100% chance to Armor Up when his opponent triggers a Fury effect. I suggest a cap on the amount of Furies and Armor Ups both champions can stack.
When Juggernaut performs a Heavy Attack, he can Stagger the opponent for 8 seconds, preventing the activation of the next buff. I suggest Rhino could have a similar effect called Break. When Rhino performs a Heavy Attack, he has a X% chance to prevent the opponent from blocking for 8 seconds.
The special attacks of both Juggernaut and Rhino have no secondary effects, which puts them both way behind in comparison to all other champions. The special attacks of both Juggernaut and Rhino is a variant of a charge in combination with a smash or head-butt. I suggest to add an effect called Trample, which causes Daze (reducing Defence Ability Accuracy) and Concussion (reducing Attack Ability Accuracy).
With these changes, Abomination, Rhino and Juggernaut become champions to be reckoned with and worthy of challenging the Hulk in strength.
Let me know what you think about it!
Abomination has good stats and a good awakened ability, but without it pretty much sucks. Its special attacks have no secondary effects whatsoever, and he only poisons when bleed. That’s highly specific and only applies to a limited amount of champions, the majority being its class weakness so unwise to fight against.
I think Abomination should be the Drax of the Science champions. This means he should Poison when he critically hits, and Poison at his second and third special attack. All of his special attacks should have a 100% chance to Fury, albeit a longer but lower version.
I would keep his awakened ability as it is now but add a critical hit boost to it. I also would add a Cruelty effect once there are three cumulative Poison effects. This way, Abomination relies more on poison effects rather than Fury and that distinguishes him from Drax. This way Abomination can combat the Hulk with a mixture of Fury and Cruelty.
For me, these two are brother champions. They both use their head, literally, to fight. Both have a temper and are known to charge at their opponents. But both have their peculiarities.
Rhino has good stats: armour and a good awakened ability. Rhino has an ability called Rhino Charge. When dashing to an enemy, Rhino has the ability to become Unstoppable and Unblockable, depending on the size of the opponent. I think Juggernaut should also do that. The ability should just be called Charge.
Rhino has the ability to trigger his Fury effect by using a Medium Attack to end a five Attack Combo while his opponent is pinned against the wall. That’s just a stupid effect that dwarfs the instant Fury effects of Drax, Crossbones and the Hulk. I suggest that Rhino has a 100% chance to Fury when his opponent Evades. As you know, in the comics Rhino’s archenemy Spider-Man is quite agile and takes great pleasure in dodging Rhino’s charges, and he becomes furious because of that. This could also be reflected in MCOC. The Fury effect should be of the same kind Drax can trigger.
Juggernaut on the other hand should also have a 100% chance to trigger Fury, but not when the opponent Evades but when the opponent Armors Up. This is a reference to his archenemy Colossus. This could however become troublesome when Juggernaut fights Hulkbuster, which has a 100% chance to Armor Up when his opponent triggers a Fury effect. I suggest a cap on the amount of Furies and Armor Ups both champions can stack.
When Juggernaut performs a Heavy Attack, he can Stagger the opponent for 8 seconds, preventing the activation of the next buff. I suggest Rhino could have a similar effect called Break. When Rhino performs a Heavy Attack, he has a X% chance to prevent the opponent from blocking for 8 seconds.
The special attacks of both Juggernaut and Rhino have no secondary effects, which puts them both way behind in comparison to all other champions. The special attacks of both Juggernaut and Rhino is a variant of a charge in combination with a smash or head-butt. I suggest to add an effect called Trample, which causes Daze (reducing Defence Ability Accuracy) and Concussion (reducing Attack Ability Accuracy).
With these changes, Abomination, Rhino and Juggernaut become champions to be reckoned with and worthy of challenging the Hulk in strength.
Let me know what you think about it!
I think with the Fury, the Poison and the Cruelty (and don't forget the extra Poison, reduced healing and extra critical hit rate when awakened), Abomination would be quite powerful enough.
Besides, Concussion suits Rhino and Juggernaut better than Abomination.
PS: the 95% chance to poison 70% damage over 10 seconds when bleeding should stay.
Awesome, makes alot of sense to me, like the idea of concussion, now all we need to do is to convince Kabam-God to adobt our Earthy-logics into their Kabam Universe.
So your saying A-Bombs not good unawakened, & you wish that would change? There are several amazing Champions that are utter trash unawakened, but Godly when they get a Sig (Star Lord, Voodoo, Medusa & Void for example). Awakened Abilities is an extremely important part of the game, & I know it sucks to have a 5* Medusa & only wish that someday she'll get the silver stars so she can be totally amazing (experiencing that myself currently 😢), but that's just how the game works. A-Bomb & Juggs are still great on AW Defense if Awakened, but yes, total trash unawakened. It sucks, but that's just how the game is.
Sometimes, for game balance, it should not mimic reality exactly. Otherwise Abomination and Hulk would win every fight.
For me, awakenend abilities should support, not determine the champion. That's just a matter of balance and logic.
Let's please move on with the discussion.
Considering that’s 60% via DoT 10% of the time when taking hits or blocking that’s TERRIBLE!
To contrast:
Voodoo Duped with an even combo has a 20% chance to place a loa while attacking. If you choose the L1 you can activate all those poisons at once for over 200% attack over 20 seconds. That is all around BETTER!
And then there’s the ever present Archangel. A single bleed and your blocks are 25% toxic and that only gets worse and worse with more bleeds and any more bleeds basically combines the bleed with the poison essentially placing the bleed damage and refreshing the poison timer
Abomination needs at least 15% chance to poison when attacking with flat +10% when under the effects of a fury JUST to be halfway decent as unlike Bleed poison takes forever!
This would still put him below GP who despite the 20% chance has around 100% damage and he’d have none of the power control or AAR
That being said, I think Abomination's poison effect would already get a good boost if: (1) his signature is applied to all attacks and not only blocking, (2) he has 100% chance to poison when crit, (3) his signature increases crit chance, (4) special attack 2 and 3 poisons and (5) his poison effect stacks. If we add that to the Drax-like 100% chance to Fury when using a special attack and a cumulative increased chance for Cruelty the more stacked Fury he has, he should be a more than alright champion. He might not need a boost in chance to poison.
What are your thoughts @Mr_Otter ?
I’ve been on hiatus since November getting back late February shaking off my rust in time to get the Killmonger event 100%. But I’ve always been looking to “revamp” older champs including the poor science champs.
My thoughts… let’s ignore ALL of his current abilities
1) Base abilities would be 15% poison Chance on all attacks.
2) he’s a smart villain usually. Each poison on the enemy gives him about another flat 3% extra crit rate and damage
3) crits 25% chance to poison instead of 15%
4) keep the fury
5) Signature would give the same effect with a well timed block having a 3x multiplier and taking crits having a 0.5x penalty which is reduced to 1.0x (no pebalty or bonus) as you max the signature
(Special attacks received cannot place poison)
6) Fury would have a similar ability boost like hulk increasing the potency of poisons by 10-20% base attack if they are placed while under the fury effect
7) special attacks CANNOT poison but add 1, 2.5 and 5 extra seconds on each poison depending on how which special.
8)! POISONS would keep their current damage and duration with only Fury and Specials changing that
It’s a little much but that’s my thoughts. Overall it’s but him roughly on par with Black Panther in terms of poison-bleed damage with modifiers and bonuses that can be devastating putting him on par with maybe voodoo in damage.
Overall not overpowered but like Rulk I see this being what he needs most as an overhaul to a simple mechanic in a way that allows him to capitalize on what he has. Albeit some changes are more like Luke Cage in severity but nothing on truly making him that far
Rhino's dash attacks are already Unstoppable with a chance to be Unblockable (depending on size). I'm not sure about the Evade as that would hamper the Fury triggering. Maybe a 10% chance to stun for 2 seconds?
I think the current Unstoppable effect of Juggernaut is good enough. If it should be changed, it is an increase in Armor score when Unstoppable.